In this post I will be citing from the “Shepherd of Hermas”, an early Christian writing that was highly esteemed and quite popular among Christians of the first few centuries. It was such an influential document that there were many Church writers/fathers that even considered it to be canonical.
The writing has been dated anywhere from between 85-150 AD, but was most likely composed in the early-middle part of the second century.
My aim here is to refute the misuse and mishandling of this ancient document by anti-Trinitarian heretics and modern day Arian cultists who quote-mine this source for the express purpose of assailing the most holy and blessed Trinity.
In specific instances, I will be citing four particular English versions of the Shepherd so the readers can be assured of the accuracy of the translation of the various extant Greek copies of this early Christian work.
All emphasis will be mine.
To begin with, Hermas affirms biblical monotheism by stating that there is one God who created all things:
1:6 I said to her, “Dost thou now convict me?” “Nay, not so,” said she, “but hear the words, that I shall say to thee. God (ho theos), Who dwelleth in the heavens, and created out of nothing the things which are (kai ktisas ek tou me ontos ta onta), and increased and multiplied them for His holy Church’s sake, is wroth with thee, for that thou didst sin against me.” Vision 1 (English Translation by J.B. Lightfoot)
Mandate 1
1[26]:1 “First of all, believe that God is One, even He who created all things (hoti heis ho theos ho ta panta ktisas) and set them in order, and brought all things from non-existence into being, Who comprehendeth all things, being alone incomprehensible.
1[26]:2 Believe Him therefore, and fear Him, and in this fear be continent. Keep these things, and thou shalt cast off all wickedness from thyself, and shalt clothe thyself with every excellence of righteousness, and shalt live unto God, if thou keep this commandment.” (Lightfoot)
Let the readers keep in mind this claim of God bringing the entire creation into being from nothing, since this will be relevant in affirming the Deity of the Son and the Holy Spirit as we shall shortly see.
In one of the visions, Hermas sees the church in the form of an old woman and is told that the church was the first thing that God created:
Now a revelation was given to me, my brethren, while I slept, by a young man of comely appearance, who said to me, “Who do you think that old woman is from whom you received the book?” And I said, “The Sibyl.” “You are in a mistake,” says he; “it is not the Sibyl.” “Who is it then?” say I. And he said, “It is the Church.” And I said to him, “Why then is she an old woman? “Because,” said he, “she was created first of all (panton prote ektisthe). On this account is she old. And for her sake was the world made.” Second Vision (Roberts-Donaldson English Translation)
1. And a revelation was made to me, brethren, The while I slept , by a very beautiful young man who said to me, “Who do you think that the ancient lady ancient lady was from whom you received the little book?” I said, “The Sibyl.” “You are wrong,” he said, “she is not.” “Who is she, then?” I said. “The Church,” he said. I said to him, “Why then is she old?” “Because,” he said, “she was created THE FIRST of all things. For this reason is she old; and for her sake was the world established.” (Kirsopp Lake, The Apostolic Fathers in Two Volume with an English Translation [Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA/ William Heinemann Ltd, London, Reprinted 1946], Volume II: The Shepherd of Hermas. The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The Epistle of Diognetus, p. 25)
Later on, Hermas is informed that the Holy Spirit had appeared to him in the form of the church, and that this Spirit was actually the Son of God:
1[78]:1 After I had written down the commandments and parables of the shepherd, the angel of repentance, he came to me and saith to me; “I wish to show thee all things that the Holy Spirit, which spake with thee IN THE FORM OF THE CHURCH, showed unto thee. For that Spirit is the Son of God. (Lightfoot)
After I had written down the commandments and similitudes of the Shepherd, the angel of repentance, he came to me and said, “I wish to explain to you what the Holy Spirit that spake with you in the form of the Church showed you, for that Spirit is the Son of God. (Roberts-Donaldson)
78. After I had written down the commandments and parables of the shepherd, the angel of repentance, he came to me and said to me, “I want to explain to you what the Holy Spirit, which spoke with you in the form of the Church, showed you; for that Spirit is the Son of God. (The Apostolic Fathers, Greek Texts And English Translations, edited and revised by Michael W. Holmes [Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI 1999], p. 471)
Suffice it to say, this has been twisted to mean that the Son is the first created being since he is said to be that very church which was the first thing God created.
However, this parable does not say that the Son is the church, but rather that he appeared IN THE FORM of the church. I.e., the Son who is the Holy Spirit manifested himself as the church.
To say that he is the church is simply a gross perversion and deliberate misreading of what the text of Hermas actually teaches. As such, this passage offers no proof for the Son being the first creature that God brought into existence.
Hermas describes God’s preexistent Spirit as the Creator who created the entire creation.
6[59]:5 The Holy Pre-existent Spirit. WHICH CREATED THE WHOLE CREATION (to pneuma to hagion to proon, to ktisan pasan ten ktisin), God made to dwell in flesh that He desired. This flesh, therefore, in which the Holy Spirit dwelt, was subject unto the Spirit, walking honorably in holiness and purity, without in any way defiling the Spirit.
6[59]:6 When then it had lived honorably in chastity, and had labored with the Spirit, and had cooperated with it in everything, behaving itself boldly and bravely, He chose it as a partner with the Holy Spirit; for the career of this flesh pleased [the Lord], seeing that, as possessing the Holy Spirit, it was not defiled upon the earth.
