The references cited in this post are all taken from the following booklets:
Honouring women in Islam إكرام المرأة في الاسلام.
Islamic modesty and sexual etiquette لحياء الاسلامي وآداب الجماع
Shadad ibn Aws said: The Messenger of Allah said: Circumcision is sunnah for men and a noble deed [makrumah] in women. Al-Tabarani, Al-mu’jam Al-kabir, Section on Shadad ibn Aws
Yahya ibn Sa’id said: Circumcision for women is sunnah, which Muslims must not neglect. The Messenger of Allah used to say: The first thing that women will be asked about on the day of resurrection is prayer, the second is the satisfaction of their husbands, and the third is their circumcision. (‘Abd Al-Malik ibn Habib, Adab Al-nisaa, Section: what is related regarding circumcision)
For women it is necessary to cut the outermost piece of skin found on the upper part of the genitals. The sound view in our school, on which most of our companions stand, is that circumcision is permissible at a young age, but not obligatory; however we hold that is obligatory for a guardian to circumcise young children before puberty. (Al-Nawawi, Al-minhaj fi Sharh Sahih Muslim, The book of purity)
He [Ibn Taymiyyah] was asked regarding women: Should they be circumcised or not? And he answered: Praise be to Allah! Yes, they should be circumcised; their circumcision is in cutting the topmost skin, the part like a rooster’s comb. (Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu’ Fatawa)
The Messenger of Allah said to the “reducer” [al-khafidah] – the woman who performed circumcisions: Leave a little and do not go all the way, for that is more pleasant for the face and more of a privilege for her with her husband. In other words, do not exaggerate in cutting, since the purpose of circumcision for a man is his purification from filth that becomes trapped in the foreskin, while the purpose of circumcision for a woman is to regulate her desire, for indeed if she is uncircumcised, she can be aroused to strong desire. (Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu’ Fatawa)
Anas related that the Prophet said to Umm ‘Atiyya: Whenever you circumcise [khafadti, “reduce”], leave a little and do not go all the way, for that is better-looking for the face and more of a privilege with the husband. (Ibn Al-Jawzi, Ahkam Al-nisaa, Chapter six: mention of circumcision for women)
Abu ‘Uthman Al-Basri said: The basis for circumcision for women is not an attempt at pleasantness without also seeking to reduce the sex drive, so that self-restraint is less burdensome for them. What the Messenger of Allah meant in saying “Do not go all the way” was to decrease the woman’s desire so to bring about just the right amount of moderation. (Ibn Al-Jawzi, Ahkam Al-nisaa, Chapter six: mention of circumcision for women)
It is related from ‘Ali that he disliked for young girls to be reduced until they reached seven years of age. (‘Abd Al-Malik ibn Habib, Adab Al-nisaa, Section: what is said regarding sunnah for women in reduction [khifad, i.e. circumcision])
Umm Al-Muhajir said: I was captured with the servant girls from Rome, and ‘Uthman offered Islam to us, but none of us became Muslim except me and one other. And ‘Uthman said: Go and reduce them and purify them. (Al-Bukhari, Al-adab Al-mufrad, The book of circumcision)
The majority hold to a prohibition on masturbation … Ahmad ibn Hanbal permitted it, since it is an excess in the body; therefore he permitted expelling it as the need arises. (Abu Hayyan Al-Gharnati, Al-bahr Al-muhit, Al-mu’minun 5-7)
Ibn ‘Abbas related that a boy came to his assembly, and the people started to get up, but the boy remained seated. Some of the people said to him: Get up, boy! But Ibn ‘Abbas said: Let him be, he can get up if he wants. And when he was alone, he said: Oh Ibn ‘Abbas, indeed I am a growing boy, and I get really horny [ghulmah shadidah], and so I rub my penis until I discharge. And Ibn ‘Abbas said: That’s better than adultery, although marital relations with a slave girl would be better. (Al-Bayhaqi, Al-sunan Al-Kubra, The book of marital relations)
Ejaculating without copulation is not regarded as sex or intercourse as commonly practiced. Allah Most High prohibited sex and intercourse in anywhere other than the place of tillage, not masturbation; therefore a prohibition of masturbating between someone’s legs or the folds of their belly cannot be concluded from this verse [Al-baqara 223] (Al-Alusi, Tafsir Ruh Al-ma’ani)
