Courtesy of William Albrecht.
All emphasis is mine.
Ephrem the Syrian
“I am about to enter into His living Paradise, and in the place in which Eve succumbed, I shall glorify Him. For of all created women, He was most pleased with me, and He willed that I should be mother to Him, and it pleased Him that He should be a child to me.” Bethlehem thanks You that she was found worthy to give birth to You.
“To a great height He lifted me with my saints so that I might glorify Him in the broad and vast heaven full of His glory but unable to contain within itself the greatness of the One who bent down and became small in the manger.
“Heavenly voices bent down and became small in the manger. Heavenly voices announced to those below; the ears of earthly beings drank You in with the tidings–” (Nativitate II A.D. 350)
“Since my Son Thou art, with my nursery rhymes will I soothe Thee. And, for all that I am Thy Mother, I shall honor Thee. My Son, to whom I have given birth, older than me Thou art. My Lord, though I carried Thee, it is Thou that holds me up. Let heaven hold me in its embraces; for above it I am honored. For heaven, in truth, was not Thy Mother, but Thou madest it Thy throne. How much more honorable and venerable is the King’s Mother than His throne. I will give Thee thanks, O Lord, because Thou hast willed me to be Thy Mother. In gentle hymns will I celebrate Thy praise.” (Hymn 19 on Blessed Mary)
“Majestic and Heavenly Maid, Lady, Queen, protect and keep me under your wing lest Satan the sower of destruction glory over me, lest my wicked foe be victorious against me.” (Oration on the Mother of the Lord III)
Like the bodies of the saints, however, she has been held in honor for her character and understanding. And if I should say anything more in her praise, she is like Elijah, who was virgin from his mother’s womb, always remained so, and was taken up, but has not seen death. (Section 79 of Panarion, A.D. 370)
Timothy of Jerusalem
Therefore the Virgin is immortal to this day, seeing that he who had dwelt in her transported her to the regions of her assumption. (Homily on Simeon and Anna)
Pseudo John the Theologian
The Lord said to his Mother, “Let your heart rejoice and be glad. For every favor and every gift has been given to you from my Father in heaven and from me and from the Holy Spirit. Every soul that calls upon your name shall not be ashamed, but shall find mercy and comfort and support and confidence, both in the world that now is and in that which is to come, in the presence of my Father in the heavens”. . . And from that time forth all knew that the spotless and precious body had been transferred to paradise. (The Dormition of Mary [A.D. 400])
COUNCIL OF NISIBIS 480 DECREE from SAINT JACOB (Early Church Council affirming the Assumption)
Death came that she might taste his cup. The Lord commanded the exalted hosts above and the flaming legions, the seraphim of light.
On this day Adam rejoices and Eve his wife, because their daughter rests in the place where they are gathered. On this day the righteous Noah and Abraham rejoice that their daughter has visited them in their dwelling-place.
On this day let also Judah rejoice greatly, for behold the daughter who has given life, went forth from his loins. On this day let Joseph rejoice and the great Moses, for one young maiden has called all mankind to life.
Come Ezekiel, trained in prophetic revelation, if the thing that has occurred is described in your prophecy! On this day let also Isaiah the prophet rejoice, because she whom he prophesied, behold she visits him in the place of the dead. On this day all the prophets lifted their heads from their graves, because they saw the light which shone forth on them. They saw that death is disquieted and flees from within them; and the gates of heaven are opened again and the depths of the earth.
She wove a beautiful crown and set it on her sublime head on which valuable pearls were laid.
Gregory of Tours, Eight Books of Miracles, 1:4 (A.D. 575)
[T]he Apostles took up her body on a bier and placed it in a tomb; and they guarded it, expecting the Lord to come. And behold, again the Lord stood by them; and the holy body having been received, He commanded that it be taken in a cloud into paradise: where now, rejoined to the soul, [Mary] rejoices with the Lord’s chosen ones. . .
Theoteknos of Livias, Homily on the Assumption (ca. A.D. 600)
It was fitting … that the most holy-body of Mary, God-bearing body, receptacle of God, divinised, incorruptible, illuminated by divine grace and full glory … should be entrusted to the earth for a little while and raised up to heaven in glory, with her soul pleasing to God.