6[59]:7 He therefore took the son as adviser and the glorious angels also, that this flesh too, having served the Spirit unblamably, might have some place of sojourn, and might not seem to hare lost the reward for its service; for all flesh, which is found undefiled and unspotted, wherein the Holy Spirit dwelt, shall receive a reward.
6[59]:8 Now thou hast the interpretation of this parable also.” PARABLE 5 (Lightfoot)
“The holy, pre-existent Spirit, THAT CREATED EVERY CREATURE, God made to dwell in flesh, which He chose. This flesh, accordingly, in which the Holy Spirit dwelt, was nobly subject to that Spirit, walking religiously and chastely, in no respect defiling the Spirit; and accordingly, after living excellently and purely, and after labouring and co-operating with the Spirit, and having in everything acted vigorously and courageously along with the Holy Spirit, He assumed it as a partner with it. For this conduct of the flesh pleased Him, because it was not defiled on the earth while having the Holy Spirit. He took, therefore, as fellow-councillors His Son and the glorious angels, in order that this flesh, which had been subject to the body without a fault, might have some place of tabernacle, and that it might not appear that the reward [of its servitude had been lost], for the flesh that has been found without spot or defilement, in which the Holy Spirit dwelt, [will receive a reward]. You have now the explanation of this parable also.” Chapter VI (Roberts-Donaldson)
1. “Listen,” said he: “The Son of God is not the son of God as given the form of a servant, but is given great servant power and lordship.” “How, sir?” said I, “I do not understand.” 2. “Because God planted the vineyard,” said he, “that is, created the people, and gave it over to his Son. And the Son appointed the angels over them to keep them. And he himself cleansed their sins, labouring much and undergoing much toil. For no vineyard can be dug without toil or labour. 3. When, therefore, he had cleansed the sins of the people, he showed them the ways of life, and gave them the law which he received from his Father. 4. But listen why the Lord took his Son and the glorious angels as counsellors concerning the heritage of the servant. 5. The Holy Spirit which pre-exists, WHICH CREATED ALL CREATION, did God make to dwell in the flesh which he willed. Therefore this flesh, in which the Holy Spirit dwelled, served the Spirit well, walking in holiness and purity, and did not in any way defile the spirit.” (Kirsopp Lake, p. 167)
“(5) The preexistent Holy Spirit, WHICH CREATED THE WHOLE CREATION, God caused to live in the flesh that he wished. This flesh, therefore, in which the Holy Spirit lived, served the Spirit well, living in holiness and purity, without defiling the Spirit in any way.” (Holmes, pp. 437, 439)
These statements have led to some confusion. Is Hermas implying that the Son is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, and therefore positing a Spirit Christology?
Or could it be that Hermas’ reference to the Holy Spirit isn’t actually about third Person of the Godhead? Perhaps by the Spirit he means that the Son of God himself was an uncreated, immaterial and pure Spirit, e.g., an eternal Person that is Spirit in virtue of his divine nature, who later became flesh?
After all, the Holy Bible does say that God is Spirit in nature, and that Christ himself is a life-giving Spirit, even though he is not the Holy Spirit:
“Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) (NWT)
“So it is written: ‘The first man Adam became a living person.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” 1 Corinthians 15:45 NWT
Or is the Shepherd not even speaking about the incarnation of the Son, but is rather referring to the Holy Spirit finding pure human vessels to indwell and work through?
Whatever the case, this one fact is clear. For Hermas, this Spirit is God’s uncreated Spirit who brought the entire creation into existence.
And since Hermas affirmed that there is only one God that created all things, this means that the Spirit is both distinct from and identical with God.
Now here’s what Hermas says in regards to the Son’s relationship to creation, and about his saving and cleansing all those who call upon and bear his name:
4[57]:5 I say to him, “Sir, I that have thee with me have (but) need to ask thee and enquire of thee; for thou showest me all things, and speakest with me; but if I had seen or heard them apart from thee I should have asked of the Lord, that they might be shown to me.”
5[58]:1 “I told thee just now,” saith he, “that thou art unscrupulous and importunate, in enquiring for the interpretations of the parables. But since thou art so obstinate, I will interpret to thee the parable of the estate and all the accompaniments thereof, that thou mayest make them known unto all. Hear now,” saith he, “and understand them.
5[58]:2 The estate is this world, and the lord of the estate is He that created all things, and set them in order, and endowed them with power; and the servant is the Son of God, and the vines are this people whom He Himself planted;
5[58]:3 and the fences are the [holy] angels of the Lord who keep together His people; and the weeds, which are plucked up from the vineyard, are the transgressions of the servants of God; and the dainties which He sent to him from the feast are the commandments which He gave to His people through His Son; and the friends and advisers are the holy angels which were first created; and the absence of the master is the time which remaineth over until His coming.”
5[58]:4 I say to him; “Sir, great and marvelous are all things and all things are glorious; was it likely then,” say I, “that I could have apprehended them?” “Nay, nor can any other man, though he be full of understanding, apprehend them.” “Yet again, Sir,” say I, “explain to me what I am about to enquire of thee.”
5[58]:5 “Say on,” he saith, “if thou desirest anything.” “Wherefore, Sir,]” say I, “is the Son of God represented in the parable in the guise of a servant?”
6[59]:1 “Listen,” said he; “the Son of God is not represented in the guise of a servant, but is represented in great power and lordship.” “How, Sir?” say I; “I comprehend not.”
