Tag: religion

A Coptic Convert Exposes Muhammad Pt. 5

I come to the finale in this series: A Coptic Convert Exposes Muhammad Pt. 4.


As I stated previously, Ibn Raja’s knowledge and mastery of the Islamic sources are simply amazing. This will be further confirmed here by his awareness of all the irreconcilable contradictions within the Quran and hadith literature. The following quotes are taken from David Bertaina’s book Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ The Fatimid Egyptian Convert Who Shaped Christian Views of Islam, pp. 213-241, 285-291, and 307-309. All will be emphasis mine.

Chapter 18

[135] On the Qurʾan’s contradiction; some verses contradict each other.

[136] He said to them in many places in the Qurʾan: “We have indeed created the Heavens and the earth.” So he started with the creation of Heaven before the earth. If he didn’t say anything more specific about the creation of the Heavens and the earth, then this sentence would have many ways to fully inflect it, regarding the words’ and languages’ meanings. Either he created the earth before Heaven or he created Heaven before the earth or he created the two of them at the same time and as one word. But he said something else so his mistake became clear. He said in sura “The Snatchers”: “Are you a more difficult creation or is Heaven? He built it. He raised its roof and He fashioned it. He darkened its night and He brought forth its morning light. After that He spread the earth.”292 So he clarified for them that God created Heaven, then He created the earth after it. Then he said after that in sura “Ḥāʾ Mīm Prostration” what contradicts that. He said: “Say: Do you indeed [disbelieve] in the one who created the earth in two days and attribute equals to Him? That is the Lord of the worlds. He placed on it firm mountains above it, and He blessed it and decreed for it its sustenance in four days equally for those who ask. Then He went up to Heaven while it was smoke. He said to it and to the earth, ‘Come willingly or by coercion’. They said, ‘We have come willingly’.”293 So this verse contradicts the one that came before [in my example]. Then he said in sura “The Cow”: “He is the one who created for you all of [that which] is on the earth. Then He went up to Heaven, and made them into seven Heavens.”294 He also started with the earth’s creation in this sura. He said in sura “Qāf”: “We did indeed create the Heavens and earth and what is between them in six days, while no tiredness touched Us.”295 How strange is this! He is saying in another place that God created Heaven before the earth, with one remark contradicting the other. Verses are contradicted by [another] verse.

[137296] He said in sura “The Heights”: “We will surely question those to whom it was sent, and We will surely question the messengers.”297 He said in surat “al-Ḥijr”: “So by your Lord, We will surely question all of them about what they were doing.”298 So these two verses show that questions [regarding judgment] are inevitable for all creation, including a prophet, and those who fear [God], and unbelievers. Then he contradicted that, when he said in sura “Certainly the Believers have succeeded”: “When the horn is blown, there will be no relationship between them that day, nor will they ask about one another.”299 He said in sura “The Family of ʿImrān”: “Those who exchange God’s covenant and their oaths for a small price will have no share in the hereafter, and God will not speak to them or look at them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will he purify them.”300 What does this statement have to do with his words: “So by your Lord, we will surely question all of them about what they were doing,” meaning the believers and the unbelievers. This is an inconsistency and a contradiction; a verse contradicted with another.301

[138] He said in sura “Mary”: “Every one of you will come to it. It is your Lord’s inevitable decree” – meaning Gehenna – “then we will save those who feared God [and leave] the wrongdoers on their knees within it.”302 This verse shows that for all creatures it is inevitable that they will bow before Gehenna and see it. He saves those who are God-fearing and he leaves the wrongdoers in it for a while. In addition to that, they have a well-known hadith from their prophet that said: “It is inevitable that all creatures will bow to Gehenna, from an angel close [to God] to a prophet sent with a message. Even if someone on the Day [of Resurrection] has done the righteous works of seventy prophets, he should still think that he will not be saved from the fire of Gehenna.”303 Then he contradicted that when he said at the end of sura “The Prophets”: “[For] the ones who have received the best outcome from Us; those ones are far removed from [Gehenna]. They will not hear its sound.”304 What does this remark have to do with his statement, “Every one of you will come to [Gehenna]. It is your Lord’s inevitable decree”? He alleges that these are God’s words to him, and that God said to him: “Every one of you will come to it” – meaning him, and his companions, and all creatures. In addition to that is the hadith which we have already mentioned. What a great difference between these words and his statement: “Those ones are far removed from [Gehenna]. They will not hear its slightest sound.” This is a contradiction and an inconsistency; one verse contradicts another verse, and the consensus, and what is clear.