It was narrated from Ahmad concerning someone who fears that his bladder might burst from sex drive, or that his testicles might burst from retaining the fluid, during Ramadan … if he has a small or child servant girl, he may masturbate using her hand. (Ibn Qayyim, Bada’ia Al-fawa’id)
From Al-Qa’qa’ ibn Yazid who said: I had a young maid who I would have sex with, and she had a newly weaned little girl. I cuddled her against myself when she was naked, and I found within myself an urge. So I asked Hasan and he said: Do not approach her mother. (Sunan Sa’id ibn Mansur, Section: compilation on divorce)
Al-Shafi’i said: No activity with the penis is permitted except in a wife or what is owned by one’s right hand; masturbation is not permitted. But Allah knows best. (Al-Bayhaqi, Al-sunan Al-kubra, The book of marital relations)
When a man is in a position of marriage or concubinage, it is not permissible for him to masturbate with his hand. … But if he is overcome by his sex drive, fearing transgression, as in the case of a prisoner, a traveler, or a poor person, it is permissible for him; Ahmad stipulated this, and related that the Companions used to do it on their military raids and their journeys. (Ibn Qayyim, Bada’ia Al-fawa’id)
Qatada said, and Al-Hasan said, regarding someone who masturbates – messes around with his penis until he discharges – he said: They used to do it during military raids. Jabir ibn Zaid Abi Al-Sha’thaa said: “It’s your fluid, so spill it out”. (Ibn Hazm, Al-muhalla, The book of matters of rebuke)
It was narrated from one of the companions of Abu Hanifa, Abu Yusuf or Muhammad: There is nothing wrong for someone, who feels compelled, to grab a piece of silk and rub on it until he discharges. (Al-Raghib Al-Asfahani, Muhadarat Al-udabaa, The sixteenth outline)
Beating the penis with the hand until one discharges is strictly prohibited according to most legal scholars, although according to one group of the imams, it is prohibited except in necessity, such as if one fears distress or fears malaise or fears adultery. (Ibn Taymiyya, Al-fatawa Al-kubra, The book of legal punishments)
Ibn ‘Abbas was asked about jerking [al-khadkhada], and said: Marital relations with a servant girl is better than that, but it is still better than adultery. (Al-Bayhaqi, Al-sunan Al-kubra, The book of marital relations)
(A man may masturbate with the hand of his wife or servant girl) : just as he enjoys the rest of their bodies. (Zakariyya Al-Ansari, Asna Al-mutalib, The book of marital relations, Chapter seven: regarding what the husband owns)
In doing it with the hand of one’s wife or someone similar, there is spilling of semen, although it is by enjoyment in a permissible fashion, such as if he ejaculates by thighing or belly rubbing, in contrast to with his hand or something similar, including if he puts his penis into a wall or something similar until he ejaculates. … it is not lawful to do it with one’s own hand, according to the word of the Most High : { And those who guard their crotches … } [Al-mu’minun 5] (Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd Al-muhtar, The book of fasting)
If a man makes a hole in a melon, or some dough, or leather, or the worn-out part of the base of a statue, and penetrates into it … this is more expedient than him masturbating with his hand. And Ahmad said regarding whoever has an overbearing desire such that he cannot dominate himself, and fears that his testicles might burst: “Feed it” [“At’im”], this being an expression related in the Mughni. Then he said: Breaking the fast is lawful for him, since he fears for himself, and is like a sick person … this in reference to His word: { And whoever among you is sick … } [Al-baqara 184]. (Ibn Qayyim, Bada’ia Al-fawa’id)
Masturbation is not permitted except in cases of necessity … The ruling for women in this regard is the same as the ruling for men; she may use something similar to a penis if she fears adultery. (Al-Mardawi, Al-Insaaf, The book of legal punishments)
Abu Muhammad [Ibn Hazm] said: If a woman presents something to her vagina, without insertion, until it ejaculates, this is disliked but there is no wrongdoing in it. (Ibn Hazm, Al-muhalla, The book of matters of rebuke)
Given that it is permissible for a man to touch his penis with his left hand, so for a woman to touch her vagina is likewise permissible by universal agreement of the entire ummah. (Ibn Hazm, Al-muhalla, The book of matters of rebuke)