6[59]:2 “Because,” saith he, “God planted the vineyard, that is, He created the people, and delivered them over to His Son. And the Son placed the angels in charge of them, to watch over them; and the Son Himself cleansed their sins, by laboring much and enduring many toils; for no one can dig without toil or labor.
6[59]:3 Having Himself then cleansed the sins of His people, He showed them the paths of life, giving them the law which He received from His Father. Thou seest,” saith he, “that He is Himself Lord of the people, having received all power from His Father (hoti autos kyrios esti tou laou, exousian pasan labon para tou patros autou).
6[59]:4 But how that the lord took his son and the glorious angels as advisers concerning the inheritance of the servant, listen…
7[84]:1 So then, having accomplished these things, the glorious man who was lord of the whole tower called the shepherd to him, and delivered unto him all the stones which lay by the side of the tower, which were cast out from the building, and saith unto him…
12[89]:1 “First of all, Sir,” say I, “explain this to me. The rock and the gate, what is it?” “This rock,” saith he, “and gate is the Son of God.” “How, Sir,” say I, “is the rock ancient, but the gate recent?” “Listen,” saith he, “and understand, foolish man.
12[89]:2 The Son of God IS OLDER THAN ALL HIS CREATION (ho men hyios tou theou pases tes ktiseos autou progenesteros estin), so that He became the Father’s adviser in His creation. Therefore also He is ancient.” “But the gate, why is it recent, Sir?” say I.
12[89]:3 “Because,” saith he, “He was made manifest in the last days of the consummation; therefore the gate was made recent, that they which are to be saved may enter through it into the kingdom of God.
12[89]:4 Didst thou see,” saith he, “that the stones which came through the gate have gone to the building of the tower, but those which came not through it were cast away again to their own place?” “I saw, Sir,” say I. “Thus,” saith he, “no one shall enter into the kingdom of God, except he receive THE NAME OF HIS SON.
12[89]:5 For if thou wishest to enter into any city, and that city is walled all round and has one gate only, canst thou enter into that city except through the gate which it hath?” “Why, how, Sir,” say I, “is it possible otherwise?” “If then thou canst not enter into the city except through the gate itself, even so,” saith he, “a man cannot enter into the kingdom of God except by THE NAME OF HIS SON that is beloved by Him.
12[89]:6 Didst thou see,” saith he, “the multitude that is building the tower?” “I saw it, Sir,” say I. “They,” saith he, are all glorious angels. With these then the Lord is walled around. But the gate is the Son of God; there is this one entrance only to the Lord. No one then shall enter in unto Him otherwise than through His Son.
12[89]:7 Didst thou see,” saith he, “the six men, and the glorious and mighty man in the midst of them, him that walked about the tower and rejected the stones from the building?” “I saw him, Sir,” say I.
12[89]:8 “The glorious man,” saith he, “is the Son of God, and those six are the glorious angels who guard Him on the right hand and on the left. Of these glorious angels not one,” saith he, “shall enter in unto God without Him; whosoever shall not receive HIS NAME, shall not enter into the kingdom of God.”…
13[90]:3 For all these things I gave thanks unto the Lord, because He had compassion on all that called upon HIS NAME (epi pasi tois epikaloumenois to onoma autou), and sent forth the angel of repentance to us that had sinned against Him, and refreshed our spirit, and, when we were already ruined and had no hope of life, restored our life…
13[90]:5 “Listen,” saith he. “THE NAME OF the Son of God is great and INCOMPREHENSIBLE, and sustaineth the whole world. If then ALL CREATION (pasa he ktisis) is sustained BY THE SON [of God], what thinkest thou of those that are called by Him, and bear THE NAME OF the Son of God, and walk according to His commandments?
13[90]:6 Seest thou then what manner of men He sustaineth? Even those that bear HIS NAME with their whole heart. He Himself then is become their foundation, and He sustaineth them gladly, because they are not ashamed to bear HIS NAME.” (Lightfoot)
“Hear,” he answered: “the Son of God is not in the form of a slave, but in great power and might.” “How so, sir?” I said; “I do not understand.” “Because,” he answered, “God planted the vineyard, that is to say, He created the people, and gave them to His Son; and the Son appointed His angels over them to keep them; and He Himself purged away their sins, having suffered many trials and undergone many labours, for no one is able to dig without labour and toil. He Himself, then, having purged away the sins of the people, showed them the paths of life by giving them the law which He received from His Father. [You see,” he said, “that He is the Lord of the people, having received all authority from His Father.] And why the Lord took His Son as councillor, and the glorious angels, regarding the heirship of the slave, listen.” Fifth Similitude (Roberts-Donaldson)
The glorious man, the lord of the whole tower, having accordingly finished these alterations, called to him the Shepherd, and delivered to him all the stones that were lying beside the tower, that had been rejected from the building, and said to him, “Carefully clean all these stones, and put aside such for the building of the tower as may harmonize with the others; and those that do not, throw far away from the tower.”…
“First of all, sir,” I said, “explain this to me: What is the meaning of the rock and the gate?” “This rock,” he answered, “and this gate are the Son of God.” “How, sir?” I said; “the rock is old, and the gate is new.” “Listen,” he said, “and understand, O ignorant man. The Son of God IS OLDER THAN ALL HIS CREATURES, so that He was A FELLOW-COUNCILLOR with the Father in His work of creation: for this reason is He old.” “And why is the gate new, sir?” I said. “Because,” he answered, “He became manifest in the last days of the dispensation: for this reason the gate was made new, that they who are to be saved by it might enter into the kingdom of God. You saw,” he said, “that those stones which came in through the gate were used for the building of the tower, and that those which did not come, were again thrown back to their own place? “I saw, sir,” I replied. “In like manner,” he continued, “no one shall enter into the kingdom of God unless he receive HIS HOLY NAME. For if you desire to enter into a city, and that city is surrounded by a wall, and has but one gate, can you enter into that city save through the gate which it has?” “Why, how can it be otherwise, sir?” I said. “If, then, you cannot enter into the city except through its gate, so, in like manner, a man cannot otherwise enter into the kingdom of God than by the name of His beloved Son. You saw,” he added, “the multitude who were building the tower?” “I saw them, sir,” I said. “Those,” he said, “are all glorious angels, and by them accordingly is the Lord surrounded. And the gate is the Son of God. This is the one entrance to the Lord. In no other way, then, shall any one enter in to Him except through His Son. You saw,” he continued, “the six men, and the tail and glorious man in the midst of them, who walked round the tower, and rejected the stones from the building? “I saw him, sir,” I answered. “The glorious man,” he said, “is the Son of God, and those six glorious angels are those who support Him on the right hand and on the left. None of these glorious angels,” he continued, “will enter in unto God apart from Him. Whosoever does not receive HIS NAME, shall not enter into the kingdom of God.” Ninth Similitude (Roberts-Donaldson)
