Comments on: A Divine Messiah That Suffers and Reigns! Pt. 3 Fri, 07 Jan 2022 18:44:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: PRE-CHRISTIAN EXEGESIS OF ISAIAH 52:13-53:12 – Answering Islam Blog Fri, 07 Jan 2022 18:44:44 +0000 […] A Divine Messiah That Suffers and Reigns! Pt. 3 […]


By: THE MESSIAH OF THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD – Answering Islam Blog Tue, 22 Jun 2021 19:57:00 +0000 […] A Divine Messiah That Suffers and Reigns! Pt. 3 […]


By: Messianic Convergence in the Gospels: A New Way to Frame the Argument from Old Testament Fulfillment – Jonathan McLatchie | Writer, Speaker, Scholar Thu, 25 Jun 2020 12:21:14 +0000 […] Dislocation of bones, heart failure, lack of strength, dehydration, and the piercing of the hands and feet are all apt descriptions of a crucifixion scene, not to mention the dividing of his garments and the casting of lots — crucifixion victims would be stripped naked as part of their humiliation. This execution also appears to be public, since people stare and gloat over him. For a much more detailed description of the evidence for the Messianic nature of this text, I refer interested readers to Mike Winger’s video on the subject of Psalm 22, or this discussion between Dr. James White and Dr. Michael Brown on the topic. The Messianic interpretation of Psalm 22 is also not a Christian invention but can be found in early Jewish sources (for documentation see this article). […]


By: Messianic Convergence in the Gospels: A New Way to Frame the Argument from Old Testament Fulfilment – Apologetics Ministry Sat, 14 Mar 2020 05:25:06 +0000 […] Dislocation of bones, heart failure, lack of strength, dehydration, and the piercing of the hands and feet are all apt descriptions of a crucifixion scene, not to mention the dividing of his garments and the casting of lots — crucifixion victims would be stripped naked as part of their humiliation. This execution also appears to be public since people stare and gloat over him. For a much more detailed description of the evidence for the Messianic nature of this text, I refer interested readers to Mike Winger’s video on the subject of Psalm 22, or this discussion between Dr. James White and Dr. Michael Brown on the topic. The Messianic interpretation of Psalm 22 is also not a Christian invention but can be found in early Jewish sources (for documentation, see this article). […]


By: Messianic Convergence in the Gospels: A New Way to Frame the Argument from Old Testament Fulfilment Fri, 13 Mar 2020 21:30:39 +0000 […] Dislocation of bones, heart failure, lack of strength, dehydration, and the piercing of the hands and feet are all apt descriptions of a crucifixion scene, not to mention the dividing of his garments and the casting of lots — crucifixion victims would be stripped naked as part of their humiliation. This execution also appears to be public since people stare and gloat over him. For a much more detailed description of the evidence for the Messianic nature of this text, I refer interested readers to Mike Winger’s video on the subject of Psalm 22, or this discussion between Dr. James White and Dr. Michael Brown on the topic. The Messianic interpretation of Psalm 22 is also not a Christian invention but can be found in early Jewish sources (for documentation, see this article). […]


By: A Divine Messiah That Suffers and Reigns! Pt. 2 – Answering Islam Blog Sun, 23 Dec 2018 05:34:49 +0000 […] I still have more in the next part of my discussion […]

