Robert M. Bowman Jr.
1. They accuse the doctrine of the Trinity of teaching three Gods.
2. They assume that one being must be one and only person, even in God.
3. They understand the Trinity to mean that the three persons are three “parts” of God.
4. They object to the use of extrabiblical terms such as Trinity and three persons.
5. They fault the doctrine of the Trinity for its late formal development.
6. They cite the second-century church fathers in support of their nontrinitarian theology.
7. They trace the doctrine of the Trinity historically to pagan triads of gods.
8. They blame the trinitarianism of the early church on Greek philosophy.
9. They maintain that the church became apostate soon after the passing of the apostles.
10. They claim to be restoring the original New Testament teaching about God.
11. They often regard the Greek New Testament text as having been corrupted.
12. They deny that the Son is Almighty God.
13. They often deny that the Holy Spirit is a distinct divine person.
14. They cite liberal biblical scholars in support of their revisionist interpretations.
15. They view the doctrine of the Trinity as contradictory or nonsensical.
16. They make much of the fact that the Jews knew nothing of the doctrine of the Trinity.
17. They infer inequality and inferiority from the submission of the Son to the Father.
18. They discredit the Trinity by pointing to the church’s persecution of nontrinitarians.
19. They reject or radically revise the doctrine of salvation by grace alone.
20. They reject or radically revise the doctrine of eternal punishment.