For all these things I gave thanks to the Lord, because He had pity on all that call upon HIS NAME; and sent the angel of repentance to us who sinned against Him, and renewed our spirit; and when we were already destroyed, and had no hope of life, He restored us to newness of life… “Listen,” he said: “THE NAME OF the Son of God is great, and cannot be contained, and supports the whole world. If, then, the whole creation is supported BY THE SON OF GOD, what think ye of those who are called by Him, and bear THE NAME OF the Son of God, and walk in His commandments? do you see what kind of persons He supports? Those who bear HIS NAME with their whole heart. He Himself, accordingly, became a foundation to them, and supports them with joy, because they are not ashamed to bear HIS NAME.” CHAPTER XIV (Roberts-Donaldson)
1. When the glorious man, the Lord of all the tower, had finished these things, he called to the shepherd and gave over to him all the stones which Shepherd were lying by the tower which had been taken out of the building, and said to him: (Kirsopp Lake, p. 235)
1. “First of all, Sir,” said I, “tell me this: What planation is the rock and the door?” “This rock and the of the door,” said he, “is the Son of God.” “How is it,” said I, “Sir, that the rock is old, but the gate is new?” “Listen,” said he, “and understand, foolish man. 2. The Son of God IS OLDER THAN ALL HIS CREATION, so that he was the counsellor of his Creation to the Father, therefore the rock is also old.” “But why is the gate new, Sir?” said I. 3. “Because,” said he, “He was manifested in the last days of the end of the world, for this reason the gate is new, that those who are to be saved may ‘ enter ‘ through it into the kingdom of God.”4. Do you see,” said he, “the stones which entered through the gate,were put into the building of the tower, but thosewhich did not enter through it were put back again into their own place?” “I see, Sir,” said I. “So,” said he, “no man shall enter into the Kingdom of God, except he take HIS HOLY NAME. 5. For if you wish to enter into a city, and that city has been walled round, and has one gate, can you enter into that city except through the gate which it has?” “No, Sir,” said, I, “for how is it possible other wise?” “If then you are not able to enter into the city except through the gate which it has, so,” said he, “a man cannot otherwise enter into the kingdom of God, except through THE NAME OF HIS SON, who was beloved by him. 6. Do you see,” said he, “the crowd which is building the tower?” “Yes, Sir,” said I, “I see it.” “They,” said he, “are all glorious angels; by these then the Lord has been walled round. But the gate is the Son of God, this is the only entrance to the Lord. No man can enter in to him otherwise, than through his Son. 7. So you see,” said he, “the six men, and the glorious and great man in their midst, who is walking round the tower and rejected the stones from the building?” “Yes, Sir,” said I, “I see him.” 8. “The glorious man,” said he, “is the Son of God, and those six are glorious angels supporting him on the right hand and on the left. None of these glorious angels,” said he, “can enter into God’s presence without him. Whoever receives not HIS NAME shall not enter into the kingdom of God.” (Kirsopp Lake, pp. 249, 251, 253)
3. I thanked the Lord for all these things, that he had mercy on all who call upon HIS NAME, and sent the angel of repentance to us who have sinned against him, and ren ewe d our spirit, even when we were already corrupted, and restored our life, when we had no hop e of living… 5. “Listen,” said he, “THE NAME OF the Son of God is great and incomprehensible, and supports the whole world. If then the whole creation is supported BY THE SON OF GOD, what do you think of those who are called by him, and bear THE NAME OF the Son of God, and walk in his commandments? 6. Do you see then whom he supports? Those who bear HIS NAME with their whole heart. He then was their foundation and he supports them joyfully, because they are not ashamed to bear HIS NAME.” (Kirsopp Lake, pp. 257, 259)
“(4) You see,” he said, “that he is Lord of the people, having receiving all power from his Father. But hear why the Lord took his Son and the glorious angels as counselors concerning the inheritance of the slave.” (Holmes, p. 437)
84. So, when the glorious man who was the lord of the whole tower had finished these things, he called the shepherd to him from the building which were lying beside the tower, and said to him… (Holmes, p. 481)
89. “First of all, sir,” I said, “explain this to me: Who is the rock and the door?” “This rock,” he said, “and the door are the Son of God.” “How is it, sir,” I said, “that the rock is old, but the door is new?” “Listen,” he said, “and understand, foolish man. (2) The Son of God is FAR OLDER than ALL HIS CREATION, with the result that he was the Father’s counselor in his creation. This is why the rock is old.” “But why is the door new, sir?” I said. (3) “Because,” he said, “he was revealed in the last days of the consummation, that is why the door is new, in order that those who are going to be saved may enter the kingdom of God through it.”… (8) “The glorious man,” he said, “is the Son of God, and those six are the glorious angels who surround him on his right and left. Not one of these glorious angels,” he said, “enters God’s presence without him; whoever does not receive HIS NAME will not enter the kingdom of God.” (Holmes, p. 491)
