
[Surah Yasin: 36:13-14] And present to them an example; the people of the city, when the messengers came to it – When We sent to them two but they denied them, so We strengthened them with a third, and they said, “Indeed, we are messengers to you.” (Sahih International)

1. Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Adhim, By Ibn Abi Hatim (D. 327H) 2

2. Darju Al-Darar Fi-Tafsir Al-Aa’yi Wal-Suwar, Al-Jurjani (D. 471H) 3

3. Mu’alam al-Tanzil Fi-Tafsir Al-Quran, Tafsir Al-Baghawi (D. 510H) 4

4. Tafsir Mu’jama Al-Bayan Fi-Tafsir Quran, by Al-Tabarusi (D. 548) 5

5. Tafsir Zad Al-Masir Fi-Ilm Al-Tafsir, By Ibn Jawzi (D. 597H) 6

6. Tadkara Al-Arib Fi-Tafsir Al-Gharib (Gharib Al-Quran al-Karim) Al-Jawzi (D. 597H) 7

7. Tafsir al-Jami’ Lil-Ahkam al-Quran, by Imam Al-Qurtubi (D. 671H) 8

8. Libab Al-Ta’wil Fi Ma’ani Al-Tanzil, By Imam Balhazan (741H) 9

9. Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Adhim, By Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir (D.  774 H) 10

10. Qasas al-Anbiya’ By Ibn Kathir (D. 774H) Vol. 1 P. 575 11

11. Al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah, Ibn Kathir (D. 774), Vol. 2 P. 119 12

12. Al-Bab Fi-Ulum Al-Kitab, By Abu Hafs Al-Hanbali Al-Ni’mani (D. 775H) 13

13. Al-Tawdhih Li-Sharh Al-Ja’mi’e Al-Sahih, By Ibn Al-Mulakan (804H) 14

14. Kitab al-Muwa’adh Wal-I’tibar, By Al-Muqarizi (D. 845) Vol. 3 P. 262 15

15. Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih Bukhari, By Ibn Hajar Asqalani, (D. 852H) 16

16. Al-Dar Al-Manthur Fil-Tafsir bil-Ma’thur, By Jalal Al-Din Suyuti, (D. 911H) 17

17. Tafsiru Tafsir Sadar Al-Muta’lihin, By Al-Shayrazi (D. 1059H) 18

18. Tafsir Fath al-Qadir, Al-Shawkhani (D. 1250H) 19

19. Tafsir Ruh al-Ma’ani, Imam Al-Alusi, (D. 1270H) 20

20. Al-Tafsir Al-Maraghi, By Ahmad Bin Mustafi Al-Maraghi (D. 1371H) 21

21. Tafsir Al-Tahrir Wal-Tanwir, By Ibn Aashur, (D. 1393H) 24

22. Mukhtasar Ibn Kathir, By Al-Sabuni Vol. 6, P. 276 25

23. Al-Tafsir Al-Hadith [Muratab Hasab Tartib Al-Nazoul] 26


1. Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Adhim, by Ibn Abi Hatim (D. 327H)

لكتاب: تفسير القرآن العظيم لابن أبي حاتم  (المتوفى: 327هـ)

18050 – عن شعيب الجبائي قال: اسم الرسولين الذين قَالا: إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ اثْنَيْنِ شَمْعُونُ وَيُوحَنَّا. وَاسْمُ الثَّالِثِ بُولِصُ «1» الدر 7/ 50.

18050 –  Shuayb Al-Jaba’ie said: The names of the two messengers where it is said: (We sent to them two) are Simon and John. And the name of the third is Paul. (Ad-Dar 50/7)

عَنْ شُعَيْبٍ الْجَبَائِيِّ، قَالَ:”اسْمُ الرَّسُولَيْنِ اللَّذَيْنِ قَالا: “ إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ اثْنَيْنِ، شَمْعُونُ، وَيُوحَنَّا، وَاسْمُ الثَّالِثِ بُولِصُ“.

From Shuayb Al-Jaba’ie, he said, “The name of the messengers, who said, ‘When we have sent them two,’ Are Simon and John, and the name of the third is Paul.”


2. Darju Al-Darar Fi-Tafsir Al-Aa’yi Wal-Suwar, Al-Jurjani (D. 471H)

By Abu Bakar Abd Al-Qahir Al-Jurjani Ad-Dar (D. 471H)

الكتاب: دَرْجُ الدُّرر في تَفِسيِر الآيِ والسُّوَر

المؤلف: أبو بكر عبد القاهر الفارسي الأصل، الجرجاني الدار (المتوفى: 471هـ)

{أَصْحَابَ الْقَرْيَةِ} أهل أنطاكية ، روي ذلك عن قتادة وعكرمة. أخرجه الطبري في تفسيره

(19/413) وعبد الرزاق في تفسيره (2/ 140). {إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ اثْنَيْنِ} على عهد عيسىعليه السلاموهما تومان وبولس (4)  ذكره فيزاد المسير” (7/ 10) عن مقاتل.

(The people of the city) Is the people of Antioch. This is narrated by Qatadah and Ikrimah from Tabari in his Tafsir (19/413). And Abdul Razzaq in his Tafsir (2/140). (When we sent to them two) On the reign of E’esa (upon him peace) They are Thomas and Paul. Mentioned in Zad al-Masir (10/7) from Muqatil.


3. Mu’alam Al-Tanzil Fi-Tafsir Al-Quran, Tafsir Al-Baghawi (D. 510H)

By Imam Husayn Bin Mas’ud Al-Baghawi Al-Shafi’i (D. 510H)


المؤلف: أَبُو مُحَمَّدٍ الْحُسَيْنُ بْنُ مَسْعُودٍ البغوي الشافعي (المتوفى: 510هـ)   

إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ اثْنَيْنِ فَكَذَّبُوهُمَا فَعَزَّزْنَا بِثَالِثٍ فَقَالُوا إِنَّا إِلَيْكُم مُّرْسَلُونَ (36:14)

( إذ أرسلنا إليهم اثنين ) قال وهب : اسمهما يوحنا وبولس ، ( فكذبوهما فعززنا ) يعني : فقوينا ، ) ( بثالث ) برسول ثالث ، وهو شمعون ، وقرأ أبو بكر عن عاصم : “ فعززنا بالتخفيف وهو بمعنى الأول كقولك : شددنا وشددنا بالتخفيف والتثقيل ، وقيل : أي : فغلبنا من قولهم : من عز بز . وقال كعب : الرسولان : صادق وصدوق ، والثالث شلوم ، وإنما أضاف الله الإرسال إليه لأن عيسىعليه السلامإنما بعثهم بأمره تعالى ، ) ( فقالوا) جميعا لأهل أنطاكية ، ( إنا إليكم مرسلون ) .

