In this post I will highlight some of the negative descriptions of Allah, or names which depict the Muslim deity and an evil, capricious, arrogant and heartless tyrant who does not resemble the true God revealed in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the most part, I shall simply let the names speak for themselves and only briefly comment when necessary.

I’ll be referencing Muslimah and scholar Aisha Bewley’s list of Allah’s names, which can be accessed here, The Divine Names, with some slight modifications.

Al-Mutakkabir – The Proud/Arrogant One

Al-Mutakabbir: The Supremely Great

Everything which is not Him is insignificant; He is the Great in Majesty or Most Excellent of beings, who has rights which no other possesses, the Possessor of power and excellence the like of which no other has; He who acts are good, exceeding the good acts of any other; the Majestic; He who disdains having the attributes of created beings; He who magnifies Himself against the proud among His creatures.

Al-Mutakabbir is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

“He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely Great.” (59:23) (Bewley)


It is remarkable that the Islamic deity describes himself with the very quality he hates in others, and which he condemns them to hell for!

I shall turn from My signs those who wax proud (yatakabbaroona) in the earth unjustly; though they see every sign, they will not believe in it, and though they see the way of rectitude they will not take it for a way, and though they see the way of error, they will take it for a way. That, because they have cried lies to Our signs and heeded them not.’ S. 7:146 Arberry

So enter the gates of Gehenna, there to dwell forever.’ Evil is the lodging of those that wax proud (al-mutakabbireena). S. 16:29 Arberry

And upon the Day of Resurrection thou shalt see those who lied against God, their faces blackened; is there not in Gehenna a lodging for those that are proud (mutakabbireena)? S. 39:60

(Those who dispute concerning the signs of God, without any authority come to them, very hateful is that in the sight of God and the believers; ‘so God sets a seal on every heart proud (mutakabbirin)’, arrogant.) S. 40:35 Arberry

As the aforementioned verses show, al-Mutakkabir doesn’t simply mean someone that is great. Rather, it refers to a person who is full of himself, one who is unbearably arrogant, conceited and proud.

Al-Qahhar – The Vanquisher

Al-Qâhir; Al-Qahhâr: The Absolute Master, All-Conquering

The Victorious, the Subduer, He who vanquishes, dominates, and governs all, He who conquers the powerful in this world (the tyrants); the Subduer of His creatures by His sovereign authority and power, and the Disposer of them as He pleases with and against their will; the Overcomer or Subduer of all beings.

Al-Qahhar is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

“He is the Absolute Master over His slaves. He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware.” (6:18)

“Say: ‘Allah is the Creator of everything. He is the One, the All-Conquering.” (13:18)

“On the day the earth is changed to other than the earth, and the heavens likewise, and they parade before Allah, the One, the All-Conquering.” (14:50) (Bewley)

Al-Mu’akhkhir – The Degrader

Al-Muqaddim, Al-Mu’akhkhir: The Advancer, The Postponer

Al-Mu’akhkhir: The Postponer or Delayer, who postpones things and puts them in their places, or who puts or keeps back, or He who degrades.

Al-Muqaddim: The Advancer

Al-Muqaddim and Al-Mu’akhkhir are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

“When I gave you advance warning of the Threat.” (50:28).

“If We postpone the punishment…” (11:8). (Bewley)

Al-Darr – The Afflicter/ The One who Harms

Ad-Dârr, An-Nâfi’: The Afflicter, The Helper

The Afflicter: He who harms, damages, punishes. An-Nafi’: He who helps, profits.

Ad-Darr and Al-Nafi’ are two of the Ninety-Nine Names. (Bewley)

Al-Mudhill – He Who Dishonors

Al-Mu’izz, Al-Mudhill: The Honourer, The Dishonourer

Al-Mudhill: He Who makes low and abased.

Al-Mu’izz: He who gives might to whomever He will.

Al-Mu’izz and Al-Mudhill are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

“You exalt whoever You will. You abase whoever You will.” (3:26) (Bewley)

Al-Khafidh – The Abaser

Al-Khâfid, Ar-Râfi’: The Abaser, The Exalter

Ar-Râfi’: the Exalter, (see above under Names of Perfection)

Al-Khâfid: The Abaser of the proud, haughty and insolent; the Abaser of all He desires to abase, abasing some to the Fire and raising some to the Garden.

Ar-Rafi’ and Al-Khafid are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

“When the Great Event occurs, none will deny its occurrence; bringing low, raising high.” (56:1-3) (Bewley)

Al-Qabid – The Constricter

Al-Qâbid, Al-Bâsit: The Constrictor, The Expander

Al-Qabid: The Seizer, the One who withholds or the Constricter of the means of subsistence and other things from His servants by His graciousness and wisdom; the Taker of souls at their death.

Al-Basit: The One who expands, enlarges, amplifies or makes ample and plentiful the means of subsistence; or who diffuses the souls in the bodies when they come to life.

Al-Qabid and Al-Basit are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

“Allah both restricts and expands. And you will be returned to Him.” (2:243)

“He expands provision of anyone He wills or restricts it.” (42:10) (Bewley)

Al-Mumit – The Slayer

Al-Muhyî, Al-Mumît: The One Who Gives Life, The One who Makes Die

The Life-Giver or Quickener who makes something alive, to be a living thing; He quickenes him or endues him with life or revives him. He revives the earth with rain and endues with intelligence. Al-Mumit is the One who causes to die.

Al-Muhyi and Al-Mumit are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

“How can you reject Allah, when you were dead and then He gave you life, then He will make you die and then give you life again, then you will be returned to Him?” (2:27) (Bewley)


Allah’s Pride

The Quran Testifies – Satan is a lot like Allah!


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