If a woman is without a husband, and her craving becomes intense, some of our companions have said it is permissible for her to grab an akranbij, which is an object made from hide in the shape of a penis that a woman can insert, or something similar to it made from a cucumber or small squash. (Ibn Qayyim, Bada’ia Al-fawa’id)
If a woman inserts an animal’s penis into herself, washing is obligatory for her, and if she inserts a severed penis there are two points of view; the more correct of the two is that washing is obligatory for her. (Al-Nawawi, Al-minhaj fi Sharh Sahih Muslim, The book of menstruation)
If a woman inserts a donkey’s penis or a severed penis into herself, her hajj is invalidated by universal consensus. (Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd Al-muhtar ‘ala Al-dur Al-mukhtar, The book of hajj, Section: serious crimes)
If a woman inserts the penis of a boy who has not yet reached the age of ten, there is no punishment upon her. (Ibn Qudama, Al-mughni, The book of legal punishments)
The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever has sex with a mahram [non-marriageable relative], kill him; and whoever has sex with an animal, kill him and kill the animal. (Sunan Ibn Majah, The book of legal punishments)
But ejaculation from touching or kissing an animal – indeed nothing of the definition of sex is found in this, and it becomes like ejaculation from looking or fantasizing, and therefore does not annul the fast, by universal consensus. (Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd Al-muhtar, The book of fasting)
Our companions have said that if the head of the penis goes into the rear of a woman or the rear of a man, or an animal’s vagina or its rear, washing is obligatory whether the one penetrated is alive or dead, small or grown, whether it was intentional or absentminded, and whether it was by choice or compulsion. (Al-Nawawi, Al-minhaj, The book of menstruation)
Regarding his [Al-Nasafi’s] words “and the concealment of the head of a penis in the front part or the rear; both require”. Concealment in an animal’s vagina does not necessitate washing except in the case of discharge. (Ibn Nujaim, Al-bahr Al-ra’iq, The book of purity)
Washing [ghusl] is made obligatory by penetration of any opening, front or rear, human or animal, alive or dead, because it is an opening that resembles the front part of a woman. But if a man penetrates the front part of an ambiguous hermaphrodite, they are not required to wash, since its constitution cannot be ascertained as a vagina; washing is not made obligatory based on uncertainty. (Ibn Qudama, Al-kafi fi Fiqh Al-imam Ahmad, The book of purity)
It is taught regarding intercourse with an animal that the hajj is not invalidated from it; this is what Malik and Abu Hanifa said. (Ibn Qudama, Al-mughni, Topic: if the pilgrim in a state of ritual devotion [muhrim] has intercourse)
A certain sheikh was seen fucking a female donkey on the day of assembly, while she was farting and he was praying. This was mentioned to him, and he said: Shall I not give thanks to Allah for a dick that can make a donkey fart? (Al-Raghib Al-Asfahani, Muhadarat Al-udabaa, The sixteenth outline)
Ibn Shihab, regarding someone who has sex with a cow, said: I haven’t heard any sunnah regarding this, but we would consider him like an adulterer, whether he is married or not. (‘Abd Al-Razzaq, Al-musannaf, The book of divorce)
If a woman facilitates herself to a monkey and he has intercourse with her, the ruling for her is like that of coming to an animal. That is, this being no punishment for her but she is to be reprimanded. (Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd Al-muhtar, The book of legal punishments)
Abu Hanifa said: Washing is not necessary from intercourse with a dead woman or an animal, since this is not something sought after, and since it is neither stipulated nor in the implication of what is stipulated. For us, however, washing becomes necessary upon penetration of any vagina, as is intercourse with a woman when she is alive as well as intercourse with a dead woman. (Ibn Qudama, Al-mughni, Section: That which necessitates washing)
Abu Hanifa said: There is no punishment on someone who marries his mother, the one who gave birth to him, or his daughter, or his sister, or his grandmother, or his paternal aunt, or his maternal aunt, or his brother’s daughter, or his sister’s daughter – aware that they are related to him, aware that they are prohibited to him – as well as intercourse with any of these women. (Ibn Hazm, Al-muhalla, The book of legal punishments)