[Quran 36:14] When We sent to them two but they denied them, so We strengthened them with a third, and they said, “Indeed, we are messengers to you.”

(When We sent to them two) Wahab said: Their names are John and Paul, (but they denied them, so we strengthened them) means: We strengthened, (with a third) with a third messenger, and he was Simon. And Abu Bakr read from Aa’sim: ‘so we strengthened them‘ by alleviating, which is in the first sense, such as your saying: We have emphasized and stressed by reducing and strengthening. And it is said: We have overcome their words: from the best of good. And Ka’ab said: “The two prophets are Sadiq and Saduq, and the third is Shalum, but Allah added the sending to him, because E’esa (upon him peace) sent them by his command of Allah (and they said) all of them to the people of Antioch,” (Indeed, we are messengers to you).

Tafsir al-Baghawi is generally classified as one of the books of narration-based Tafsir, as it collects and presents many statements from the Sahabah and Tabi’un. The book primarily relies on 11 reliable chains of narrations, which al-Baghawi mentions in the introduction to his work.


4. Tafsir Mu’jama Al-Bayan Fi-Tafsir Quran, by Al-Tabarusi (D. 548H)

تفسير مجمع البيان في تفسير القرآن/ الطبرسي (ت 548 هـ)

وقيل: معناه واذكر لهم مثلاً { أصحاب القرية } وهذه القرية أنطاكية في قول المفسرين { إذ جاءها المرسلون } أي حين بعث الله إليهم المرسلين { إذ أرسلنا إليهم اثنين } أي رسولين من رسلنا { فكذَّبوهما } أي فكذَّبوا الرسولين قال ابن عباس: ضربوهما وسجنوهما { فعززنا بثالث } أي فقوّيناهما وشددنا ظهورهما برسول ثالث مأخوذ من العزة وهي القوة والمنعة ومنه قولهم من عزَّ بزَّ أي من غلب سلب. قال شعبة: كان اسم الرسولين شمعون ويوحنا واسم الثالث بولس. وقال ابن عباس وكعب: صادق وصدوق والثالث سلوم. وقيل: إنهم رسل عيسى وهم الحواريون. عن وهب وكعب قالا: وإنما أضافهم تعالى إلى نفسه لأن عيسى ع أرسلهم بأمره { فقالوا إنا إليكم مرسلون } أي قالوا لهم يا أهل القرية إن الله أرسلنا إليكم.

It is said: the meaning for what is mentioned (People of the city) this city is Antioch in the statement of the commentators. (When messengers came to it) that is when Allah sent Messengers to them (When we sent to them two) any messengers from our messengers (They denied them both) that is they lied to the two messengers, Ibn Abbass said: They beat and imprisoned them. (So we strengthened them with a third) In other words, we have divided them and increased their appearance with a third messenger taken from the pride, namely strength, and prevention, from which they say that anyone who has been defeated is a usurper. Shu’ayba said: The names of the two messengers were Simon and John and the name of the third was Paul. Ibn Abbass and Ka’ab said: Sadiq, and Saduq and the third was Shalum. And it was said: They were the Messengers of E’esa and they were disciples. And Wahab and Ka’ab said: But rather the Almighty added to them by himself because E’esa sent them by his command (Indeed we are messengers to you) meaning that they said to them, O people of the city,  Allah has sent us to you.


5. Tafsir Zad Al-Masir Fi-Ilm Al-Tafsir, by Ibn Jawzi (D. 597H)

تفسير زاد المسير في علم التفسير/ ابن الجوزي (ت 597 هـ)

قوله تعالى: { واضرب لهم مَثَلاً } المعنى: صف لأهل مكة مثلاً؛ أي: شِبْهاً. وقال الزجاج: المعنى: مَثَلَ لهم مَثَلاً { أصحابَ القرية } وهو بدل من مَثَل، كأنه قال: اذكُرْ لهم أصحابَ القرية. وقال عكرمة، وقتادة: هذه القرية هي أنطاكية.

{ إذ أَرْسَلْنَا إليهم اثنين } وفي اسميهما ثلاثة أقوال: أحدها: صادق وصدوق، قاله ابن عباس، وكعب. والثاني: يوحنا وبولس، قاله وهب بن منبه. والثالث: تومان وبولس، قاله مقاتل.

The Almighty said: (And present to them an example) means: Describe for the people of Mecca, for example: likeness. Al-Zajaj said: Meaning: A representative of (the people of the city) represented a similar example to him, as opposed to a proverb, as if he said: mention the village owners to them. Ikrimah and Qatada said: This city is Antioch.

(When we sent to them two) And in the names there are three statements. First: Ibn Abbas and Ka’ab said: Sadiq and Saduq. Second: Wahab Bin Munabah said: John and Paul. Third: Muqatil said: Thomas and Paul.

واختلف المفسِّرون فيمن أَرسلَ هؤلاء الرُّسل على قولين: أحدهما:أن الله تعالى أرسلهم، وهو ظاهر القرآن، وهو مرويّ عن ابن عباس، وكعب، ووهب. والثاني: أن عيسى أَرسلهم. وجاز أن يُضاف ذلك إلى الله تعالى لأنهم رسل رسوله، قاله قتادة، وابن جريج.

The (Mufasirun) commentators differed as to who sent the two messengers. The first of them: That Allah almighty sent them. It is apparent from the Quran, and it is narrated by Ibn Abbass, Ka’ab and Wahab. The second of them: That E’esa sent them. This may be added to Allah almighty because they are the messengers of his messenger. Qatadah and Ibn Jurayj said this.