(3) I gave thanks to the Lord for all these things, because he had mercy on all those WHO CALLED UPON HIS NAME, and sent the angel of repentance to us who sinned against him and renewed our spirit and, when we were already ruined and had no hope of life, restored our life… (5) “Listen,” he said. “THE NAME OF the Son of God is great AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE, and sustains the whole world. If, therefore, ALL CREATION is sustained BY THE SON OF GOD, what do you think of those who are called BY HIM AND BEAR THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD and walk in his commandments? (6) Those who bear HIS NAME with their whole heart. So he himself has become their foundation and gladly SUSTAINS THEM because they are not ashamed to bear HIS NAME.” (Holmes, p. 495)
According to Hermas, the Son is incomprehensible by nature, much older than all of creation, the One that advised the Father in creating all things, and who upholds the entire creation together.(1)
The Son is also described as the Lord of the people, and therefore equated with the Lord of the world who created all things.
This only make sense since the inspired Scriptures quote Jesus as claiming to be the Son of Man who is the Lord of the entire world, having complete, total sovereignty over all creation:
“He presented another illustration to them, saying: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to A MAN who sowed fine seed in HIS FIELD. While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat and left. When the stalk sprouted and produced fruit, then the weeds also appeared. So the slaves OF THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE came and said to him, “MASTER (Kyrie [Lord]), did you not sow fine seed in YOUR FIELD? How, then, does it have weeds?” He said to them, “An enemy, a man, did this.” The slaves said to him, “Do you want us, then, to go out and collect them?” He said, “No, for fear that while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the harvest season, I will tell the reapers: First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up; then gather the wheat into my storehouse.”’…
“Then after dismissing the crowds, he went into the house. His disciples came to him and said: ‘Explain to us the illustration of the weeds in the field.’ In response he said: ‘THE SOWER of the fine seed IS THE SON OF MAN; the field IS THE WORLD. As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the Kingdom, but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, and the enemy who sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels. Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. The Son of man will send HIS angels, and they will collect out from HIS Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness, and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be. At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom OF THEIR FATHER. Let the one who has ears listen.’” Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 NWT
“Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: ‘ ALL authority (pasa exousia) has been given me in heaven and on the earth.’” Matthew 28:18 NWT
This helps us appreciate why the Son is said to be the Father’s counselor in creation, since he is the Lord who brought creation into being and sustains it by his authority. As such, this explains why the Father would give the Son all authority over the things that the Son created along with the Father. I.e., the Son is the Father’s Heir for whom all things were created:
“One more he had, a beloved son. He sent him to them last, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ But those cultivators said among themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’” Mark 12:6-7 NWT
“He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities—all things were created through him and FOR HIM. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:13-17 Revised Standard Version (RSV)
“Now at the end of these days he has spoken to us by means of a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the systems of things. He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact representation of his very being, and he sustains all things by the word of his power. And after he had made a purification for our sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” Hebrews 1:2-3 NWT
Once again, since the Shepherd has already stated that it was the one God that created all things this simply affirms that the Son, like the Spirit, is coequal with the Father in essence, power and majesty.
This is further confirmed from the fact that the Holy Bible and Jewish tradition teach that God has no advisor or counselor that assisted him in creation:
“Who has taken the measurements of the spirit of Jehovah, And who can instruct him as his adviser? With whom did he consult to gain understanding, Or who teaches him in the path of justice, Or teaches him knowledge, Or shows him the way of true understanding?… ‘To whom can you liken me to make me his equal?’ says the Holy One. ‘Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and why do you declare, O Israel, “My way is hidden from Jehovah, And I receive no justice from God”? Do you not know? Have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, is a God for all eternity. He never tires out or grows weary. His understanding is unsearchable.’” Isaiah 40:13-14, 25-28 NWT
“I will now call to mind the works of the Lord, and will declare what I have seen. By the words of the Lord his works are done. The sun looks down on everything with its light, and the work of the Lord is full of his glory. The Lord has not enabled his holy ones to recount all his marvelous works, which the Lord the Almighty has established that the universe may stand firm in his glory. He searches out the abyss, and the hearts of men, and considers their crafty devices. For the Most High knows all that may be known, and he looks into the signs of the age. He declares what has been and what is to be, and he reveals the tracks of hidden things. No thought escapes him, and not one word is hidden from him. He has ordained the splendors of his wisdom, and he is from everlasting and to everlasting. Nothing can be added or taken away, and he needs NO ONE to be his counselor.” Sirach 42:15-21 RSV
“By his counsel he stilled the great deep and planted islands in it. Those who sail the sea tell of its dangers, and we marvel at what we hear. for in it are strange and marvelous works, all kinds of living things, and huge creatures of the sea. Because of him his messenger finds the way, and by HIS word all things hold together.” Sirach 43:23-26 RSV
“The flaming fire was round about Him, and a great fire stood before Him, and none around could draw nigh Him: ten thousand times ten thousand (stood) before Him, yet He needed NO COUNSELOR.” 1 Enoch Chapter XIV [14]:22
The foregoing citations further identify the Son as that very Lord whom Hermas thanked for cleansing and saving all those who would bear and call upon his name in order to enter into God’s kingdom.