Sulaiman ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-Ahwas related: My father told me that he had been at the farewell pilgrimage with the Messenger of Allah; He praised Allah and exalted him, and gave reminders and admonishments. Then He said: Treat women well, for truly they are submissive captives with you. (Sunan Ibn Majah, The book of marital relations)
“… Indeed you all have rights over your women, and they have rights over you. They must not let anyone who you despise tread on your beds, and they must not commit obvious indecency. If they do this, then indeed Allah has given you permission to renounce them in bed and to beat them with a beating that is not agonizing. Then if they put an end to these things, their provision and their clothes are theirs in due fairness. And treat women well, for indeed they are with you in your care, having no control over themselves in anything. Indeed you have taken them in guardianship from Allah, and you have taken their vaginas [furujahunna] as permissible by the word of Allah; so consider what I say oh people, for I have made it known to you.” (Ibn Hisham, Al-sira Al-nabawiya, Topic section: the Farewell Pilgrimage, Subsection: the farewell sermon)
From Ibn ‘Abbas { Admonish them } means admonish them with the Book of Allah; he said: Allah orders the man, if the woman rebels, to admonish her and remind her of Allah, and to affirm his right over her. From Ibn ‘Abbas regarding His word { Renounce them in bed } ; He said: He renounces her with his tongue and speaks harshly to her but does not stop having sex with her. From Mujahid, who said regarding { And those of them from whom you fear rebellion, admonish them } : If a woman gets up and leaves her husband’s bed, he should say to her: Fear Allah and get back to your bed. (Tafsir Al-Tabari)
In the language of the Arabs there are only three possible meanings for “renounce”; one of them is a man renouncing another man’s speech and conversation, that is, he rejects it and abandons it … another is increasing speech by repetition … and the third is “renouncing” a camel if its owner ties it with a hijar, which is a rope bound around its loins and hoof … and the most appropriate way to express this in terms of correctness is that His word { Renounce them } points to the meaning of tying with the hijar. (Tafsir Al-Tabari)
He has ordered first an admonishing for them, then renouncing in bed, then a beating if the admonishing and renouncing have not been effective for them. (Tafsir Al-Zamakhshari)
Concerning the word of the Most High { And those of whom you fear rebellion, admonish them and renounce them in bed } , Ibn ‘Abbas said: Do not have sex with them. (Al-Suyuti, Al-wishah fi Fawaid Al-nikah, Section one)
People have disagreed over the permissibility of a man looking at the vagina of a woman, towards two opinions; one of them that it is permissible, since if it is permissible for him to enjoy pleasure from it, then how much more to look at it. But there are those who say it is not permissible, taking what ‘Aishah said regarding her situation with the Messenger of Allah: I never saw His and He never saw mine. The first one is more correct, and this has been brought to bear on correct behaviour; Ibn Al-‘Arabi said this. And Asbagh from among our scholars has said that it is permissible for a man to lick it with his tongue, and Ibn Juwaiz Mandad said: It is permissible for the husband or the master to look at the rest of the body and the outside of the vagina without looking at the inside. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Al-nur 31)
Vaginas on women were created for men; Allah Most High said { And do you all leave the wives your Lord has created for you? } [Al-shu’araa 166]. Allah Mighty and Sublime has made known to men that this location was created on women for men. A woman must grant it any time the husband calls her; if she denies it to him, she acts unjustly and is guilty of serious wrongdoing. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Al-rum 21)
Ibn ‘Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah said: Whenever any of you has sex with his wife, he should not look at her vagina, for indeed that causes blindness. (Badr Al-deen Al’-Aini, Al-binaya Sharh Al-hidaya, The book of what is aversive)