6. Tadkara Al-Arib Fi-Tafsir Al-Gharib, Al-Jawzi (D. 597H)

By Jamal Al-Din Mohammad Al-Jawzi (D. 597H)

الكتاب: تذكرة الأريب في تفسير الغريب (غريب القرآن الكريم)
المؤلف: جمال الدين أبو الفرج عبد الرحمن بن علي بن محمد الجوزي (المتوفى: 597هـ)

13 – و {القرية} أنطاكية
14 – {
اثنين} واسمهما يوحنا وبولس {فعززنا} أي قوينا {بثالث} واسمهشمعونقالكعباللهأرسلهؤلاءقالقتادةإنماأرسلهمعيسى

13- And (The City) is Antioch.

14- (two) their names are John and Paul, (we strengthened) with strength (with a third) and his name is Simon, Ka’ab said Allah sent them, Qatada said they were messengers of E’esa.


7. Tafsir al-Jami’ Lil-Ahkam al-Quran, by Imam Al-Qurtubi (D. 671H)

تفسير الجامع لاحكام القرآن/ القرطبي (ت 671 هـ)

[Quran 61:14] O you who have believed, be supporters of Allah, as when Jesus, the son of Mary, said to the disciples, “Who are my supporters for Allah?” The disciples said, “We are supporters of Allah.” And a faction of the Children of Israel believed and a faction disbelieved. So We supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became dominant.

وقيل : نزلت هذه الآية في رسل عيسى عليه الصلاة والسلام . قال ابن إسحاق : وكان الذي بعثهم عيسى من الحواريين والأتباع بطرس وبولس إلى رومية ، واندراييس ، ومشى إلى الأرض التي يأكل أهلها الناس . وتوماس إلى أرض بابل من أرض المشرق . وفيلبس إلى قرطاجنة وهي أفريقية . ويحنس إلى دقسوس قرية أهل الكهف . ويعقوبس إلى أورشليم وهي بيت المقدس ، وابن تلما إلى العرابية وهي أرض الحجاز . وسيمن إلى أرض البربر . ويهودا وبردس إلى الإسكندرية وما حولها . فأيدهم الله بالحجة . فأصبحوا ظاهرين أي عالين ; من قولك : ظهرت على الحائط أي علوت عليه . والله سبحانه وتعالى أعلم بالصواب ، وإليه المرجع والمآب .

It was said: This verse came down in regard to the apostles of E’esa (peace be upon him). Ibn Ishaq said: E’esa sent them from the apostles and followers of Peter and Paul to Rome, Andrew walked to the land where its people ate people. And Thomas to the land of Babylon from the land of the East. Philips to Cartagena, which is Africa. And Jonas to Daqus the village of the people of the cave. Jacob is to Jerusalem, the house of the holy, and Ibn Talma to the Arabia, which is the land of the Hijaz. And Simon to the land of the Berbers. And Judea and Bardas to Alexandria and its surroundings. Allah supported them with Argument. They became visible, i.e. high. From your saying: Any one who is on the wall has appeared on the wall. Allah almighty knows what is right.


8. Libab Al-Ta’wil Fi Ma’ani Al-Tanzil, (741H)

By Abu Hasan Al-Ma’ruf Balhazan. D. 741

الكتاب: لباب التأويل في معاني التنزيل

المؤلف: علاء الدين علي بن محمد بن إبراهيم بن عمر الشيحي أبو الحسن، المعروف بالخازن (المتوفى: 741هـ)

إِذْ أَرْسَلْنا إِلَيْهِمُ اثْنَيْنِ فَكَذَّبُوهُما قال وهب اسمهما يوحنا وبولس وقال كعب صادق وصدوق فَعَزَّزْنا بِثالِثٍ يعني قوينا برسول ثالث وهو شمعون وقيل شلوم وإنما أضاف الله تعالى الإرسال إليه لأن عيسى عليه الصلاة والسلام إنما بعثهم بإذن الله عز وجل فَقالُوا يعني الرسل جميعا لأهل أنطاكية إِنَّا إِلَيْكُمْ مُرْسَلُونَ قالُوا ما أَنْتُمْ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُنا وَما أَنْزَلَ الرَّحْمنُ مِنْ شَيْءٍ يعني لم يرسل رسولا إِنْ أَنْتُمْ إِلَّا تَكْذِبُونَ يعني فيما تزعمون قالُوا رَبُّنا يَعْلَمُ إِنَّا إِلَيْكُمْ لَمُرْسَلُونَ يعني وإن كذبتمونا وَما عَلَيْنا إِلَّا الْبَلاغُ الْمُبِينُ أي بالآيات الدالة على صدقنا قالُوا إِنَّا تَطَيَّرْنا بِكُمْ

(When we sent to them two, but they rejected them) Wahab said: their names are John and Paul. Ka’ab said Sadiq, Saduq, (So we strengthened them with a third) i.e. we were strengthened by a third messenger, and he was Simon and it is said Shalum. Rather, Allah Almighty added the message to him because E’esa (upon him blessing and peace), sent them, with the permission of Allah Almighty, so they said, the apostles are all to the people of Antioch.


9. Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Adhim, by Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir (D. 774 H)

تفسير تفسير القرآن العظيم/ ابن كثير (ت 774 هـ)

وقوله : ( إذ أرسلنا إليهم اثنين فكذبوهما ) أي : بادروهما بالتكذيب ، ( فعززنا بثالث ) أي : قويناهما وشددنا أزرهما برسول ثالث. قال ابن جريج ، عن وهب بن سليمان ، عن شعيب الجبائي قال : كان اسم الرسولين الأولين شمعون ويوحنا ، واسم الثالث بولص ، والقرية أنطاكية .

And his statement: (When We sent to them two Messengers, they denied them both) means, they hastened to disbelieve in them. (so we reinforced them with a third) means, “We supported and strengthened them with a third Messenger.” ‘Ibn Jurayj narrated from Wahab bin Sulayman, from Shuayb Al-Jaba’ie, “the names of the first two messengers were Simon and John, and the name of the third was Paul, and the city was Antioch.”

[Quran 36:14] When we sent to them two but they denied them, so we strengthened them with a third, and they said, “Indeed, we are messengers to you.”

