Comments on: The prophet of Plagiarism proves that Jesus is God in the Flesh! Fri, 11 Dec 2020 10:08:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Fri, 11 Dec 2020 10:08:44 +0000 They plagiarised the beast of the earth and the mark of the beast from Revelation too.

Revelation 13:11 plagiarism (they turn this beast into a good beast and friend of the Muslims):

“And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast of the earth to speak unto them because mankind had not faith in Our revelations.” – Quran 27:82 Pickthall

Ibn Kathir said, “This is the beast which will emerge at the end of time when people have become corrupt, abandoned the commands of Allah, and changed the true religion. Thus, Allah will bring forth the beast from the earth for them.” – Tafsir Ibn Kathir 27:82

Revelation 13:16-17 plagiarism (they turn the mark of the beast into a good thing for Muslims to get):

Abu Umamah reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Beast will emerge and place a mark on the faces of the people. They will be plentiful among you such that a man will purchase a camel and it will be said: From whom did you buy it? He will say: I bought it from one of those with the mark.” – Musnad Ahmad 21805.