The Most High has fashioned women to be kawa’ib, the plural of ka’ib, this being a woman whose breasts are fully projected out, rounded, and do not hang low; this is one of the finest attributes of women, inherent to the age of youth. (Ibn Qayyim, Rawda Al-muhibeen, The nineteenth section: Mention of the virtue of beauty and the inclination of souls towards it in every circumstance)
Praised be Allah … who has adorned women with clitoral heads and rumps. (Al-Suyuti, Al-wishah fiy Fawaid Al-nikah, Author’s preface)
Whenever you desire sex, you must use perfume, for if both of you perfume yourselves, it is more suitable for both of you; then you must play with her, pecking and biting and kissing in bed, on her back, on her stomach, until you see the desire rising in her eyes, then you go in between her thighs, put your dick into her, and do it. (Al-Nafzawi, Al-rawd Al-‘atir, Chapter six)
The customary practice in marital relations is for the woman to lie on her back and raise her legs to her chest, and for the man to sit between her thighs on his limbs ready to go, without rocking her belly, but rather embracing her in a firm embrace, kissing her, snorting and grunting, sucking her tongue and biting her lips, penetrating into her and withdrawing until his head appears, forcing it into her; and she does not cease from continual energetic movements [rahz], lifting up, rubbing, shaking, lifting up, coming down, until finishing. (Al-Suyuti, Nawadir Al-aik, Section: customary sex)
Any woman who desires to attain the delight of fucking – let her play with the man and banter him and call him to herself, and wear a thin garment that shows her vitality; and she should grab his dick [ayr] and he should grab her pussy [kuss], and she should not stop moving his dick up and down, without straining him, until it is firmly erect and warm, and its veins expand in her hand. And whenever it gets too intense for him, he hits it; and they are both roused together. Then she embraces him with her right hand while touching his penis with her left hand; and he kisses her eyes and tilts her head and she clutches his mouth; and she approaches him opening her mouth a little, as if she were intoxicated, and she relaxes her legs and comes back towards him until her chest is pressed against his chest; and she puts the head of his penis at the entrance to her pussy, and then lifts her legs and puts them on his shoulders such that he can discover the slit of her pussy. And he mounts her, upon which he brings down his penis into her pussy with all his might, and shakes her with snorting and grunting, neighing and whinnying. And then she will find sweetness and delight throughout all her veins and her joints. (Al-Suyuti, Nawadir Al-aik, Section: high standing with women)
Abu Al-Faraj relates in Al-aghani from AlMada’ini who relates that a certain woman said: I was at the house of ‘Aishah bint Talha when someone said ‘Umar ibn ‘Ubaid Allah had arrived, in other words her husband. She said: So I stepped away, and he came in, and I heard them both talking. And he played with her for a while and then had sex with her; and she snorted and grunted with all kinds of amazing movements and sounds, and I could hear it. And when he left, I said to her: You – considering yourself and your dignity and your sense of honour and your standing – do this? She said: Truly we give everything to these stallions with all we can and with all that arouses them, so what is it that you are criticizing? I said: I prefer it to be done at night. She said: Certainly this happens at night and much more, but when he sees me his craving is aroused and he becomes agitated, and he extends his hand to me and I comply with him, and what you see happens. (Al-Tijani, Tuhfa Al-‘arus, Section twenty-two: expressiveness [rahz] during sex)
A certain woman said: I was fucked by a man the kind of fucking like he was searching for one of the treasures of the age of ignorance in my vagina. (Al-Raghib Al-Asfahani, Muhadarat Al-udabaa, The sixteenth outline)
Ibn Hubay said to his mother: Oh mother, which of the positions by which men take women is most appealing to them? She said: Oh my son, if she is older like me, kneel her down and press her cheek on the ground, then put it into her. And if she is young, bring her thighs together up to her chest and that way you can reach whatever you want of her and fulfill your need from her. (The Letters of Al-Jahidh; The thirteenth letter)