(When We sent to them two Messengers, they denied them both) means, they hastened to disbelieve in them. (so we reinforced them with a third) means, “We supported and strengthened them with a third Messenger.”  ‘Ibn Jurayj narrated from Wahab bin Sulayman, from Shu`ayb Al-Jaba’i, “the names of the first two messengers were Sham`un and Yuhanna, and the name of the third was Bulus, and the city was Antioch (Antakiyah). (and they said) means, to the people of that city, (Verily, we have been sent to you as Messengers.) meaning, `from your Lord Who created you and Who commands you to worship Him Alone with no partners or associates.” This was the view of Abu Al-`Aliyah. Qatadah bin Di’amah claimed that they were messengers of the Messiah, peace be upon him, sent to the people of Antioch.


10. Qasas al-Anbiya’ by Ibn Kathir (D. 774H), Vol. 1, P. 575

قصص الانبياء لابن كثير ( المتوفى774هـ ) الجزء الأول ص575

باب ذكر صفة عيسى عليه السلام وشمائله وفضائله.

وكان ممن آمن بالمسيح وصدقه من أهل دمشق رجل يقال له ضينا وكان مختفيا في مغارة داخل الباب الشرقي قريبا من الكنيسة المصلبة خوفا من بولس اليهودي وكان ظالما غاشما مبغضا للمسيح ولما جاء به وكان قد حلق رأس ابن أخيه حين آمن بالمسيح وطاف به في البلد ثم رجمه حتى مات رحمه الله

Section mentioning the status of E’esa (upon him peace) and his virtues.

And one who believed in The Messiah and believed him from the people of Damascus was a man who was called Dina and was hiding in a cave inside the eastern door close to the solid church for fear of the Jew Paul, and he was unjust and oppressive, with hatred for the Messiah, and when he came to him, he shaved the head of his nephew when he believed in The Messiah and roared him in the country and then stoned him until he died, Allah’s mercy be upon him.

ولما سمع بولص أن المسيح عليه السلام قد توجه نحو دمشق جهز بغالة وخرج ليقتله فتلقاه عند كوكبا فلما واجه أصحاب المسيح جاء إليه ملك فضرب وجهه بطرف جناحه فأعماه فلما رأى ذلك وقع في نفسه تصديق المسيح فجاء إليه واعتذر مما صنع وآمن به فقبل منه وسأله أن يمسح عينيه ليرد الله عليه بصره فقال اذهب إلى ضينا عندك بدمشق في طرف السوق المستطيل من المشرق فهو يدعو لك فجاء إليه فدعا فرد عليه بصره وحسن إيمان بولص بالمسيح عليه السلام أنه عبد الله ورسوله.

When Paul heard that The Messiah had gone to Damascus, he prepared a mule and went out to kill him, and he received it at Kokuba; when he faced the companions of The Messiah, an Angel came to him, and he hit his face at the end of his wing, so when he saw that he fell. He believed the Messiah, and came to him and apologized for what he did and believed in him and he accepted it. And he asked him to wipe his eyes so that God would return his sight to him.  He said, “Go to our city in Damascus, at the end of the rectangular market of the East. He called you and came to him and returned to him his eyesight.” And Paul had solid faith in the Messiah (upon him peace) that he is a slave of Allah and His Messenger.


11. Al-Bidayah Wal-Nihayah, by Ibn Kathir (D. 774), Vol. 2 P.119

البدايةوالنهايةلابنكثيرالجزءالثانىصفحة 119

ولما سمع بولص أن المسيح عليه السلام قد توجه نحو دمشق جهز بغاله وخرج ليقتله فتلقاه عند كوكبا، فلما واجه أصحاب المسيح، جاء إليه ملك فضرب وجهه بطرف جناحه. فأعماه.

When Paul heard that The Messiah, upon him peace, had gone to Damascus, he prepared his mules and went out to kill him, and he received it at Kokuba. And when he confronted the companions of The Messiah, an Angel came to him and hit his face with the tip of his wing. He blinded him.

فلما رأى ذلك وقع في نفسه تصديق المسيح، فجاء إليه واعتذر مما صنع وآمن به فقبل منه وسأله أن يمسح عينيه ليرد الله عليه بصره، فقال إذهب إلى ضينا عندك بدمشق في طرف السوق المستطيل من المشرق فهو يدعو لك، فجاء إليه فدعا فرد عليه بصره وحسن إيمان بولص بالمسيح عليه السلام أنه عبد الله ورسوله وبنيت له كنيسة باسمه فهي كنيسة بولص المشهورة بدمشق من زمن فتحها الصحابة رضي الله عنهم حتى خربت.

So when he saw that himself, he believed in The Messiah. So he came to him and apologized for what he had done and believed in him, so he accepted him and asked him to wipe his eyes so that God would return his sight to him. He said, “Go to our guest in Damascus at the end of the rectangular market of the east; he calls for you.” He came to him and returned to him his eyesight, and Paul had strong faith in the Messiah, upon him peace, that he is a slave of Allah and His Messenger. And a church was built in his name, the Church of Paulus, famous in Damascus, from the time it was opened by the companions, may Allah bless them, until it was destroyed.


12. Al-Bab Fi-Ulum Al-Kitab, by Abu Hafs Al-Hanbali Al-Ni’mani (D. 775H)

الكتاب: اللباب في علوم الكتاب

المؤلف: أبو حفص الحنبلي الدمشقي النعماني (المتوفى: 775هـ)

«إذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إلَيْهِم اثْنَيْنِ» قال وهب: اسمهما يحيى وبولس «فَكَذَّبُوهُمَا فَعَزَّزْنَا» برسول «ثَالِثٍ» وهو شمعون وقال كعب: الرسولان صَادِق وصدوق والثالث سلوم. وإنما أضاف الله الإرسال إليه، لأن عيسى عليه (الصلاة و السلام) – إنما بعثهم بأمرهم عَزَّ وَجَلَّ -.

(We sent to them two) Wahab said: Their names are John and Paul. (But they denied them so we strengthened them) with a (third) messenger and he is Simon, and Wahab said: The two messengers are Sadiq and Saduq and the third Shalum. And Allah added the message to him, because E’esa (upon him blessing peace) sent them with his (Almighty’s) command.