Seeing that this is a clear act of worship, which the Hebrew Bible ascribes to Jehovah alone,
“After that he planted a tamarisk tree at Beʹer-sheʹba, and there he called on the name of Jehovah, the everlasting God.” Genesis 21:33 NWT
“Moses and Aaron were among his priests, And Samuel was among those calling on his name. They would call to Jehovah, And he would answer them. He would speak to them from the pillar of cloud. They kept his reminders and the decree that he gave to them.” Psalm 99:6-7 NWT
“I love Jehovah Because he hears my voice, my pleas for help. For he inclines his ear to me, And I will call on him as long as I live. The ropes of death encircled me; The Grave had me in its grip. I was overcome by distress and grief. But I called on the name of Jehovah: ‘O Jehovah, rescue me!’… I will take up the cup of salvation, And I will call on the name of Jehovah… I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving; I will call on the name of Jehovah.” Psalm 116:1-4, 13, 17 NWT
“Jehovah is near to all those calling on him, To all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18 NWT
“And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved; For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, just as Jehovah has said, The survivors whom Jehovah calls.” Joel 2:32 NWT
And seeing that this very act of reverence is given to Jesus in the New Testament,
“There was a disciple named An·a·niʹas in Damascus, and the Lord said to him in a vision: ‘An·a·niʹas!’ He said: ‘Here I am, Lord.’ The Lord said to him: ‘Get up, go to the street called Straight, and look for a man named Saul, from Tarsus,i at the house of Judas. For look! he is praying, and in a vision he has seen a man named An·a·niʹas come in and lay his hands on him so that he may recover sight.’ But An·a·niʹas answered: ‘Lord, I have heard from many about this man, about all the harm he did to YOUR holy ones in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to arrest all those calling on YOUR NAME (tous epikaloumenous to onoma sou).’ But the Lord said to him: ‘Go! because this man is a chosen vessel to ME to bear MY NAME to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel. For I will show him plainly how many things he must suffer for MY NAME.’ So An·a·niʹas went and entered the house, and he laid his hands on him and said: ‘Saul, brother, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road along which you were coming, has sent me so that you may recover sight and be filled with holy spirit.’ And immediately, what looked like scales fell from his eyes, and he recovered his sight. He then got up and was baptized, and he ate some food and gained strength. He stayed for some days with the disciples in Damascus, and immediately in the synagogues he began to preach about Jesus, that this one is the Son of God. But all those hearing him were astonished and were saying: ‘Is this not the man who ravaged those in Jerusalem who call on THIS NAME (tous epikaloumenous to onoma touto)? Did he not come here for the purpose of arresting them and taking them to the chief priests?’” Acts 9:10-21 NWT
“Then a man named An·a·niʹas, a devout man according to the Law, well-reported-on by all the Jews living there, came to me. He stood by me and said to me: ‘Saul, brother, regain your sight!’ And that very moment I looked up and saw him. He said: ‘The God of our forefathers has chosen you to come to know his will and to see the righteous one and to hear the voice of HIS mouth, because you are to be a witness for HIM to all men of the things you have seen and heard. And now why are you delaying? Rise, get baptized, and wash your sins away by your calling on HIS NAME (epikalesamenos to onoma autou).’ But when I had returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, I fell into a trance and SAW HIM saying to me: ‘Hurry up and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because they will not accept your witness concerning ME.’ And I said: ‘Lord, they themselves well know that I used to imprison and flog in one synagogue after another those believing IN YOU; and when the blood of Stephen YOUR witness was being spilled, I was standing by and approving and guarding the outer garments of those doing away with him.’ And yet he said to me: ‘Go, because I will send you out to nations far away.’” Acts 22:12-21 NWT
“to the congregation of God that is in Corinth, to you who have been sanctified in union with Christ Jesus, called to be holy ones, together with all those everywhere who are calling on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (pasin tois epikaloumenois to onoma tou Kyriou Iesou), their Lord and ours:” 1 Corinthians 1:2 NWT
This, therefore, merely reinforces the fact that the very first Christians, beginning with Christ’s original disciples, worshiped the risen Son as Jehovah God Almighty that became flesh for our salvation. There’s simply no way around this.
The Shepherd provides further proof for the Son being an uncreated divine Person.