The son of the brother of Abu Al-Zinad said to his uncle: Can I grunt during sex? He said: My son, when you are alone do what you like. He said: Uncle, do you grunt? He said: My son, if you saw your uncle having sex you would think he does not believe in Allah the Almighty. (The Letters of Al-Jahidh; The thirteenth letter)
It is part of proper conduct that a man not have sex except when he is erect and the penis is strong, and that he not take a woman upon himself as long as his disposition does not allow it, as he will be having sex with her in flaccid enjoyment. And if the wife covers up a man’s deficiency, and strokes him, and if she is beloved, focusing on his intimacy at the peak of enjoyment, and he does not rely on his penis rising, in the absence of genuine sex drive, then he will only last while he is in between the vagina, and it will be necessary for him to be fervent, and he will end up in a situation more resembling lesbianism [musahaqa, grinding]. (Ibn Yahya, Nuzhat Al-ashab, Section: mandatory sexual conduct for women)
If a man has sex with his woman while she is sleeping, and she becomes aware of him after he has penetrated, then the proper conduct in this case is that she not say anything and not make him aware of it, and that she continue in her sleeping position and relax her lower legs and her thighs so that he does not encounter resistance in any position towards which he wants to move her. (Ibn Yahya, Nuzhat Al-ashab, Section: regarding conduct in sexual intercourse)
There is nothing wrong with finding delight from a woman between her two buttocks as long as there is no penetration. (Ibn Qudama, Al-mughni, The book of intimacy with women)
The worst position is the woman on top of the man and he having sex with her on his back. This is contrary to the natural position that Allah established for a man and a woman. (Ibn Qayyim, Al-tibb Al-nabawi)
If a man perforates [iftadd; deflowers] a woman with his hand and keeps her, there is no punishment and no indemnity, since he has debased his property with himself and consummated the bride price. (Al-Qarafi, Al-dhakhira, The book of marital relations)
Ibn Sirin said: Gentleness in everything is good, except in three things – in eating pomegranates, eating melons, and sex. (Al-Suyuti, Al-wishah fi Fawaid Al-nikah, Section one)
Is it permissible to eat semen in a state of purity? There are two views on this; the correct and widespread one is that it is not permissible, since it is taken to be repulsive; the Most High said { Prohibited to them are repulsive things } [Al-A’raf 157]. And the second is that it is permissible, this being what Sheikh Abu Zaid Al-Maruzi says, since it is in a state of purity and there is no harm in it. (Al-Nawawi, Kitab al-Majmu’, The book of menstruation)
From ‘Umar ibn Qais Al-Makki who said: ‘Ataa ibn Abi Rabah’s woman questioned me, saying: Indeed my husband orders me to grunt during sex. And he said to her: Obey your husband! (‘Abd Al-Malik ibn Habib, Adab Al-nisaa, Section: what is permitted of grunting, groaning, neighing, and frolicking during sex)
Scholars have mentioned that there are eight animals that menstruate: women, hyenas, bats, rabbits, female dogs, female horses, female camels, and lizards. (Al-Saffarini, Ghidha’ Al-albab Sharh Mandhumah Al-adab)
From Al-Dahhak regarding His word { And do not give your property to fools } [Al-nisaa 5]: by this He means a man’s son or his wife; she is the most foolish of fools. (Tafsir Al-Tabari)
The Messenger of Allah said: Women are fools, except those who obey their caretakers. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Al-nisaa 5)
{ Do not give your property to fools } means women and children; women have been called fools due to their mental weakness, and because they are not good at managing their assets, as is the case for children when they are not yet mature. (Ibn Mandhur, Lisan Al-arab, Letter “S”)
Ibn ‘Abbas said: Women are the most foolish of fools. (Ibn Mandhur, Lisan Al-arab, Letter “S”)
What is the wisdom in the Most High making a woman’s allocation half of a man’s allocation? The answer to that has several facets. The first is that a woman’s entitlement is less, since her husband spends on her. A man’s entitlement is greater, since he spends on his wife; and whoever has greater entitlement is in greater need of wealth. Secondly, a man is more complete than a woman in nature, in intellect, and in religious positions such as competency in administering judgments and in leadership. Furthermore the testimony of a woman is half the testimony of a man. Greater favour is to be bestowed on those like this. Third, women have small intellects and large desires, and whenever much wealth is further bestowed on them, corruption heightens. (Tafsir Al-Razi, Al-nisaa 11)