وقال زيد بن علي، وقتادة: (61:14) «فأصْبَحُوا ظاهِرينَ» غالبين بالحُجَّة، والبرهان، لأنهم قالوا فيما روي: ألستم تعلمون أن عيسى كان ينام، والله لا ينام، وأن عيسى كان يأكل، والله تعالى لا يأكل.

And Zayd Bin Ali and Qatadah said: (And they became dominant [Q. 61:14]) dominant with arguments and proofs, because they said in what was narrated: Do you not know that E’esa was sleeping, Allah does not sleep, and that E’esa was eating, and Allah Almighty does not eat.

وقيل: نزلت هذه الآية، في رسل عيسىعَلَيْهِ الصَّلَاة وَالسَّلَام ُقال ابن إسحاق: وكان الذي بعثهم عيسى من الحواريين والأتباع بطريس وبولس إلى «رومية» ، واندراييس ومتى إلى الأرض التي يأكل أهلها الناس، وتوماس إلى أرض بابل من أرض المشرق، وفيلبس إلى «قرطاجنة» ، وهي «إفريقية» ، ويحنّس إلى دقسوس قرية أهل «الكهف» ، ويعقوبس إلى أورشليم، وهي «بيت المقدس» ، وابن تلما إلى العرابية، وهي أرض الحجاز، وسيمن إلى أرض البربر، ويهودا وبروس إلى «الإسكندرية» وما حولها فأيَّدهم الله تعالى بالحجة فأصبحوا «ظاهرين» أي: عالين، من قولك: ظهرت على الحائط أي علوت عليه.

And it is said: this verse was revealed regarding the Messengers of E’esa (upon him peace and blessings). Ibn Ishaq said: E’esa sent them from the apostles and followers, Peter and Paul to Rome. And Andrew and Matthew to the land whose people eat people. Thomas to the land of Babylon from the land of the east. Philip to Cartagina which is Africa. And Jonas to Daqsus village of the people of the cave. And Jacob to Jerusalem which is the holy house. And Ibn Tilma to Arabia which is the land of Hijaz. And Simon to the land of Barbar. And Judah… to and around Alexandria. Allah supported them with proofs and they became (Dominant) i.e. high, from his saying: I appeared on the wall, that is, I raised it.


13. Al-Tawdhih Li-Sharh Al-Ja’mi’e Al-Sahih (804H)

By Ibn Al-Mulakan Siraj Al-Din Al-Shafi’i Al-Masri (D. 804H)

الكتاب: التوضيح لشرح الجامع الصحيح

المؤلف: ابن الملقن سراج الدين الشافعي المصري (المتوفى: 804هـ)

باب: {وَاضْرِبْ لَهُمْ مَثَلًا أَصْحَابَ الْقَرْيَةِ إِذْ جَاءَهَا الْمُرْسَلُونَ إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ اثْنَيْنِ فَكَذَّبُوهُمَا فَعَزَّزْنَا}

القريةفيما ذكره عكرمة وغيرهأنطاكية، قال السهيلي: نسبت إلى أنطنفس وهو اسم الذي بناها غُيِّرَ لما عُرِّب (1). وقد اختلف أهل العلم في هؤلاء الرسل فعن قتادة أرسلهم عيسى اثنين من الحواريين فكذبوهما فعززنا بثالث، وكذا ذكره ابن عباس ومقاتل.

وقال وهب: كان بأنطاكية فرعون من الفراعنة يقال له: أنطبجنين يعبد الأصنام فبعث الله إليه ثلاثة: صادق وصدوق وسلوم حكاه ابن جرير (2).

وقال غيره: اثنين ثم بثالث، قال ابن التين: وهو قول الجماعة، وقال مقاتل: هم تومان وبولس والآتي ثالثًا شمعون وكان من الحواريين ووصي عيسىصلى الله عليه وسلم -.

قال ابن عباس: فجعلهم الله بعد عيسى أنبياء، وذكر السهيلي فيهم: يوحنا (3).


( 1) انظر: “تفسير مبهمات القرآنللبلنسي 2/  393 ، وفيه أن أسمه: (أنطيخس).

وانظر: “معجم البلدان” 1/ 266.

( 2) “تفسير الطبري” 10/ 431 (29084).

( 3) إنما ذكره ابن عساكر فيالتكملةص161.

Chapter: (And present to them an example; the people of the city, when messengers came to it – When we sent them two but they denied them)

The city as Ikrimah and others mentioned is Antioch. Suhaili said: It was attributed to Antinfus, and it is the name that he built it in, which was changed when it was Arabized (1).

The people of knowledge differed concerning these messengers. On the authority of Qatada, two of the apostles were sent by E’esa from the disciples. “But they denied them so we strengthened them with a third,” and this was mentioned by Ibn Abbas and Muqatil.

And Wahab said: Antioch was the Pharoah of Pharoahs… so Allah sent him three: Sadiq, Saduq and Salum, according to  Ibn Jurayr (2). And others said: Two then three, Ibn Al-Tin said: This is the view of Al-Jama’ah. Muqatil said: They are Thomas and Paul and the third one that comes is Simon who was from the disciples and guardian of E’esa (Prayers and peace be upon him). Ibn Abbas said: Allah made them prophets after E’esa, Suhaili mentioned about them: John (3).

(1). Refer to: ‘Mubahamat Al-Quran’ by Al-Balnasi 2/393

(2). Refer to: ‘Mu’jam Al-Buldan’

(3). Tafsir at-Tabari, 10/431 (29084)


14. Kitab al-Muwa’adh Wal-I’tibar, by Al-Muqarizi (D. 845), Vol. 3, P. 262

المواعظ والاعتبار للمقريزى ( المتوفى845هـ )

باب قبط مصر فصل فى دين النصرانية الجزء الثالث صفحة 261.

