Addressing the objections of a Muslim greenhorn
I am going to be responding to some of the objections that a particular Muhammadan polemicist raised in the following “rebuttal”:
The neophyte writes:
Point 2:
If Christians want to assert that the Quran does not assert the Bible is Contaminated with false information. Then why do Christian Apologist and Scholars them selves attest that there are ” Un-Authentic Narrations attached to todays New Testament? So it is clear that Christians are not even consistent with there own argument’s. Why then do Christians not accept everything as Canonical inspired and Authentic?
For instance have a look at this:
Christian Apologist “David Wood” says; Every Scholar in the World agree the last part of Marks Gospel ” Un -Authentic” Proof: Forward to 3 Minute 42 seconds.
In this Video Debate with Ali Ataie admits that the last part of Marks Gospel is Un-Authentic.
It is now evidently clear that Both Muslims and Christians agree ” Not Everything in the Bible is Authentically Realiable [sic]. So if Christians want to accuse Muslims for misinterpreting the Quran for speaking corruption on the Bible, why then do Modern Day Christian Scholars attest to Fabrications and Alterations in the Bible?
The foregoing is brimming with so many logical fallacies that it almost makes me feel sorry for this greenhorn… almost!
Some of the fallacies committed by this Muhammadan include strawman, red herrings, non-sequitur, fallacy of distraction, fallacy of false effect, smoke and mirrors etc.
We are now going to help the greenhorn see how he committed these fallacies in order to prevent him from writing any more rebuttals that are so bad that they even make the Quran look coherent and logical by comparison.
In the first place, bringing up the issue of textual corruptions or variant readings of the Holy Bible does absolutely nothing to refute the fact that Muhammad confirmed the Scriptures in the possession of the Jews and Christians as the uncorrupt, preserved words of God. The only thing that the neophyte’s argument proves (if correct) is that Muhammad was a false prophet who didn’t know what he was talking about, since he mistakenly thought that the Holy Bible had been perfectly preserved, when in fact it had been corrupted beyond restoration.
I will simplify this even further so that the neophyte can see his blunder.
The Bible can be an unreliable source even though Muhammad believed it to be the perfectly preserved Word of God. As such, there is no correlation between the Bible being changed and Muhammad’s belief that the biblical Books in the possession of the Jews and Christians were the uncorrupt, preserved words of God.
The greenhorn is, therefore, operating under the false assumption that if he can show that the Bible has been changed then this somehow proves that Muhammad and his Quran do not bear witness to the textual reliability and authority of the Holy Bible. Yet, as we stated, all this proves is that Muhammad was a false prophet (and he was but for other reasons) for erroneously thinking that the Holy Bible is the perfectly preserved revelation that God had given to the Jews and Christians.
I will put this in the form of a syllogism in order to further assist the greenhorn in comprehending this argument:
- Muhammad thought that the biblical Books which the Jews and Christians possessed at his time were the uncorrupt revelations that God had originally sent down through the prophets and messengers.
- The manuscript tradition of the Holy Bible shows that the Books of Holy Scripture have been changed and tampered with, so that God’s original revelations have not been perfectly preserved.
- Muhammad was, therefore, mistaken for thinking otherwise, which in turn proves he was a false prophet since he obviously didn’t know what he was talking about.
This leads us to our second point. The neophyte’s objection fails to tell us what are the Torah and Gospel, which the Quran and ahadith testify were in existence at Muhammad’s time?
Note, for instance, what the proceeding verses say:
“… A promise binding upon Him in truth; It IS IN the Torah [of Musa (Moses)], THE GOSPEL [of Isa (Jesus)], and the Quran (revealed to the Prophet Muhammad)…” S. 9:111 Syed Vickar Ahamed
“those who follow the Messenger, ‘the Prophet of the common folk, whom they find written down WITH THEM in the Torah and the Gospel…’” S. 7:157 Arberry
Here is another rendering:
“Those who follow the Rasul, the Ummi (unlettered) Nabi (whose natural disposition has not been corrupted and original purity is preserved) who has been stated in the Torah and the Gospel IN THEIR HANDS…” Ahmed Hulusi
Yet how will they make thee their judge seeing THEY HAVE THE TORAH, wherein IS God’s judgment, then thereafter turn their backs? They are not believers. Surely We sent down the Torah, wherein IS guidance and light; thereby the Prophets who had surrendered themselves gave judgment for those of Jewry, as did the masters and the rabbis, following such portion of God’s Book as they were given to keep and were witnesses to. So fear not men, but fear you Me; and sell not My signs for a little price. Whoso judges not according to what God has sent down — they are the unbelievers. And therein We prescribed for them: ‘A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds retaliation’; but whosoever forgoes it as a freewill offering, that shall be for him an expiation. Whoso judges not according to what God has sent down — they are the evildoers. And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus son of Mary, confirming the Torah before him (Ar. musaddiqan lima bayna yadayhi minal-tawrati–confirming that which is between his hands of the Torah) and We gave to him the Gospel, wherein IS guidance and light, and confirming the Torah before it (Ar. wa’musaddiqan lima bayna yadayhi minal-tawrati), as a guidance and an admonition unto the godfearing. So let the People of the Gospel judge according to what God has sent down THEREIN. Whosoever judges not according to what God has sent down — they are the ungodly. S. 5:43-47
And now pay close attention to the following narrations:
Narrated Abdullah Ibn Umar:A group of Jews came and invited the Apostle of Allah to Quff. So he visited them in their school.