Women are not charged with many duties as are men. This is because women are inherently weak, and foolish, and are akin to boys, and boys are not charged with duties, and it was fitting that women not be given abundant duties. (Tafsir Al-Razi, Al-nisaa 24)
{ Indeed your guile is great } : Truly He has said “great” due to the greatness of the enticement of women, and their scheming to get out of their predicaments. Muqatil said, relating from Yayha ibn Abi Kathir, from Abu Huraira, who said: The Messenger of Allah said: Indeed the guile of women is greater than the guile of Satan, since Allah Most High says: “Indeed the guile of Satan was weak”; while saying: “Indeed the guile of you women is great”. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Yusuf 28)
The Arabs alluded to women as “ewes” or sheep, inasmuch as they are above men in terms of calm, marvel, and weakness of flanks; and they also possibly alluded to them as cows or mares or shecamels, since all these are mounted. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Saad 23)
‘Ali ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali related from his father, from his grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah said: The spider used to be a woman; she cast a spell on her husband, so Allah turned her into a spider. He said: And the rabbit used to be a filthy woman who did not wash herself from menstruation or from anything else, so Allah turned her into a rabbit. (‘Abd Al-Malik ibn Habib, Adab Al-nisaa, Section: what is disapproved for women to remedy what they know endears them to their husbands)
He said: Beware of green dung. Someone said: What is green dung? He said: A pretty woman of bad upbringing. (Al-Ghazali, Ihyaa ‘Ulum Al-deen, The book of proper conduct in marital relations, Section two)
Regarding someone who says that it is permitted for a man to marry four wives but it is not ever permitted for a woman to marry more than one husband: this is the perfection of the wisdom of the Lord Most High, his benevolence and mercy towards his creation, the guardianship of their conciliator. And He is exalted and high above any opposition to this, and has deemed it outside his law that anything other than this be established. If women were permitted to be with two or more husbands, the world would degenerate and lineages would be lost, husbands would kill each other, and calamity would become great and sedition intense. (Ibn Qayyim, I’lam Al-muwaqqi’in, Section: the wisdom in permitting men to have multiple partners but not women)
Indeed women are prisoners of men, and men are obliged to be complacent towards women due to the deficiency of their intelligence. And due to the deficiency in their intelligence, it is not permissible for any man to order his affairs based on the opinions of women, nor give attention to what they say. (Ibn Al-Jawzi, Al-tibr Al-masbuk, Chapter seven: Regarding mention of women)
It is related from Ibn ‘Abbas that he said: Women are the playthings of men. Ibn Wahb said: What do you mean by that? He said: A man comes to them and discharges. (‘Abd Al-Malik ibn Habib, Adab Al-nisaa, Section: what is said regarding the reward of blessing in sex and the desirability of having a great deal of it)
This world is only amusement and play. ‘Umar said to his wife: Indeed you are just a toy in the corner of the house. (Al-Ghazali, Ihyaa ‘Ulum Al-Deen, The book of proper conduct in listening and passion)
‘Ali ibn Abi Talib said: The best of your women are those who are chaste with their vaginas but horny [ghalimah] for their husbands. (Ibn Al-Qutayba, ‘Uyun Al-akhbar, The book of women)
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: Hellfire was created for fools, and indeed women are fools, except the one that carries a washbasin [for wudu’] and a lantern. (Ibn Al-Jawzi, Ahkam Al-nisaa, Chapter sixty)
Narrated Usama:
The Prophet said, “I stood at the gate of Paradise and saw that the majority of the people who entered it were the poor, while the wealthy were stopped at the gate (for the accounts). But the companions of the Fire were ordered to be taken to the Fire. Then I stood at the gate of the Fire and saw that the majority of those who entered it were women.”
