Here’s the first post in this series: THE IMPERFECT QURAN PT. 1: MISSING VERSE ON STONING.

According to the Islamic sources, Muhammad permitted women to have grown men suck their bare breasts in order to make them their foster children, and therefore lawful to remain in their presence:

(36) Chapter: Breastfeeding an adult

It was narrated that ‘Aishah said: “Sahlah bint Suhail came to the Prophet and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, I see signs of displeasure on the face of Abu Hudhaifah when Salim enters upon me.” The Prophet said: “Breastfeed him.” She said: “How can I breastfeed him when he is a grown man?” The Messenger of Allah smiled and said: “I know that he is a grown man.” So she did that, then she came to the Prophet and said: “I have never seen any signs of displeasure on the face of Abu Hudhayfah after that.” And he was present at (the battle of) Badr.

Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 1943

In-book reference: Book 9, Hadith 99

English translation: Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1943 (

Initially, Muhammad commanded that the women allow these men to suck their breasts ten times, which he then later reduced to five sucklings. Both the abrogated and abrogating injunctions were included within the Quran itself:

17 The Book of Suckling

(6) Chapter: Becoming Mahram is established by Five Breastfeedings

‘A’isha reported that it had been revealed in the Holy Qur’an that ten clear sucklings make the marriage unlawful, then it was abrogated (and substituted) by five sucklings and Allah’s Apostle died and it was before that time (found) in the Holy Qur’an (and recited by the Muslims).

Reference: Sahih Muslim 1452a

In-book reference: Book 17, Hadith 30

USC-MSA web (English) reference: Book 8, Hadith 3421 (; emphasis mine)

Muwatta Malik

30 Suckling

Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Hazm from Amra bint Abd ar-Rahman that A’isha, the wife of the Prophet said, “Amongst what was sent down of the Qur’an was ‘ten known sucklings make haram’ – then it was abrogated by ‘five known sucklings’. When the Messenger of Allah died, it was what is now recited of the Qur’an.” Yahya said that Malik said, “One does not act on this.”

USC-MSA web (English) reference: Book 30, Hadith 17

Arabic reference: Book 30, Hadith 1292 (; bold emphasis mine)

(677) Chapter: Does Breastfeeding Less Than Five Times Establish Fosterage?

A’ishah said, “In what was sent down in the Qu’ran ten suckling’s made marriage unlawful, but they were abrogated by five known ones and when the Prophet dies, these words were among what was recited in the Qur’an.”

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani)

Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 2062

In-book reference: Book 12, Hadith 17

English translation: Book 11, Hadith 2057 (; emphasis mine)

26 The Book of Marriage

(51) Chapter: The Amount Of Breast-feeding That Makes Marriage Prohibited

It was narrated that ‘Aishah said: “One of the things that Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed” -(one of the narrators) Al-Harith said (in his narration): “One of the things that were revealed in the Qur’an”-was that ten known breast-feedings make marriage prohibited, then that was abrogated and changed to five known breast-feedings. Then the Messenger of Allah passed away when this was something that was still being recited in the Qur’an.”

Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)

Reference: Sunan an-Nasa’i 3307

In-book reference: Book 26, Hadith 112

English translation: Vol. 4, Book 26, Hadith 3309 (; emphasis mine)

It was narrated that ‘Aishah said: “Once of the things that Allah revealed in the Qur’an and then abrogated was that nothing makes marriage prohibited except ten breastfeedings or five well-known (breastfeedings).”

Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 1942

In-book reference: Book 9, Hadith 98

English translation: Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1942 (

Unfortunately for Allah and his messenger, the copy of the Quran which contained the abrogated and abrogated verses on breasdt feeding adults wwre devoured by a tame sheep. As such, these injunctions have disappeared completely without a trace of them to be found anywhere in the extant Quranic manuscripts!

It was narrated that ‘Aishah said: “The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed1, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”

1: These verses were abrogated in recitation but not ruling. Other ahadith establish the number for fosterage to be 5.

Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 1944

In-book reference: Book 9, Hadith 100

English translation: Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1944 (; emphasis mine)

Hence, a domicile animal managed to falsify Allah’s promise to perfectly preserve the Quran by devouring the only manuscript that contained the rather sick, disgusting practice of having grown suck the breasts of grown women, particularly married women, in order to make such men lawful to enter their presence!

What more proof do Muslims need to come to the realization that Allah of the Quran is a false god and Muhammad was an immoral sexual deviant who had serious psychological issues?

Muslims, time to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ who is your only hope of salvation!



Islam and The Nursing of Adults

 Revisiting the Issue of Islam and the Nursing of Adults

Reda’a: Opinions of Muslim Scholars On the Issue of Breast-Feeding

The Hadith of the Goat and Adult Suckling

A Docile Beast Falsifies the Quran: How A Sheep Trumped Allah and His “Messenger”!

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