Modestus of Jerusalem
As the most glorious Mother of Christ, our Savior and God and the giver of life and immortality, has been endowed with life by him, she has received an eternal incorruptibility of the body together with him who has raised her up from the tomb and has taken her up to himself in a way known only to him. (Encomium in dormitionnem Sanctissimae Dominae nostrae Deiparae semperque Virginis Mariae [ante A.D. 634])
Germanus of Constantinople, Sermon I (A.D. 683)
You are she who, as it is written, appears in beauty, and your virginal body is all holy, all chaste, entirely the dwelling place of God, so that it is henceforth completely exempt from dissolution into dust. Though still human, it is changed into the heavenly life of incorruptibility, truly living and glorious, undamaged and sharing in perfect life.
John Damascene, Dormition of Mary (A.D. 680)
It was fitting that she, who had kept her virginity intact in childbirth, should keep her own body free from all corruption even after death. It was fitting that she, who had carried the Creator as a child at her breast, should dwell in the divine tabernacles. It was fitting that the spouse, whom the Father had taken to himself, should live in the divine mansions. It was fitting that she, who had seen her Son upon the cross and who had thereby received into her heart the sword of sorrow which she had escaped when giving birth to him, should look upon him as he sits with the Father. It was fitting that God’s Mother should possess what belongs to her Son, and that she should be honored by every creature as the Mother and as the handmaid of God.
Gregorian Sacramentary, Veneranda (ante A.D. 795)
Venerable to us, O Lord, is the festivity of this day on which the holy Mother of God suffered temporal death, but still could not be kept down by the bonds of death, who has begotten Thy Son our Lord incarnate from herself.
The extracts quoted in the preceding pages show how largely Solomon, Bishop of Al-Basrah, borrowed from the “Cave of Treasures” when compiling his work, “The Book of the Bee,” especially when he was dealing with the history of the early Patriarchs. But he did not bring his book to a close with the narrative of the Crucifixion, for his aim was to describe briefly the progress of Christianity after the death of Christ; and in doing this he collected and set down in writing a considerable amount of information regarding the Apostles and disciples, and their lives and deaths, and a number of facts and legends which he accepted and wished the Nestorians in his diocese especially to believe. In fact, the “Book of the Bee,” though written by a Nestorian bishop, may be regarded as a supplement or continuation of the “Cave of Treasures,” which, according to ancient tradition, was written by a Jacobite bishop. Both works are included in the collection of texts which the learned priest Hômô copied in the British Museum MS. Add. 25875, and both were so highly esteemed that copies of them were made for the library of the church of the Virgin Mary in `Amedîa. The following summary is based on my translation of the Syriac text published at Oxford in 1886…
Mary lived twelve years after our Lord’s Ascension; the sum of the years which she lived in the world was fifty-eight years, but others say sixty-one years. She was not buried on earth, but the angels carried her to Paradise, and angels bore her bier. On the other hand, we read in the History of the Virgin, “And the blessed Mary departed this life in the year of Alexander, 394 (i.e. A.D. 82-83). At the Annunciation she was thirty years old, and she lived also the thirty-three years of the Dispensation; and after the Crucifixion she lived fifty-eight years. The years which she lived were one hundred and twenty-one.” In the same book we have: “And Mary remained in Jerusalem, and grieved because of her separation from our Lord Jesus Christ, and the absence of the apostles from her. And she prayed and cast frankincense into the fire, and lifted up her eyes and spread out her hands to heaven, and said, ‘O Christ, the Son of the living God, hearken unto the voice of Thy handmaiden, and send unto me Thy friend John the Young with his fellow-apostles, that I may see them and be comforted by the sight of them before the day of my death; and I will praise and adore Thy goodness.'” And straightway it was revealed by the Holy Spirit to each one of the apostles, in whatever country he was in, that the blessed Mary was about to depart from this world into the never-ending life. And the Spirit summoned them, along with those of them who were dead, to be gathered together at daybreak to the blessed Mary for her to see them: and each one of them came to her from his own land at dawn by the agency of the Holy Spirit, and they saluted Mary and each other, and adored her. Thomas was in India, and an angel took him up and brought him. And he found the angels carrying her bier through the air; and they brought it nigh to Thomas, and he also prayed and was blessed by her. (
It makes sense since Mary was an ark of God. That she should be taken up.