وسار بولص الطرسوسي إلى دمشق وبلاد الروم بعد رفع المسيح بتسع سنين، ونقله يوحنا إلى اللغة الرومية، وقتل متى بقرطاجنة في ثامن عشر بابه بعدما استجاب له بشر كثير. وسار يعقوب بن حلفا إلى بلاد الهند ورجع إلى القدس وقتل في عاشر امشير. وسار يهوذا بن يعقوب من أنطاكية إلى الجزيرة فآمن به كثير من الناس ومات في ثاني أبيب. وسار شمعون إلى سميساط وحلب ومنبج وبزنطية وقتل في سابع أبيب. وسار ميتاس إلى بلاد الشرق وقتل في ثامن عشر برمهات. وسار بولص الطرسوسي إلى دمشق وبلاد الروم وروميه فقتل في خامس أبيب. وتفرّق أيضاً سبعون رسولاً أخر في البلاد، فآمن بهم الخلائق.

Paul of Tartus marched to Damascus and the land of Rome nine years after the lifting of the Messiah, and John transferred him to the Romans. Matthew was killed in Cartagena in the eighteenth year after many people responded to him. And Jacob the son of Halfa went to the country of India, and returned to Jerusalem, and was killed in the tenth of Amsher. And Judah the son of Jacob marched from Antioch to the island, and many people believed in him and died in the second of Abib. Simon marched to Samitat, Aleppo, Manbij, and Byzantium and was killed in the seventh of Abib. Mitas marched to the land of the East and was killed in eighteen Baramhat. Paul of Tartus marched to Damascus and to Rome and the Romans, and was killed on the fifth of Abib. Seventy other messengers also dispersed in the country, and many of them believed them.


15. Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih Bukhari, by Ibn Hajar Asqalani, (D. 852H)

  فتح البارى بشرح صحيح البخارى لابن حجر العسقلانى (المتوفى852هـ)

الجزء السادس ص467 ( قوله باب واضرب لهم مثلا أصحاب القرية الآية )

واسم الرسل الثلاثة صادق وصدوق وشلوم وقال بن جريج عن وهب بن سليمان عن شعيب الجبئي كان اسم الرسولين شمعون ويوحنا واسم الثالث بولص وعن قتادة كانوا رسلا من قبل المسيح والله أعلم

Chapter: Regarding the People of the City (Vol.6, P.467)

The name of the three apostles, Sadiq, Saduk and Shalum. Ibn Jurayj said from Wahab Ibn Sulayman from Shu’ayb al-Jaba’ie, the name of the messengers was Simon and John, and the name of the third is Paul. And from Qatada they were messengers from The Messiah. And Allah knows best.


16. Al-Dar Al-Manthur Fil-Tafsir bil-Ma’thur, by Jalal Al-Din Suyuti, (D. 911H)

الدر المنثور في التفسير بالمأثور‏‏ جلال الدين السيوطي (المتوفى: 911هـ)

خرج الفريابي عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما في قوله ‏ {واضرب لهم مثلاً أصحاب القرية‏} ‏قال‏:‏ هي انطاكية‏.‏ وأخرج ابن أبي حاتم عن بريدة ‏{أصحاب القرية‏} ‏ قال‏:‏ انطاكية‏.‏ وأخرج عبد بن حميد وابن جرير وابن المنذر عن عكرمة رضي الله عنه في قوله ‏{أصحاب القرية إذ جاءها المرسلون‏} ‏ قال‏:‏ انطاكية‏.

Reported by Faryabi from Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with them) on the verse (And present to them an example, the people of the city) He said: It is Antioch. Reported by Ibn Abi Hatim from Burayda (People of the City) he said: Antioch. Reported by Abd bin Hamid and Ibn Jurayj and Ibn Mundir from Ikrama (Allah be pleased with them) on the verse (the people of the city when the messengers came to it) He said: Antioch.

وأخرج ابن أبي حاتم عن شعيب الجبائي قال‏:‏ اسم الرسولين اللذين قالا ‏{إذ أرسلنا إليهم اثنين‏} ‏شمعون‏.‏ ويوحنا‏.‏ واسم ‏(الثالث‏)‏ بولص. وأخرج الفريابي وعبد بن حميد وابن جرير وابن المنذر وابن أبي حاتم عن مجاهد رضي الله عنه في قوله {‏فعززنا بثالث‏}‏ مخففة‏. وأخرج ابن المنذر عن سعيد بن جبير رضي الله عنه في قوله ‏ {‏إذ أرسلنا إليهم اثنين‏.‏‏.‏‏.‏‏.} ‏ قال‏:‏ اسم الثالث الذي عزز به: سمعون بن يوحنا‏.‏ والثالثبولص،فزعمواأنالثلاثةقتلواجميعاً،

And Ibn Abi Hatim reported from Shu’ayb al-Jaba’ie, he said: The name of the Messengers where it is said (We sent them two) are Simon and John. The name of the (Third) is Paul. Reported by al-Faryabi and Abd Bin Hamid and Ibn Jurayj and Ibn Mundir and Ibn Abi Hatim from Mujahid (Allah be pleased with him) on the verse (so we strengthened with a third) attenuated. Reported by Ibn Mundir from Sa’id Ibn Jubayr (Allah be pleased with him) on the verse (When we sent to them two….) He said: The name of the third with which he was strengthened: Simon Son of John and the third was Paul. They were horrified that all three were killed.


17. Tafsiru Tafsir Sadar Al-Muta’lihin, by Al-Shayrazi (D. 1059H)

تفسير تفسير صدر المتألهين/ صدر المتألهين الشيرازي (ت 1059 هـ)

قال شعبة: ” كان اسم الرسولَين الأوَّلَيْن، شمعون ويوحنّا، واسم الثالث بولس “. وقال ابن عباس وكعب: ” الأوَّلان صادِق وصَدُوق، والثالث سلوم “. قالوا لهم: يا أهل القرية قد أرْسَلَنا الله إليكم.

Shuayba said: The names of the first two messengers were Simon and John. The name of the third was Paul. Ibn Abbass and Ka’ab said: The first two were Sadiq and Saduq and the third was Shalum. They said to them: O people of the city Allah has sent us to you.