Fifteen days after, when I had fasted and prayed much to the Lord, the knowledge of the writing was revealed to me. Now the writing was to this effect: “Your seed, O Hermas, has sinned against God, and they have blasphemed against the Lord, and in their great wickedness they have betrayed their parents. And they passed as traitors of their parents, and by their treachery did they not reap profit. And even now they have added to their sins lusts and iniquitous pollutions, and thus their iniquities have, been filled up. But make known these words to all your children, and to your wife, who is to be your sister. For she does not restrain her tongue, with which she commits iniquity; but, on hearing these words, she will control herself, and will obtain mercy. For after you have made known to them these words which my Lord has commanded me to reveal to you, then shall they be forgiven all the sins which in former times they committed, and forgiveness will be granted to all the saints who have sinned even to the present day, if they repent with all their heart, and drive all doubts from their minds. For the Lord has sworn by His glory (homosen gar ho despotes kata tes doxes autou), in regard to His elect, that if any one of them sin after a certain day which has been fixed, he shall not be saved. For the repentance of the righteous has limits. Filled up are the days of repentance to all the saints; but to the heathen, repentance will be possible even to the last day. You will tell, therefore, those who preside over the Church, to direct their ways in righteousness, that they may receive in full the promises with great glory. Stand stedfast, therefore, ye who work righteous, ness, and doubt not, that your passage may be with the holy angels. Happy ye who endure the great tribulation that is coming on, and happy they who shall not deny their own life. For the Lord hath sworn BY HIS SON (homosen gar kyrios kata tou hyiou autou), that those who denied their Lord have abandoned their life in despair, for even now these are to deny Him in the days that are coming. To those who denied in earlier times, God became gracious, on account of His exceeding tender mercy. Second Vision (Roberts-Donaldson)
5. For the Master has sworn to his elect by his glory that if there be still sin after this day has been fixed, they shall find no salvation; for repentance for the just has an end; the days of repentance have been fulfilled for all the saints, but for the heathen repentance is open until the last day… 8. For the Lord has sworn BY HIS SON that those who have denied their Christ have been rejected from their life, that is, those who shall now deny him in the days to come. (Kirsopp Lake, p. 21)
“(5) For the Master has sworn by his own glory regarding his elect… (8) For the Lord has sworn BY his Son that those who have denied their Lord have been rejected from their life…” (Holmes, p. 343)
God’s swearing by both his own glory and the Son is a further indication that Jesus is being described as Jehovah God Almighty, since the God-breathed Scriptures affirm that God does not swear by a creature or any part of his creation.
God only swears by himself since there is none equal to or greater than him to swear by:
“For when God made his promise to Abraham, since he could not swear by anyone greater, he swore by himself, saying: ‘I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply you.’ So after Abraham had shown patience, he obtained this promise. For men swear by someone greater, and their oath is the end of every dispute, since it is a legal guarantee to them.” Hebrews 6:13-16 NWT
“And Jehovah’s angel called to Abraham a second time from the heavens, saying: ‘By myself I swear,’ declares Jehovah, ‘that because you have done this and you have not withheld your son, your only one,’” Genesis 22:15-16 NWT
“I will maintain my loyal love for him forever, And my covenant with him will never fail. I will establish his offspring forever And make his throne as enduring as the heavens. If his sons leave my law And do not walk according to my decrees, If they violate my statutes And do not keep my commandments, Then I will punish their disobedience with a rod And their error with flogging. But I will never abandon my loyal love for him Nor be untrue to my promise. I will not violate my covenant Or change what my lips have spoken. I have sworn in my holiness, once and for all; I will not tell lies to David. His offspring will endure forever; His throne will endure like the sun before me.” Psalm 89:28-36 NWT
“‘But if you will not obey these words, by myself I do swear,’ declares Jehovah, ‘that this house will become a devastated place.’” Jeremiah 22:5 NWT
“The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has sworn by his holiness, ‘Look! The days are coming upon you when he will lift you up with butcher hooks And the rest of you with fishhooks.’” Amos 4:2 NWT
“‘The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has sworn by himself,’ declares Jehovah the God of armies, ‘I detest the pride of Jacob, I hate his fortified towers, And I will hand over the city and what fills it.’” Amos 6:8 NWT
“And I saw another strong angel descending from heaven, arrayed with a cloud, and a rainbow was on his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs were like pillars of fire, and he had in his hand a little scroll that had been unrolled. And he set his right foot on the sea, but his left one on the earth, and he cried out with a loud voice just as when a lion roars. And when he cried out, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. Now when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write, but I heard a voice out of heaven say: ‘Seal up the things the seven thunders spoke, and do not write them down.’ The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven, and he swore by the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it: ‘There will be no delay any longer.’” Revelation 10:1-6 NWT
This merely reinforces the point that for Hermas, the Son is no mere creature. Rather, the Son is essentially one with the Father and therefore equal to him in nature, glory and honor.
I conclude my post by citing a particular section of the Shepherd that has an obvious Trinitarian structure to it:
24[101]:4 But I say unto you that are such–I, the angel of repentance–remain to the end such as ye are, and your seed shall never be blotted out. For the Lord hath put you to the proof, and enrolled you among our number, and your whole seed shall dwell with the Son of God; for of His Spirit did ye receive. Parable 9 (Lightfoot)
“And I, the angel of repentance, say to you who are such, Continue to be such as these, and your seed will never be blotted out; for the Lord has made trial of you, and inscribed you in the number of us, and the whole of your seed will dwell with the Son of God; for ye have received of His Spirit.” (Roberts-Donaldson)
4. And I, the angel of repentance, say to you who are such: Remain such as you are, and your seed shall not be blotted out forever, for the Lord has proved you and written you in among our number, and all your seed shall dwell with the Son of God, for of his spirit have you received. (Kirsopp Lake, p. 279)
“(4) And I, the angel of repentance, declare to you who are such people: continue to be such, and your descendants will never be blotted out. For the Lord has tested you and has enrolled you among our number, and all your descendants will live with the Son of God, for you have partaken of his Spirit.” (Holmes, p. 509)
Ignatius of Antioch’s Proclamation of the Essential Deity of Christ
Justin Martyr’s Witness to Christ’s essential and eternal Deity
Tertullian and the Doctrine of the Trinity
The Council of Antioch on Christ’s Divinity
(1) Concerning the meaning of progenesteros which Hermas used to describe the Son as being older than all of creation, here’s how Liddell and Scott’s Greek Lexicon defines this expression on p. 1472:
ππογενήρ, έρ, born before, primeval, θεοί S.Ant.938 (anap.): Comp. ππογενέςσεπορ, α, ον, earlier in birth, i.e. older, Il.2.555, Od.2.29, Theoc.29.10, etc.; λενεῆ π. Il.9.161; σινορ 23.789; οἱ π. those who have gone before us, our predecessors, Arist.EN1181b 16, de An.403b 27, PA642a 24, Phld.Ind.Sto.20: Sup. ππογενέςσασορ, eldest-born, primordial, h.Cer.110, An.410b 14,