They said: AbulQasim, one of our men has committed fornication with a woman; so pronounce judgment upon them. They placed a cushion for the Apostle of Allah who sat on it and said: Bring the Torah. It was then brought. He then withdrew the cushion from beneath him AND PLACED THE TORAH ON IT saying: I BELIEVED IN THEE and in Him WHO REVEALED THEE.
He then said: Bring me one who is learned among you. Then a young man was brought. The transmitter then mentioned the rest of the tradition of stoning similar to the one transmitted by Malik from Nafi’ (No. 4431).”
Grade: Hasan (Al-Albani) (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 38. Kitab al Hudud (“The Book of Prescribed Punishments”), Number 4434; capital and underline emphasis ours)
36 Tribulations
(26) Chapter: The disappearance of the Quran and Knowledge
It was narrated that Ziyad bin Labid said:
“The Prophet mentioned something and said: ‘That will be at the time when knowledge (of Qur’an) disappears.’ I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, how will knowledge disappear when we read the Qur’an and teach it to our children, until the Day of Resurrection?’ He said: ‘May your mother be bereft of you, Ziyad! I thought that you were the wisest man in Al- Madinah. Is it not the case that these Jews and Christians READ THE TAWRAH AND THE INJIL, but they do not act upon anything of what is in them?’”
Grade: Da’if (Darussalam)
Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 4048
In-book reference: Book 36, Hadith 123
English translation: Vol. 5, Book 36, Hadith 4048 (; capital and underline emphasis ours)
41 Chapters on Knowledge
(5) Chapter: What Has Been Related About Knowledge Leaving
Narrated Jubair bin Nufair:
from Abu Ad-Darda who said: “We were with the Prophet when he raised his sight to the sky, then he said: ‘This is the time when knowledge is to be taken from the people, until what remains of it shall not amount to anything.” So Ziyad bin Labid Al-Ansari said: ‘How will it be taken from us while we recite the Qur’an. By Allah we recite it, and our women and children recite it?’ He said: ‘May you be bereaved of your mother O Ziyad! I used to consider you among the Fuqaha of the people of Al-Madinah. The Tawrah and Injil ARE WITH THE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS, but what do they avail of them?‘” Jubair said: “So I met ‘Ubadah bin As-Samit and said to him: ‘Have you not heard what your brother Abu Ad-Darda said?’ Then I informed him of what Abu Ad-Darda said. He said: ‘Abu Ad-Darda spoke the truth. If you wish, we shall narrated to you about the first knowledge to be removed from the people: It is Khushu’, soon you will enter the congregational Masjid, but not see any man in it with Khushu’.'”
Grade: SAHIH (Darussalam)
Reference: Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2653
In Book Reference: Book 41, Hadith 9
English translation: Vol. 5, Book 39, Hadith 2653 (; capital and underline emphasis ours)
With the foregoing in view, here are some questions that this neophyte needs to answer, which he has thus far failed to address.
What Torah and Gospel did the Jews and Christians have and read from in Muhammad’s day?
What Torah and Gospel were the Jews and Christians to judge by, and what Torah did Muhammad hold, praise and employ to judge the Jews of his day?
And how could the Quran speak of what the Torah and Gospel contained if these Books did not exist at Muhammad’s time?
Now the only answer to these questions is that the Torah and Gospel that existed during Muhammad’s life are the very Books which Jews and Christians read till this very day, since these are the only Scriptures that these respective communities would have possessed at that time.