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 5196
In-book reference: Book 67, Hadith 130
USC-MSA web (English) reference: Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 124
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas:
During the lifetime of Allah’s Messenger, the sun eclipsed. Allah’s Messenger offered the prayer of (the) eclipse) and so did the people along with him. He performed a long Qiyam (standing posture) during which Surat-al-Baqara could have been recited; then he performed a pro-longed bowing, then raised his head and stood for a long time which was slightly less than that of the first Qiyam (and recited Qur’an). Then he performed a prolonged bowing again but the period was shorter than the period of the first bowing, then he stood up and then prostrated. Again he stood up, but this time the period of standing was less than the first standing. Then he performed a prolonged bowing but of a lesser duration than the first, then he stood up again for a long time but for a lesser duration than the first. Then he performed a prolonged bowing but of lesser duration than the first, and then he again stood up, and then prostrated and then finished his prayer. By then the sun eclipse had cleared. The Prophet then said, “The sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of Allah, and they do not eclipse because of the death or birth of someone, so when you observe the eclipse, remember Allah (offer the eclipse prayer).” They (the people) said, “O Allah’s Messenger! We saw you stretching your hand to take something at this place of yours, then we saw you stepping backward.” He said, “I saw Paradise (or Paradise was shown to me), and I stretched my hand to pluck a bunch (of grapes), and had I plucked it, you would have eaten of it as long as this world exists. Then I saw the (Hell) Fire, and I have never before, seen such a horrible sight as that, and I saw that the majority of its dwellers were women.” The people asked, “O Allah’s Messenger! What is the reason for that?” He replied, “Because of their ungratefulness.” It was said. “Do they disbelieve in Allah (are they ungrateful to Allah)?” He replied, “They are not thankful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors done to them. Even if you do good to one of them all your life, when she seems some harshness from you, she will say, “I have never seen any good from you.'”
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 5197
In-book reference: Book 67, Hadith 131
USC-MSA web (English) reference: Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 125
Narrated `Imran:
The Prophet said, “I looked at Paradise and saw that the majority of its residents were the poor; and I looked at the (Hell) Fire and saw that the majority of its residents were women.”
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 5198
In-book reference: Book 67, Hadith 132
USC-MSA web (English) reference: Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 126
Ibn Al-Munkadir used to say: Oh Allah! strengthen my penis, for indeed it is in the best interest of those of my household. (Al-Munawi, Faid Al-Qadir, Section: (The letter) Sin)
One of the righteous men from among the Followers used to say in his supplications: Oh Allah! strengthen my penis for the marital relations that you have made lawful to me. (The Letters of Al-Jahidh; The thirteenth letter)
Indeed all who are most devout to Allah, their sex drive is the strongest. (Ibn Hajar, Fath Al-bari, Section concerning the word of the Mighty and Sublime { And we gave Suleiman to Dawud … })
Regarding conduct in sex: It is desirable to begin with the words “In the name of Allah Most High”, and then first recite “Say – He is Allah, one” [Al-ikhlas 1], then takbir, then tahlil, then to say “In the name of Allah Most High and Mighty, Oh Allah, make it good offspring if you have deemed such to come from my backbone.” And He said: If any of you say, when he comes to a woman of his household: “Oh Allah, turn Satan away from me and turn Satan away from the favour you have granted us”, and if there is a child between the two of them, then Satan will not harm it. And when you are close to ejaculating, say to yourself without moving your lips: “Praise be to Allah who has created a human being from fluid and has made him kinship by blood and by marriage” [Al-furqan 54]. And your Lord is all-powerful. (Al-Ghazali, Ihyaa ‘Ulum Al-deen, The book of proper conduct in marital relations, Section three)
Mujahid said: Whenever a man has sex with a woman of his household, but does not invoke Allah, the genies wrap themselves around his shaft and perform the sex with him. (Al-Hakim Al-Tirmidhi, Nawadir Al-usul, The seventy-sixth foundation)
Ja’far ibn Muhammad related: Indeed Satan will sit on a man’s penis, and whenever he does not invoke Allah, he comes upon his woman with him, and ejaculates in her vagina just like the man ejaculates. (Abu Mudhaffar Al-Sam’ani, Tafsir Al-Qur’an, Al-israa 64)
Did Muhammad Teach that Women are Stupid and Inferior to Men?
Muhammad: An Example of Moral Corruption and Sexual Deviancy