The Quran unashamedly proclaims that only the unbelievers feel secure from the deception of Allah. Believers, on the other hand, know better than to trust the deceit and trickery of their god:
Are they secure from the deception of Allah? So no one can be secure from the deception of Allah except the losing people. S. 7:99 (Usama Dakdok, The Generous Qur’an: An accurate, modern English translation of the Qur’an, Islam’s holiest book
This explains why Muhammad’s companions were afraid to die since they knew that Allah had sworn to torture the dead in their graves. Therefore, they did not feel secure enough that Allah would not torment them:
36 Chapters On Zuhd
(5) Chapter: What Has Been Related About The Grave’s Horror And That It Is The First Stage Of The Hereafter
Hani’ the freed slave of ‘Uthman said:
When ‘Uthman would stop at a grave he would cry until his beard was soaked (in tears). It was said to him: ‘The Paradise and the Fire were mentioned and you did not cry, yet you cry because of this?’ So he said: ‘Indeed the Messenger of Allah said: “Indeed the grave is the first stage among the stages of the Hereafter. So if one is saved from it, then what comes after it is easier than it. And if one is not saved from it, then what comes after it is worse than it.” And the Messenger of Allah said: “I have not seen any sight except that the grave is more horrible than it.”
Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)
Reference: Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2308
In-book reference: Book 36, Hadith 5
English translation: Vol. 4, Book 10, Hadith 2308 (; emphasis mine)
4 Musnad Uthman ibn Affan
It was narrated that Hani`, the freed slave of `Uthman said:
`Uthman used to stand by a grave and weep until his beard became wet. It was said to him: You remember Paradise and Hell and you do not weep, but you weep for this? He said: The Messenger of Allah said: `The grave is the first stage of the hereafter. If one is saved from it (i.e., its torments), then what comes after it is easier than it. But if one is not saved from it {i.e. its torments), then what comes after it is worse.` And the Messenger of Allah said: By Allah, I have never seen any frightening scene but the grave is more frightening than it.`
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
Reference: Musnad Ahmad 454
In-book reference: Book 4, Hadith 49 (; emphasis mine)
When we realize that Muhammad taught that part of the torture of the grave included being bitten and crushed by humungous dragons,
Narrated AbuSa’id
Allah’s Messenger said: There dominate NINETY-NINE DRAGONS over the unbeliever in the grave. They (constantly) bite him and sting him till there comes the hour (of resurrection). (These dragons are so poisonous) that if one of them exhales on the Earth, no verdure will ever grow upon it.
Reported by Darimi, Tirmidhi transmitted something similar but he said seventy instead of ninety-nine. (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith, Number 46
Jami` at-Tirmidhi
37 Chapters on the description of the Day of Judgement, Ar-Riqaq, and Al-Wara’
Abu Sa’eed narrated: “The Messenger of Allah entered his Musalla and saw the people who looked as if they were smiling. So he said: ‘Indeed, if you were to increase in remembrance of the severer of pleasures, then you would find yourselves too busy for what I see. So increase in remembrance of death, the severer of pleasures. For indeed there is no day that comes upon the grave except that it speaks, saying: “I am thee house of the estranged, I am the house of the solitude, I am the house of dust, and I am the house of the worm-eaten.” When the believing worshipper is buried, the grave says to him: “Welcome, make yourself comfortable. Indeed, to me, you are the most beloved of those who walked upon me. Since you have been entrusted to me and delivered to me today, you shall see what I have arranged for you.” It will then widen for him so that his sight extends, and the door to Paradise is opened for him. And when the wicked worshipper or the disbeliever is buried, the grave says to him: “You are not welcome, do not get comfortable. Indeed, to me, you are the most hated of those who walked upon me. Since you have been entrusted to me and delivered to me today, you shall see what I have arranged for you.'” He said: ‘It will begin closing in on him (squeezing him) until his ribs are crushing each other.'” He said: “The Messenger of Allah clasped some of his fingers between others and said: ‘Seventy giant serpents will constrict him, if even one of them were to hiss on the earth, nothing upon it would grow as long as it remained. They will chew on him and bite him until he is brought to the Reckoning.'” He said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘The grave is but a garden from the gardens of Paradise, or a pit from the pits of the Fire.'”
Grade: Da’if (Darussalam)
English reference: Vol. 4, Book 11, Hadith 2460
Arabic reference: Book 37, Hadith 2648 (; emphasis mine)
Abu Sa’id reported God’s messenger as saying, “Ninety-nine dragons will be given power over an infidel in his grave, and will bite and sting him till the last hour comes. If one of those dragons were to breathe over the earth, it would bring forth no green thing.”
Darimi transmitted it, and Tirmidhi transmitted something similar, but he said seventy instead of ninety-nine.
Grade: Hasan (Zubair `Aliza’i)
Reference: Mishkat al-Masabih 134
In-book reference: Book 1, Hadith 127 (; bold emphasis mine)
We can therefore appreciate why Uthman wept bitterly about the prospect of dying!