Therefore, it is now up to the greenhorn to show us whether the copies of Mark’s Gospel at the time of his false prophet contained the longer ending, since there is no doubt on textual, historical grounds, that Mark is part of the very Gospel that the Christians of that time would have been reading, a fact that is confirmed by the following Quranic verse:
“… and their likeness IN the Gospel: as a seed that puts forth its shoot, and strengthens it, and it grows stout and rises straight upon its stalk, pleasing the sowers, that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. God has promised those of them who believe and do deeds of righteousness forgiveness and a mighty wage.” S. 48:29 Arberry
Compare this with what Mark wrote:
“He said, ‘The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he does not know how. For the earth bears fruit by itself: first the blade, then the head, then the full seed in the head. But when the grain is ripe, immediately he applies the sickle because the harvest has come.’” Mark 4:26-29
The following Muslim translators had no problem acknowledging that Q. 48:29 is actually referring to the foregoing Markan passage:
The similitude in the Gospel is about how the good seed is sown and grown gradually, even beyond the expectation of the sower: “the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how; for the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the earth”; MARK, iv 27-28 … (Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an – Meaning and Translation, p. 1400, n. 4917; bold and capital emphasis mine)
This parable is found in a sermon of the Prophet Jesus that has been reported in the New Testament, thus:
“And he said, So is the kingdom of God as if a man should east [sic] seed into the ground: And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come [This is taken from Mark 4:26-29]. And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it [This comes from Mark 4:30-32].”
The last portion of this sermon is also found in Matthew, 13:31-32. (S. Abul A’la Maududi, Meaning of the Qur’an, Volume V, English rendering by A.A. Kamal, M.A. [Islamic Publications (Pvt.) Limited, 13-E, Shahalam Market, Lahore-8 Pakistan], p. 67, fn. 56; underlined emphasis and comments within brackets ours)
We, thus, have Muslims recognizing that the Quran refers to a parable found only in Mark, which the Islamic scripture calls the Gospel!
That’s not all. One of the earliest sources on the life of Muhammad goes so far as to identify John’s Gospel as the written record of the very Gospel which God gave Jesus to pass on to his followers!
“Among the things which have reached me about what Jesus the Son of Mary stated in the Gospel which he received from God for the followers of the Gospel, in applying a term to describe the apostle of God, is the following. It is extracted FROM WHAT JOHN THE APOSTLE SET DOWN FOR THEM WHEN HE WROTE THE GOSPEL FOR THEM FROM THE TESTAMENT OF JESUS SON OF MARY: ‘He that hateth me hateth the Lord. And if I had not done in their presence works which none other before me did, they had not sin: but from now they are puffed up with pride and think that they will overcome me and also the Lord. But the word that is in the law must be fulfilled, “They hated me without a cause” (i.e. without reason). But when the Comforter has come whom God will send to you from the Lord’s presence, and the spirit of truth which will have gone forth from the Lord’s presence he (shall bear) witness of me and ye also, because ye have been with me from the beginning. I have spoken unto you about this that ye should not be in doubt.’
“The Munahhemana (God bless and preserve him!) in Syriac is Muhammad; in Greek he is the paraclete. (The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, with introduction and notes by Alfred Guillaume [Oxford University Press, Karachi, Tenth impression 1995], pp. 103-104; bold and capital emphasis ours)
Ibn Ishaq cites John 15:23-16:1 and claims that it is taken from the Gospel of Christ which John wrote down for Jesus’ followers!
Notice that Ibn Ishaq never once says that this particular Gospel is corrupt or unreliable, which is rather ironic since this is the very Gospel that Muslim polemicists are constantly attacking, even going as far as to cite liberal critics to cast doubt on this Gospel’s historical reliability!
All of this now places the neophyte in a major dilemma. The data we have thus far presented from the greenhorn’s most authoritative Islamic sources prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the Gospel, which the Quran confirms, can only be the fourfold Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, since these are the writings that the Christians of Muhammad’s day read and classified as the Gospel. As such, it is now the responsibility of the neophyte to tell us whether the variant readings such as Mark’s longer ending are genuine by examining the manuscript tradition to see if such readings were part of the Gospels that the Christians were reading at Muhammad’s time.
After all, since Muhammad claimed that the Gospels that the Christians of his day possessed are the uncorrupt revelations of God, he basically confirmed whatever those copies of the Gospels contained. And if those copies included readings such as Mark’s longer ending, or John’s pericope of the woman caught in adultery (cf. John 7:53-8:11), then the greenhorn must accept these readings as genuine revelations that God inspired, since his prophet confirmed them as such!
With that said, it is time now to turn the tables on this Muhammadan in order to show him what happens to his own religious (satanic) beliefs if and when he applies his own objections consistently. Please proceed to the second part of our rebuttal
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