The Quran speaks of Allah extracting seed from the children of Adam in order to make them testify that they would worship none besides him:
And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam’s loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord?” They said: “Yes! We testify,” lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: “Verily, we have been unaware of this.” Or lest you should say: “It was only our fathers aforetime who took others as partners in worship along with Allah, and we were (merely their) descendants after them; will You then destroy us because of the deeds of men who practised Al-Batil (i.e. polytheism and committing crimes and sins, invoking and worshipping others besides Allah)?” (Tafsir At-Tabari). S. 7:172-173 Hilali-Khan
According to the Islamic sources, this is supposed to refer to the time when Allah brought forth all of Adam’s descendants from his loins to make a covenant with them:
And remember when your Lord took from the Children of Adam from their loins min zuhūrihim is an inclusive substitution for the preceding clause min banī Ādama ‘from the Children of Adam’ with the same preposition min ‘from’ their seed by bringing forth one from the loins of the other all from the loins of Adam offspring after offspring in the way that they multiply looking like small ants at the valley of Na‘mān on the Day of ‘Arafa because of their multitude. God set up proofs of His Lordship for them and endowed them with the faculty of reason and made them testify against themselves saying ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They said ‘Yea indeed You are our Lord we testify’ to this and this taking of testimony is lest they should say in both instances read third person yaqūlū ‘they say’ or second person taqūlū ‘you say’ on the Day of Resurrection ‘Truly of this Oneness of God we were unaware’ not knowing it! (Tafsir al-Jalalayn; emphasis mine)
(And (remember) when thy Lord) O Muhammad (brought forth) on the Day of the Covenant (from the Children of Adam, from their reins, their seed) He brought forth the seeds from their reins, (and made them testify of themselves, (saying): Am I not your Lord? They said: Yea, verily We testify) we know and acknowledge that You are our Lord. Allah then said to the angels: be witnesses over them; and let you be witnesses over one another. ((That was) lest ye should say) so that you do not say (at the Day of Resurrection: Lo! of this) covenant (we were unaware) we were not made to make pledge; (Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs; emphasis mine)
The hadiths attributed to Muhammad also claim that this was the period when Allah determined which of the seed of Adam would go to heaven and which of them would be tortured in hellfire forever:
The Covenant taken from the Descendants of Adam
Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah created them on this Fitrah, or way, just as He said…
(So set you (O Muhammad) your face truly towards the religion, Hanifan. Allah’s Fitrah with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in Khalqillah.) (30:30) And it is recorded in the Two Sahihs from Abu Hurayrah who said that the Messenger of Allah said…
<<Every child is born upon the Fitrah, it is only his parents who turn him into a Jew, a Christian or a Zoroastrian. Just as animals are born having full bodies, do you see any of them having a cutoff nose (when they are born)>>. Muslim recorded that `Iyad bin `Himar said that the Messenger of Allah said…
<<(Allah said, `I created My servants Hunafa‘ (monotheists), but the devils came to them and deviated them from their religion, prohibiting what I allowed.>> There are Hadiths that mention that Allah took Adam’s offspring from his loins and divided them into those on the right and those on the left. Imam Ahmad recorded that Anas bin Malik said that the Prophet said…
<<It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, `If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom?’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).’>> This was recorded in the Two Sahihs Commenting on this Ayah (7:172), At-Tirmidhi recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said…
<<When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. Allah placed a glimmering light between the eyes of each one of them. Allah showed them to Adam and Adam asked, `O Lord! Who are they?’ Allah said, `These are your offspring.’ Adam saw a man from among them whose light he liked. He asked, `O Lord! Who is this man’ Allah said, `This is a man from the latter generations of your offspring. His name is Dawud.’ Adam said, `O Lord! How many years would he live?’ Allah said, `Sixty years.’ Adam said, `O Lord! I have forfeited forty years from my life for him.’ When Adam’s life came to an end, the angel of death came to him (to take his soul). Adam said, `I still have forty years from my life term, don’t I?’ He said, `Have you not given it to your son Dawud?’ So Adam denied that and his offspring followed suit (denying Allah’s covenant), Adam forgot and his offspring forgot, Adam made a mistake and his offspring made mistakes.>> At-Tirmidhi said, “This Hadith is HASAN SAHIH, and it was reported from various chains of narration through Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet.” Al-Hakim also recorded it in his Mustadrak, and said; “SAHIH according to the criteria of Muslim, and they did not record it.” These and similar Hadiths testify that Allah, the Exalted and Most Honored, brought forth Adam’s offspring from his loins and separated between the inhabitants of Paradise and those of the Fire. Allah then said…