18. Tafsir Fath Al-Qadir, by Al-Shawkhani (D. 1250H)

تفسير فتح القدير/ الشوكاني (ت 1250 هـ)

أي بينا لكم أحوالاً بديعة غريبة هي في الغرابة كالأمثال فقوله سبحانه هنا { وَٱضْرِبْ لَهُمْ مَّثَلاً } يصح اعتبار الأمرين فيه. قال القرطبي هذه القرية هي أنطاكية في قول جميع المفسرين. وقوله { إِذْ جَآءَهَا ٱلْمُرْسَلُونَ } بدل اشتمال من أصحاب القرية، والمرسلون هم أصحاب عيسى، بعثهم إلى أهل أنطاكية للدّعاء إلى الله، فأضاف الله سبحانه الإرسال إلى نفسه في قوله { إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ ٱثْنَيْنِ } ، لأن عيسى أرسلهم بأمر الله سبحانه، ويجوز أن يكون الله أرسلهم بعد رفع عيسى إلى السماء، فكذبوهما في الرسالة، وقيل ضربوهما، وسجنوهما. قيل واسم الاثنين يوحنا، وشمعون. وقيل أسماء الثلاثة صادق، ومصدوق، وشلوم قاله ابن جرير، وغيره. وقيل سمعان، ويحيـى، وبولس { فَعَزَّزْنَا بِثَالِثٍ } قرأالجمهوربالتشديد،

That is, we showed you strange strange situations that are as strange as proverbs, for what the Almighty said here (And present to them an example) Two things can be considered in it. Al-Qurtubi said that this village is Antioch; this is the opinion of all the (Muffasirin) interpreters. And his word: (When the Messengers came to it) apart from the people of the City, and the messengers are the companions of E’esa; he sent them to the people of Antioch to call them to Allah. And Allah Almighty added the message himself in his saying (When we sent to them two) because E’esa sent them with the command of Allah the almighty. And it is possible Allah sent them after E’esa was raised to heaven. They lied to them in the letter, and it was said that they beat them, and imprisoned them. It was said and the name of the two was John and Simon. The names of the three were said to be Sadiq, Musaduk, and Shalum, as stated  by Ibn Jarir and others. And it is said Simon and John and Paul (we strengthened with a third), AS IS READ BY THE MAJORITY WITH EMPHASIS.


19. Tafsir Ruh al-Ma’ani, by Imam al-Alusi (D. 1270H)

تفسير روح المعانى للإمام الألوسى [ المتوفى 1270هـ ]

وقال بولس الرسول فى رسالته إلى ملك الروم : إن الروح تشهد لأرواحنا أننا أبناء الله تعالى وأحباؤه إلى غير ذلك مما لايحصى.

In his message to the Roman King, the Apostle Paul said: The Spirit testifies to our souls that we are the children and loved ones of Allah, among others.


20. Al-Tafsir Al-Maraghi, by Ahmad Bin Mustafi Al-Maraghi (D. 1371H)

لكتاب: تفسير المراغي

المؤلف: أحمد بن مصطفى المراغي (المتوفى: 1371هـ)

والمشهور أن الرسولين الأولين كانا يوحنا وبولس والرسول الثالث شمعون. ثم ذكر شبهة، كثيرا ما تمسك بها المكذبون للرسل من الأمم الماضية.

(قالُوا ما أَنْتُمْ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُنا وَما أَنْزَلَ الرَّحْمنُ مِنْ شَيْءٍ إِنْ أَنْتُمْ إِلَّا تَكْذِبُونَ)

It is well known that the first two messengers were John and Paul and the third messenger is Simon. Then he mentioned a doubt, often denounced by the liars of the apostles of past nations. (They said, “You are not but human beings like us, and the Most Merciful has not revealed a thing. You are only telling lies.“[36:15])


21. Tafsir Al-Tahrir Wal-Tanwir, by Ibn Aashur, (D. 1393H)

تفسير التحرير والتنوير لابن عاشور ( المتوفى1393هـ )

قَالُوامَاأَنْتُمْإِلَّابَشَرٌمِثْلُنَاوَمَاأَنْزَلَالرَّحْمَنُمِنْشَيْءٍإِنْأَنْتُمْإِلَّاتَكْذِبُونَ (15)

كان أهل ( أنطاكية ) والمدن المجاورة لها خليطاً من اليهود وعبدة الأصنام من اليونان ، فقوله : { ما أنتم إلا بشر مثلنا } صالح لأن يصدر من عبدة الأوثان وهو ظاهر لظنهم أن الآلهة لا تبعث الرسل ولا تُوحي إلى أحد ، ولذلك جاء في سفر أعمال الرسل أن بعض اليونان من أهل مدينة ( لسترة ) رأوا معجزة من بولس النبي فقالوا بلسان يوناني : إن الآلهة تشبهوا بالناس ونزلوا إلينا فكانوا يدعون ( برنابا ) ( زفسَ ) . أي كوكب المشتري ، و ( بولسَ ) ( هُرمسَ ) أي كوكب عطارد وجاءهما كاهن ( زفس ) بثيران ليذبحها لهما ، وأكاليل ليضعها عليهما ، فلما رأى ذلك ( بولس وبرنابا ) مزّقا ثيابهما وصرخا : «نحن بشر مثلكم نعظكم أن ترجعوا عن هذه الأباطيل إلى الإِله الحي الذي خلق السماوات والأرض» الخ .

[Surah 36:15] They said, “You are not but human beings like us, and the Most Merciful has not revealed a thing. You are only telling lies.

The people of Antioch and the neighboring cities were a mixture of Jews and followers of idols from Greece. And he said: (You are only human beings like us) It is valid to come from idol worshipers and it is apparent that they think the gods do not send the apostles and do not inspire anyone. So it is stated in the Book of Acts of the Apostles that some Greeks are the people of the city (Lystra). They saw a miracle from the Prophet Paul and they said in a Greek tongue: The gods were like people and came down to us! They were called (Barnabas) (Zeus), that is, Jupiter, and (Hermes), that is Mercury, and the priest of Zeus came to them with oxen to slaughter before them and wreaths to put on them. When they saw that (Paul and Barnabas) tore their clothes apart and cried: “We are human beings like you, we preach to you to return from these falsehoods to the living God who created the heavens and the earth, etc.”


