The following excerpt has been taken from this specific Shia site: Chapter Eight: Sunni reports about deletions from the Quran.

EIGHT: The companions did not believe in the completeness of the Quran as they attested to numerous verses being lost from Surah Ahzab

We have relied on the following authentic Sunni books to prove this:

Tafseer Ibn Kathir, Volume 4 page 465, Surah Ahzab

Tafseer Dur al-Manthur, Volume 5 page 180 , Surah Ahzab

Al-Itqan, Volume 2 page 30

Tafseer Qurtubi, Volume 7 page 113, Surah Ahzab

Tafseer Fath al Qadeer, Volume 4 page 251, Surah Ahzab

Tafseer Mazhari, Volume 7 page 302, Surah Ahzab

Tafseer Ruh al-Ma’ani, page 121 parah 21

Tafseer Kashaf, Volume 2 page 204, Surah Ahzab

Tafseer Gharaib al-Quran, Volume 7 page 75

Tafseer Madarik al-Tanzeel, Volume 3 page 48, Surah Ahzab

Al Muhazraat, Volume 4 page 434 by Raghib al-Isfahani

The testimony of the companion Ubai bin Ka’b

We read in Tafseer Dur al Manthur:

“Ubai bin Ka’ab inquired of someone: ‘How many verses were there in the chapter of al-Ahzab?’ He replied, ’72 or 73 verses.’ Ubai bin Ka’b then said: ‘I had seen this Surah more or equal to Surah Baqarah” Tafseer Dur al Manthur, vol 6 page 558

The testimony of Umar

We also read in Tafseer Dur al Manthur:

“Ibn Mardawayh narrated from Huzaifah that Umar said that Surah Ahzab was equal to Surah Baqrah (in length)”

Ayesha clearly believed in the incompleteness of Quran

We read in Tafseer Ruh al Mani:

“Ayesha narrates: “During the life of the the Prophet (s), Surah Ahzab was read with 200 verses, when Uthman collected the verses, he could get along with more verses than this.”

We also read in Tafseer Qurtubi:

“Ayesha narrates: ‘Surah Ahzab contained 200 verses during the lifetime of Prophet (s) but when the Quran was collected we only found the amount that can be found in the present Quran”.

This tragedy happened due to Uthman but it seems that the author of this tafseer lacked sufficient courage to cite his name.

We also read in Dur al-Manthur:

“Ayesha narrated that during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (s) 200 verses were recited in Surah Ahzab but when Uthman collected the Mushaf, he only succeeded in locating the present number of verses” Online Tafsir Dur al Manthoor, Surah Ahzab, vol 6 page 560

Ayesha’s explicit statement suggests that Uthman was unsuccessful in locating a large number of verses that were present during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet. It isn’t a small statement. According to Ayesha, the Muslims of today have been deprived of a large number of verses that were in existence during the time of the Holy Prophet. Ayesha was fully aware of the seriousness of this statement, and in it we do not find any evidence that the ‘lost’ verses were abrogated, the Nawasib should therefore refrain from putting words into her mouth. She stated that these verses were in existence during the era of the Holy Prophet and then went missing during the era of Uthman. If Nawasib seek to suggest that those verses were abrogated then would mean they deem Abu Bakr and Umar as their next Prophets for they had abrogated these verses after the death of the Prophet.


Dear readers, at present there are 73 verses in Surah Ahzab, where are the missing 127 verses? Who is responsible for omitting these verses? If Uthman’s lovers give him credit for collecting and compiling the Quran then they should likewise hold him responsible for the loss of 127 verses, and this is a clear distortion of the Quran that according to Nawasib is Kufr. Perhaps they are unable to accept that their beloved Caliph was guilty of doing what they declare as Kufr. At least this wasn’t “Fadak” or the “Bayt ul-Maal” that the drunkard heroes of Nawasib would freely distribute amongst their relatives, nor was it the pulpit of caliphate that they would play musical chairs with! We are talking about the Holy Quran, Allah says that He is the Protector of the Quran, so where was Allah and His authority when these people lost, forgot and distributed the Holy Quran with such generosity?

There’s more in the next post: THE CORRUPT QURAN’S MISSING VERSES PT. 2.


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