(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord?” They said: “Yes!”) Therefore, Allah made them testify with themselves by circumstance and words. Testimony is sometimes given in words, such as…
(They will say: “We bear witness against ourselves.”) (6:130) At other times, testimony is given by the people themselves, such as Allah’s statement…
(It is not for the Mushrikin, (polytheists) to maintain the mosques of Allah, while they testify against their own selves of disbelief.) (9:17) This Ayah means that their disbelief testifies against them, not that they actually testify against themselves here. Another Ayah of this type is Allah’s statement…
(And to that he bears witness (by his deeds).) (100:7) The same is the case with asking, sometimes takes the form of words and sometimes a situation or circumstance. For instance, Allah said…
(And He gave you of all that you asked for.) (14:34) Allah said here…
(lest you should say), on the Day of Resurrection…
(we were of this) of Tawhid…
(unaware. Or lest you should say: “It was only our fathers aforetime who took others as partners in worship along with Allah,”) (7:172-173) (Tafsir Ibn Kathir; emphasis mine)
Narrated Abu Hurairah: that the Messenger of Allah said: When Allah created Adam He wiped his back and every person that He created among his offspring until the Day of Resurrection fell out of his back. He placed a ray of light between the eyes of every person. Then He showed them to Adam and he said: ‘O Lord! Who are these people?’ He said: ‘These are your offspring.’ He saw one of them whose ray between his eyes amazed him, so he said: ‘O Lord! Who is this?’ He said: ‘This is a man from the latter nations of your offspring called Dawud.’ He said: ‘Lord! How long did You make his lifespan?’ He said: ‘Sixty years.’ He said: ‘O Lord! Add forty years from my life to his.’ So at the end of Adam’s life, the Angel of death of came to him, and he said: ‘Do I not have forty years remaining?’ He said: ‘Did you not give them to your son Dawud?’ He said: Adam denied, so his offspring denied, and Adam forgot and his offspring forgot, and Adam sinned, so his offspring sinned.
Grade: HASAN (Darussalam) (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith, Number 3076; see also; emphasis mine)
Pay close attention to the foregoing narratives admitting that Adam caused all of his seed to forget and deny due to his later forgetting and denying that he had assigned forty years of his earthly life to his descendant David. This is obviously Muhammad’s version of the biblical doctrine of “Original Sin”!
Narrated Muslim bin Yasar Al-Juhani: that ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab was asked about this Ayah: And when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed and made them testify as to themselves: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes! We testify, lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: ‘Verily, we have been unaware of this (7:172).’ So ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab said: I heard the Messenger of Allah being asked about it. So the Messenger of Allah said: ‘Indeed Allah created Adam, then He wiped his back with His Right Hand, and his offspring came out of him. So he said: I created these for Paradise, and they will do the deeds of the people of Paradise. Then He wiped his back, and his offspring came out of him. So He said: I created these for the Fire, and they will do the deeds of the people of the Fire. A man said: ‘Then of what good is doing deeds O Messenger of Allah!’ The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Verily, when Allah created a man for Paradise, He makes him perform the deeds of the people of Paradise, until he dies doing one of the deeds of the people of Paradise. So Allah will admit him into Paradise. And when He created a man for the Fire, He makes him perform the deeds of the people of the Fire until he dies doing the deeds of the people of the Fire. So Allah will enter him into the Fire.’
Grade: Daif (Darussalam) (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith, Number 3075; see also; emphasis mine)
As if this Islamic view of predeterminism weren’t troubling enough, the sound reports have Muhammad also proclaiming that Allah extracted from Adam’s loins all of his black offspring for the express purpose of torturing them in hell forever!
Narrated AbudDarda’
Allah’s Messenger said: Allah created Adam when He had to create him and He struck his right shoulder and there emitted from it white offspring as if they were white ants. He struck his left shoulder and there emitted from it THE BLACK OFFSPRINGS as if they were charcoal. He then said (to those who had been emitted) from the right (shoulder): For Paradise and I do not mind. Then He said to those (who had been emitted) from his left shoulder: They are for Hell and I do not mind.
Transmitted by Ahmad. (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith, Number 38
Abu Darda’ reported God’s messenger as saying, “God created Adam when He created him and struck his right shoulder and brought forth his offspring white like small ants. And he struck his left shoulder and brought forth his offspring BLACK as though they were charcoal. Then He said to the party on his right said, ‘To paradise, and I do not care’, and He said to the party in his left shoulder ‘To hell, and I do not care’.”
Ahmad transmitted it.