II. generally, previous, prior, ςτγγπαυαί PSI8.904.6 (i A.D.); φάπσηρ PLond.1.77.59 (Comp., vi A.D.).
ππογεννάψ, beget before, Thphr.CP1.20.3.
ππογεννήσειπα, ή, ancestress: mother, Lyc.183.
ππογεννήσψπ, οπορ, ὁ, in pl., forefathers, E.Hipp.1380 (lyr.).
ππογέπψν, ονσορ, ὁ, older, δὶρ σήρ ρ ήλικίηρ π. BMus.Inscr.829b2 (Cnidus).
ππογετμᾰσίζψ, taste before, σινορ An.422b 7.
ππογεόςιμον, σϋ, food taken before a meal, PKlein.Form.261.5 (pl., vi A.D.).
ππογεόςσηρ, οτ, ὁ, one who tastes before, Plu.2.990a, Ath.4.171b: fem. -γετςσπίρ ίδορ, ὄςυπηςιρ Ph.1.170, cf. 603.
ππογεόψ, give a foretaste of, c. gen., Aristid. Quint.3.27:—Med., taste before, Anaxil.10 (prob. cj.), Arist.PA690b 27, Plu.2.49e; σοῦ μέλλονσορ ἀγαθοῦ Ph.1.603.
The use of this phrase highlights the Son’s being primeval, primordial, older than all creation, and therefore cannot be a creature that came into existence. Rather, the Son is eternal and uncreated by nature.
Even if one were to opt for the view that this expression indicates that the Son was born before all creation, this still would not mean that he is a creature.
All this would prove is that the Son is begotten of the Father, and not created ex nihilo (i.e., from nothing), since he has eternally resided (so to speak) within God’s own infinite Being as his Word/Wisdom which came forth from him.
This is precisely what the inspired Scriptures teach in respect to God begetting his uncreated Word/Wisdom from out of himself through his metaphorical mouth:
“For the LORD gives wisdom; FROM HIS MOUTH come knowledge and understanding;” Proverbs 2:6 RSV
“for wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me. For in her there is a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique (monogenes), manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent and pure and most subtle. For wisdom is more mobile than any motion; because of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things. For she is a breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her. For she is a reflection (apaugasma) of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image (eikon) of his goodness. Though she is but one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she renews all things; in every generation she passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God, and prophets; for God loves nothing so much as the man who lives with wisdom. For she is more beautiful than the sun, and excels every constellation of the stars. Compared with the light she is found to be superior, for it is succeeded by the night, but against wisdom evil does not prevail.” Wisdom 7:22-30 RSV – Cf. John 1:14, 18; 3:16, 18; 1 Corinthians 1:24; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3; 7:26
“O God of my fathers and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things BY THY WORD, and BY THY WISDOM hast formed man, to have dominion over the creatures thou hast made… With thee is wisdom, who knows thy works and was present when thou didst make the world, and who understands what is pleasing in thy sight and what is right according to thy commandments. Send her forth from the holy heavens, and from the throne of thy glory send her, that she may be with me and toil, and that I may learn what is pleasing to thee. For she knows and understands all things, and she will guide me wisely in my actions and guard me with her glory… Who has learned thy counsel, unless thou hast given wisdom and sent thy holy Spirit from on high?” Wisdom 9:1-2, 9-11, 17 RSV – Cf. John 1:1-4; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:1-2
“Wisdom will praise herself, and will glory in the midst of her people. In the assembly of the Most High she will open her mouth, and in the presence of his host she will glory: ‘I CAME FORTH FROM THE MOUTH OF THE MOST HIGH, and covered the earth like a mist. I dwelt in high places, and my throne was in a pillar of cloud. Alone I have made the circuit of the vault of heaven and have walked in the depths of the abyss. In the waves of the sea, in the whole earth, and in every people and nation I have gotten a possession. Among all these I sought a resting place; I sought in whose territory I might lodge. Then the Creator of all things gave me a commandment, and the one who created me assigned a place for my tent. And he said, ‘Make your dwelling in Jacob, and in Israel receive your inheritance.’ FROM ETERNITY, in the beginning, he created me, and for eternity I shall not cease to exist. In the holy tabernacle I ministered before him, and so I was established in Zion.’” Sirach 24:1-10 RSV
As such, being born doesn’t mean that the Son came into existence. As God’s Word/Wisdom he has always existed inseparably from God and came forth from him without ever severing from his eternal Father.
The title has “HERMES” but the article has “Shepherd of Hermas”? I suspect the article title is wrong.