As if Allah couldn’t make it any more emotionally and psychologically unbearable for his followers, the Muslim scripture emphatically promises that every single person shall enter into hell, with only those deemed to be god-fearing enough being taken out from there!
Before entering the garden, Muslims will be in hell for a time.
Every soul tastes the death, and surely you will only receive your wages on the resurrection day. So whoever is removed from the fire and enters the garden, so indeed, he becomes triumphant. And what is the world’s life except the enjoyment of the proud. S. 3:185 (Dakdok, The Generous Qur’an; italicized emphasis mine)
Compare the following version:
Every soul will taste of death. And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly earned. Whoso is removed from the Fire and is made to enter paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion. Pickthall
Note what this next passage states:
Man says, ‘What, when I am dead shall I then be brought forth alive?’ Will not man remember that We created him aforetime, when he was nothing? Now, by thy Lord, We shall surely muster them, and the Satans, then We shall parade them about Gehenna hobbling on their knees. Then We shall pluck forth from every party whichever of them was the most hardened in disdain of the All-merciful; then We shall know very well those most deserving to burn there. Not one of you there is, but he shall go down to it; that for thy Lord is a thing decreed, determined. Then We shall deliver those that were godfearing; and the evildoers We shall leave there, hobbling on their knees. S. 19:66-72 Arberry
Here’s another version:
All Muslims will burn in hell for a while; only the fearer of Allah will ever get out. See also verse 3:185. This contradicts the Bible. See Matthew 25:46 and Luke 16:26.
And there is none of you who will not go down INTO IT. This was an unavoidable decree of your lord. Then we will deliver those who fear and warn the unjust in it on their knees. S. 19:71-72 (Dakdok, The Generous Qur’an; capital and italicized emphasis mine)
And notice how some of Islam’s greatest scholars and commentators explained these particular Quranic ayat:
According to Ibn Humayd – Salamah – Muhammad b. Ishaq – Muhammad b. Ja‘far b. al-Zubayr – ‘Urwah b. al-Zubayr, who said: The Messenger of God sent his expedition to Mu’tah in Jumada I of the year 8. He put Zayd b. Harithah in command of the men and said, “If Zayd b. Harithah is killed, Ja‘far b. Abi Talib shall be in command of the men; if Ja‘far is killed, ‘Abdallah b. Rawahah shall be in command… When ‘Abdallah b. Rawahah said goodbye with the other commanders of the Messenger of God who were doing so, HE WEPT. They said to him, “What is making you weep, Ibn Rawahah?” He said, “By God, I have no love of this world or excessive love for you, but I heard the Messenger of God recite a verse from the Book of God that mentioned the Fire [of Hell] – ‘Not one of you there is, but he shall go down to it; that for thy Lord is a thing decreed, determined’ – AND I DO NOT KNOW HOW I CAN COME OUT AFTER GOING DOWN.” The Muslims said, “May God accompany you, defend you, and bring you back to us in good health.”… (The History of Al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam, translated by Michael Fishbein [State University of New York Press (SUNY), Albany, NY 1997], Volume VIII (8), pp. 152-153; bold and capital emphasis mine)
The second issue:
People have differed regarding the meaning of the word (wurood), for some say wurood means entry into hell. It is narrated by Jabir Ibn Abdallah that he heard the prophet say, “Wurood is entry (into hell). There shall not remain A RIGHTEOUS MAN or sinner who will not enter hell. For the believer, it will be cool and peaceful as it was to Abraham. Then we will save those who have avoided (evil) and greatly torment the sinners in it.” Abu Omar gave the chain of transmission (isnad) to this hadith in his book, “The Preparation (Al-Tam-heed),” and this is also narrated by Ibn Abbas, Khalid Ibn Mu’adh, Ibn Jarih and others.
It is related that Yunus used to read (Surah 19:71) ‘Not one of you but will pass through it,’ to mean entry into hell and felt that some of the narrators erred in explaining the meaning of wurood, so he established (its meaning) from the Quran.
From Al-Darimi, narrated by Abdallah Ibn Mas’ud who related that the prophet said, “All people will ENTER (yarud) hell then exit it by their deeds. Some of them will exit like a glance, lightning, wind, a galloping horse, a glorious rider on a journey and a man walking in stride.”
It is narrated that Abu Abbas said regarding this issue to Nafi Ibn Al-Azraqi Al-Khariji, “As for you and I, WE MUST ENTER IT. As for me, Allah will then save me from it but for you, I doubt He will save you because you lie regarding it.”
Many scholars have diligently VERIFIED THE SURETY OF ENTRY (wurood) INTO HELL but expressed IGNORANCE ABOUT EXIT FROM IT and have stated so in the book ‘The Preparation (Al-Tam-heed)’…
Abu Bakir Al-Anbari stated that there were some men of learning who followed the teachings of Al-Hassan and cited the verse of Allah (Surah 21:101) ‘Those for whom the Good (Record) from Us has gone before, will be removed far from there (hell),’ as proof for their belief. They said that no person can enter hell if Allah has guaranteed to protect them from it. They used to change the pronunciation of the word ‘Then” (Thumma) to (Thama) in the verse (Surah 19:72), ‘But then We shall save those who guarded against evil.’