Grade: Isnād HASAN (Zubair `Aliza’i)
Reference: Mishkat al-Masabih 119
In-book reference: Book 1, Hadith 112 (Mishkat Al Masabih, English translation with explanatory notes by Dr. James Robson [Sh. Muhammad Ahsraf Publishers, Booksellers & Exporters, Lahore-Pakistan, Reprint 1990], Volume I, Chapter IV, Book I. Faith, pp. 31-32:
There is a hadith from the Prophet that expresses other than these two views. Malik related in his Muwatta’ that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab was asked about this ayah and said, ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah being asked about it and the Messenger of Allah said, “When Allah Almighty created Adam, He stroked his back with His right hand, and removed progeny from him and said, ‘I created these for the Garden and they will act with the behaviour of the people of the Garden.’ Then He stroked his back again, and he brought forth progeny from him and said, ‘I created these for the Fire and they will act with the behaviour of the people of the Fire.’” A man asked, “Then of what value are good deeds?” The Messenger of Allah said, “When Allah creates someone for the Garden, he makes him do the actions of the people of the Garden, and by it He brings him into the Garden. When He creates someone for the Fire, He makes him do the actions of the people of the Fire, so that he dies on one of the actions of the people of the Fire, and by it, He brings into the Fire.”’ Abu ‘Umar said, ‘This is a hadith with a broken isnad because Muslim ibn Yasar did not meet ‘Umar.’ Yahya ibn Ma’in said that Muslim ibn Yasar is not known. Between him and ‘Umar was Nu’aym ibn Rabi’ah whom an-Nasa’i mentioned, and Nu’aym is not known for having knowledge. Nonetheless the meaning of this hadith is SOUND from the Prophet from many firm paths from the hadiths of ‘Umar ibn Khattab, ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib, Abu Hurayrah and others…
There is disagreement about the place where the contract was made when they were brought out, and four things are said. Ibn ‘Abbas said that it was on the plain of Na’man, a valley in ‘Arafah. It is also related from him that it was in Barahba, a land in India where Adam descended. Yahya ibn Sallam said that Ibn ‘Abbas said about this ayah, ‘Allah brought Adam down in India. Then he stroked his back and brought forth from it every soul that He will create until the Day of Rising. Then He said, “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “We testify.”’ Yahya said that al-Hasan said, ‘Then he put them back in the loins of Adam. Al-Kalbi said that it was between Makkah and Ta’if. As-Suddi said, ‘In the lowest heaven when he descended from the Garden to it. He stroked his back and produced from the right side of his back progeny WHITE like pearls and said to them, “Enter the Garden by My mercy,” and He produced from the left side of his back BLACK PROGENY and said to them, “Enter the Fire, and I do not care.” Ibn Jurayj said, “Every emerged created WHITE for the Garden and BLACK FOR THE FIRE.”
Ibn al-‘Arabi said, ‘It is asked, “How can it be permitted to punish people when they have sinned, or punish them for what He Himself willed from them and wrote for them AND DROVE THEM TO?” we say, “On what basis is that forbidden? Is it logically or legally?” If it is said that it is because the merciful and wise among us are not permitted to do that, we answer that it is because above him is a Commander who commands him and One who forbids him. Our Lord is not asked about what He does but they will be asked. It is not permitted to compare creation with the Creator. The actions of Allah’s slaves are not comparable to the actions of the Deity. In reality, all actions belong to Allah and creation belongs entirely to Him. That which the Adamic creature feels which gives rise to intrinsic kindness, genetic compassion and love of praise comes about because he anticipates gaining benefit from feeling that. The Creator is free of all that and it is not permitted to consider it.’ (Aisha Bewley, Tafsir al-Qurtubi [Diwan Press, 2023], Volume 7. Sūrat al-An’ām – Cattle & Sūrat al-A’rāf, pp. 379-381; emphasis mine)
Hence, not only has the Muslim god decided from before creation who would be predestined to hell, he also determined beforehand to specifically create all black people to be tormented in everlasting hellfire! And none shall dare question him for choosing to create black offspring for hell and for then making them do evil so that he can have a basis for torturing them in the most brutal manner imaginable!
Such a capricious and racist deity is not the true God revealed in the Person of the Lord Jesus as proclaimed in the only Scriptures that this true God has ever inspired, the Holy Bible.
The Creation and Purpose of Hell Pt. 1
The Problem of Divine Sovereignty, Predestination, Salvation and Human Free Will
Muhammad enslaved people, owned and sold slaves, including several black slaves.
Original Forgiveness – Did Original Sin Really End with Adam? Pt. 1, Pt. 2