Comments on: Aisha’s Condition at the Time of Her Marriage: Post-Pubescent Maiden or Premature Minor? Wed, 14 Aug 2024 04:42:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: TALMUD, MUHAMMAD & PEDOPHILIA – Answering Islam Blog Wed, 14 Aug 2024 04:42:13 +0000 […] Aisha’s Condition at the Time of Her Marriage: Post-Pubescent Maiden or Premature Minor? […]


By: Someone Wed, 01 Mar 2017 16:33:06 +0000 In reply to answeringislamblog.

Hi, thank you for you reply.
Im not sure who I am corresponding with – is it Sam Shamoun?

I dont know if you actually had a chance to watch the video. and its understandable when you see its a 2 hour long video!

I am sorry I dont want to waste your time – but some muslims have been throwing this video in my face and as a full time university student – Its very difficult for find the time to fully research every single claim that is made here.

Unsurprisingly I have been banned from commenting on the Muftis channel just for asking critical questions regarding this video.

I will post the timestamps here if you dont mind (so its easier to go through and skip to the relevant parts of the video)
and ask for your opinion on one of his arguments starting at 34:46 (about the historical context of his marriage, and the circumstances of Muhammad at the time) and the argument at 1:39:11.
Also, if you could look at 48:07 and at 1:14:42 and lastly at 1:28:26 .

*Video contents: 1:56- My Credentials/qualifications Introduction, resting on 2 premises:
9:52- Premise 1- Historicity through an oral tradition
17:45- Premise 2- Hadith Absolutism vs Hadith Relativism Evaluation of the Issue via 3 layers:
34:46- Reality of the circumstances before the marriage
48:07- Reports regarding the age of Aisha (ra)
1:03:36- Ramifications in Fiqh (juristic opinions)

Q&A: 1:14:42- Q1- Are there any books that argue Aisha (ra) was in her late teens when she got married?
1:18:14- Q2- Why is this an issue now? Historically the age was not disputed? Isn’t this an attempt to appease the West?
1:28:26- Q3- So, why are the reports of Aisha (ra) being 6 & 9 more popular?
1:35:43- Q4- Ethics change with time, so how can this be a yard stick?
1:39:11- Q5- Some reports suggest that Aisha (ra) used to play with dolls; this indicates she may have been quite young
1:41:58- Q6- Can a common person reject Hadith that don’t make sense or are irrational?
1:50:34- Q7- Some say this approach of reasoning with Hadith content (matn) is not the approach of Hadith scholars, rather of some jurists
1:54:56- Q8- If the marriage of the Prophet with a young girl is a problem, then the practice of multiple marriages & polygamy is also considered problematic today. The wars he engaged in are also problematic, where do we stop aligning our ethics with our age?
2:00:17- Q9- If consent is so paramount, why do most jurist allow the father to marry off his child whilst she is under age?*


By: answeringislamblog Sat, 25 Feb 2017 15:44:31 +0000 In reply to Someone.

This lie has already been refuted my Muslim scholars of various backgrounds:

Click to access aam1_e.pdf

Click to access aam2_e.pdf


By: Someone Sat, 25 Feb 2017 14:52:31 +0000 Hello, Im a big fan of your work. If you have the time – Can you please refute Mufti Abu Layths youtube video on Aishas age .

Its the most comprehensive pro Islamic video on Aisha I have seen. His main arguments seem to be quite convincing. Mainly he talks about the circumstances where it wouldnt have made sense for him to marry a 6 year old and he claims Aisha was actually closer to 17 or 18 years old.