Others objected to what these people said by stating that the meaning of (Surah 21:101) ‘will be removed far from there (hell),’ is that the righteous will be removed from the torment and burning found in hell. They also said that whoever enters hell and does not feel ache or pain because of it, he is in reality removed from it. They then confirm this teaching by pronouncing the word ‘Then’ as (Thumma) in the verse (Surah 19:72), ‘Then we will save those who avoided (evil).’ So the word ‘Then’ (Thumma) illustrates that there is A CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of events; first the entry into hell then being saved from it…
Another group stated that wurood means to look at hell from the grave; where the winner will be saved from it and those destined to enter it will do so, but they also will exit from it through intercession or by Allah’s mercy. These people use a hadith of Ibn Umar as evidence, ‘If one of you dies, he will be offered a seat noon and evening time.’…
However, THE MAJORITY (of scholars) say that ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH are being addressed in (Surah 19:71) and it is necessary FOR ALL PEOPLE TO ENTER HELL. This is where disagreements have occurred about the meaning of wurood. We have shown the sayings of the scholars AND IT IS APPARENT THAT wurood MEANS ENTRY INTO HELL, for the prophet says (when the fires of hell touch him). The sense of touch is a reality in the (Arabic) language, SO THE FIRE WILL TOUCH THE BELIEVERS but it will be cool and pleasant on them and thus they will be delivered from it safely.
Khalid Ibn Ma’dan who related, “The people of paradise said after they entered paradise, ‘Didn’t our Lord promise THAT WE WILL ENTER HELL?’ and they will be told, ‘You ENTERED IT and found it ashes.’”
This hadith gathers the meaning of the various sayings; for the believers who enter hell are not hurt by its flames and heat but are (eventually) removed and saved from hell; may Allah save us all from it by His kindness and make us of those who entered hell peacefully and existed from victorious. If it is asked, ‘Do the prophets enter hell?’ we respond, ‘That is not what we are saying.” However, we do say that all of humanity will enter hell as the hadith of Jabir demonstrated. Those of ancient times followed by the transgressors will enter with their crimes, then the overlords and the joyful (will enter) for their intercession, and between each group is a gap. (Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Q. 19:71)
Also narrated by Abdel Razak, narrated by Ibn Ayena, narrated by Ismail Ibn Abu Khalid, narrated by Qais Ibn Abu Hazem who said that Abdallah Ibn Rawaha placed his head on his wife’s lap AND BEGAN TO WEEP, so his wife began to weep also. So he asked her, “Why are you weeping?” She responded, “I saw you weeping and so I started to weep.” He said, “I remembered the saying of Allah – who is glorified and exalted – ‘Not one of you but will pass through it’ (Q. 19:71), AND I DON’T KNOW IF I WILL BE SAVED FROM IT OR NOT.” In another narration it adds the phrase, ‘he said this while he was ill.’
Also narrated by Ibn Jarir, narrated by Abu Kurayb, narrated by Ibn Yaman, narrated by Malik Ibn Maghul, narrated by Ibn Ishaq who said, “Whenever Abu Maysarah would lie down on his bed he would say, ‘I WISH MY MOTHER HAD NEVER BORE ME.’ AND THEN HE WOULD BEGIN TO WEEP. When asked why he was weeping he would respond, ‘WE WERE TOLD THAT WE WOULD ENTER HELL, BUT WE WEREN’T TOLD THAT WE WOULD EXIT FROM IT.’”
Also narrated by Abdallah Ibn Al-Mubarak, narrated by Al-Hassan Al-Basri who said, “A man said to his brother, ‘Have you been told that you shall enter hell?’ The brother answered ‘YES.’ He then asked, ‘Have you also been told that you shall exit from it?’ The brother responded ‘NO.’ So he asked, ‘Then why the laughter?’ The brother responded, ‘I have not seen a person laugh until he joined Allah.’” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Q. 19:71)
Only a very sick, demented and sadistic mind would terrorize people by threatening them with dragons crushing and biting them in the grave, and/or assuring them that they will most assuredly enter hell without guaranteeing that they will ever come out!
No wonder the Quran claims that the believers who know Allah are smart enough to realize that they can never feel secure from his deception, since they know of his sadistic plans to torture and humiliate folks after they die.
Islam and the Magical World of Genies and Dragons
Islam – The Religion of Depression and Misery
The Quran on Muslims Entering Hell
Will Muslims Enter Hell? An Analysis of the Conflicting Hadith Reports
Will All Muslims Go To Hell According To The Quran?
How will a Muslim be saved according to the Hadiths?
Was Muhammad certain of his Salvation?
Praying for the Salvation of Muhammad
None Can Feel Safe From Allah’s Schemes
Reexamining Islam’s Divine Insurance Scam [Part 1]