22. Tafsir al-Tahrir wal-Tanwir, by Ibn Aashur, D. 1393H

تفسير التحرير والتنوير لابن عاشور ( المتوفى1393هـ )

قَالُواإِنَّاتَطَيَّرْنَابِكُمْلَئِنْلَمْتَنْتَهُوالَنَرْجُمَنَّكُمْوَلَيَمَسَّنَّكُمْمِنَّاعَذَابٌأَلِيمٌ (36:18).

{ لئن لم تنتهوا لنرجمنكم وليمسنكم منا عذاب أليم } وبذلك ألجأوا ( بولس ) و ( برنابا ) إلى الخروج من أنطاكية فخرجا إلى أيقونية وظهرت كرامة ( بولس ) في أيقونية ثم في ( لسترة ) ثم في ( دربة ) . ولم يزل اليهود في كل مدينة من هذه المدن يشاقّون الرسل ويضطهدونهم ويثيرون الناس عليهم ويَلحقونهم إلى كل بلد يحلّون به ليشغبوا عليهم ، فمسّهم من ذلك عذاب وضرّ ورُجم ( بولس ) في مدينة ( لسترة ) حتى حسبوا أن قد مات .

[Surah 36:18] They said, “Indeed, we consider you a bad omen. If you do not desist, we will surely stone you, and there will surely touch you, from us, a painful punishment.”

(If you do not desist, we will surely stone you, and there will surely touch you, from us, a painful punishment) And thus (Paul) and (Barnabas) turned to get out of Antioch went out to Iconia and appeared dignified, (Paul) appeared in Iconia and then in (Lystra) and then (Derba). In each of these cities, the Jews still persecuted the Apostles, persecuted them, provoked people, and followed them into every country where they would settle in order to riot against them. They touched them with torment and harm, and (Paul) was thrown in the city of (Lystra) until they thought he was dead.


23. Tafsir Al-Tahrir Wal-Tanwir, by Ibn Aashur, (D. 1393H)

تفسير التحرير والتنوير لابن عاشور [ المتوفى1393هـ ]

والمقصود من قوله : { فآمنت طائفة من بني إسرائيل وكفرت طائفة } التوطئة لقوله : { فأيدنا الذين آمنوا على عدوهم فأصبحوا ظاهرين } والتأييد النصر والتقوية ، أيد الله أهل النصرانية بكثير ممن اتبع النصرانية بدعوة الحواريين وأتباعهم مثل بولس .

[Surah 61:14] It is intended to say: (And a faction of the Children of Israel believed and a faction disbelieved) to preface his statement: (We supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became dominant) and supported them with victory and strengthened them. God supported the people of Christianity and many of those who followed Christianity by the calling of the Apostles and their followers such as Paul.


24. Mukhtasar Ibn Kathir, By Al-Sabuni, Vol. 6, P. 276

مختصر ابن كثير للصابونى ، الجزء السادس صفحة 276

وقوله تعالى: {إذ أرسلنا إليهم اثنين فكذبوهما} أي بادروهما بالكتذيب، {فعززنا بثالث} أي قويناهما وشددنا أزرهما برسول ثالث (قال ابن جريج: كان اسم الرسولين (شمعون) و (يوحنا) واسم الثالث (بولص) والقرية انطاكية، وقال ابن كثير: وزعم قتادة أنهم كانوا رسل المسيح عليه السلام إلى أهل انطاكية).

The Almighty said: (When We sent to them two Messengers, they denied them both) means, they hastened to disbelieve in them. (so we reinforced them with a third) means, “We supported and strengthened them with a third Messenger.” Ibn Jurayj said: the names of the first two messengers were Simon and John, and the name of the third was Paul, and the city was Antioch. Ibn Kathir said: Qatada claimed that they were the apostles of The Messiah to the people of Antioch.


25. Al-Tafsir Al-Hadith [Muratab Hasab Tartib Al-Nazoul]

by Daruza Mohammed Azat.

الكتاب: التفسير الحديث [مرتب حسب ترتيب النزول]

المؤلف: دروزة محمد عزت

وممارواهالمفسرونعزواإلىعلماءالتابعينفيصددقصةالرسلالتيحكتهاالآياتأنالمدينةالتيأشيرإليهاباسمالقريةهيأنطاكيةالثغرالشاميفيشمالسوريةوأنالرسلهميوحناوبولسوشمعونمنحوارييعيسىعليهالسلامأرسلهمللدعوةوالتبشير،وأنالرجلالمؤمنهوحبيبالنجار. وقد أوردوا بيانات كثيرة عن رسالة الرسل ومحاولاتهم مع الوثنيين في المدينة ومعجزاتهم في إحياء الموتى وخلق الطير من الطين وإبراء الأكمه والأبرص، وقتل الوثنيين حبيبا وعنادهم مع الرسل إلخ «1» .

«1» انظر تفسير الآيات في كتب تفسير الطبري وابن كثير والطبرسي والزمخشري والخازن مثلا.

And what was narrated by the commentators attributed to the scholars of the Tabi’in in connection with the story of the Apostles, recounted by the verses, that the city to which the name was referred to is the village of Antioch (al-Taghar al-Shami) in northern Syria. And the messengers were John and Paul and Simon from the disciples of E’esa (upon him peace) and sent them to call and preach. And that the believing man was Habib Al-Najjar. They have made many statements about the apostles’ message and their attempts with the pagans in the city and their miracles in reviving the dead, creating a bird of mud, healing the lepers. The pagans killed our beloved and were stubborn with the apostles and so on. «1»

«1» Refer to the interpretation of the verses from the books of Tafsir of Tabari, Ibn Kathir, Al-Tabarusi, Al-Zamakhshari and Al-Khazan for example.

Further Reading

The Quran Confirms: Paul Passed On The True Gospel of Christ (

The Apostles of Christ: Messengers of God Or Mere Disciples? (

Paul In the Early Islamic Sources Revisited (



  1. First of All Thanks to Our lord Jesus. I’m Shanoor, from India so my English is not Good.
    This is a Very Helpful Article, I’m ex-muslim, and now I’m working in a Ministry, so when I preach The Gospel to my Muslim Friends and Muslim Neighbours, All time they say the Bible Is a Corrupted Book and also they attack Paul. but I think Now I’ve the Answer. you’re doing great Jobs. Thank you All Christian Warrior, God Bless You All. 😇

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