[139] He said in sura “The Cow”: “Remember when we said to the angels, ‘Bow before Adam’. So they bowed, except for Iblīs.305 He refused and became arrogant.”306 He repeated that in many places in the Qurʾan. That demonstrates that Iblīs was one of the angels. That is accepted as true by all people without a doubt. There is no disagreement that he was an angel. But he contradicted that and he disagreed with the consensus and what is clear. For he said in sura “The Cave”: “[Remember] when we said to the angels, ‘Bow to Adam’. They bowed except for Iblīs. He was from the jinn and disobeyed his Lord’s command.”307 That Iblīs would be from the jinn is clearly impossible to everyone. Rather, Iblīs was among the angels and among their greatest noble ones. Suppose Iblīs was from the jinn, and he was not among the angels, and God commanded the angels to bow to Adam – according to your impossible claim – so therefore all of the angels bowed and Iblīs did not bow. There was no blame in his refusing to bow, since he was not an angel. If he bowed with the angels, he would have been a sinner doing something other than what he was commanded. Because, God commanded the angels to bow and they did so while Iblīs was not commanded to bow, since he was not from the angels. You have ascribed injustice to God for his anger against Iblīs, because we do not see what necessitates his anger as you say. This is a contradiction and an inconsistency; one verse contradicts another verse.

[140] He said in sura “The Bees”: “God commands justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression.”308 Then he contradicted this remark when he said in sura “The People of Israel”: “When We want to destroy a city, We command its prosperous”309 – meaning its nobles and those who possess wealth – “to act sinfully within it. So the verdict is confirmed upon it, and We destroy it completely,” so they came to an end. He says in one place that God commanded justice and charity. He says in [another] place that God made a command to act sinfully. Many of the Qurʾan’s leading scholars vehemently denied this verse, because the verse guides him to a different meaning. Namely, [they] read it: “When We want to destroy his city, We give authority to its prosperous ones,” derived from the word for an emir. It means: “When We want to destroy his city, We bring authority to its kings. If they became emirs and were unjust in their emirate, then We would destroy them and We would make them perish.” Only one person made this reading, and no one else, and no one agreed with him about this verse. He said in sura “The Heights”: “When they commit a sinful act, they say: ‘We found our fathers doing it, and God commanded us to do it’. Say: ‘God does not command sinful acts. Do you say about God that which you do not know?’”310 A verse is contradicted with the hadith and those who listen and reason.

[141] He said in sura “The Moon”: “The Hour has come near and the moon has split.”311 The commentators agreed about this verse that one night he was sitting with his companions, and he looked at the moon and its circular shape was divided. His companions said to him: “Muḥammad, show us a sign that we might be amazed by it.” So he looked up to the sky and he pointed at the moon with his index and middle finger. Then he said to it: “Split, moon.” Then it split in two, so one half fell upon Abū Qubays Mountain and another part [fell] upon the Red Mountain.312 These are two mountains in Mecca and Mecca is between them in the middle. However, the two of them were named “the interior of Mecca.” When they saw the moon had fallen from the sky upon the two mountains, they were amazed at that.313 He mentioned that in the Qurʾan; he said: “The Hour has come near and the moon has split.”314

[142] This is one of the greatest lies and untruths. If that were true, then it would not have been hidden from all creatures, not from the Christians and the Jews and the rest of the religious groups. Rather, if that were the case, then people would have mentioned it in their books and that which is clear in [Muḥammad’s] biography. In addition, that would have been famous for everyone who is devoted to knowledge of the stars and [their] orbits, and especially the Hindus and the Sabians who are the masters of this science. But we have not seen even one of those [groups] mention it. It was not communicated in the reports that any of your opponents converted to Islam when that happened. Since a number of gullible and ignorant people had converted to Islam without him showing them a sign, then it should seem to require that many people would have converted to Islam at that time. But we don’t see that, and no poet mentioned that in verses of praise or ridicule. This is a lie and impossible and the statement is refuted.

[143] Another proof testifying that it is a lie and impossible is what al-Ḥasan ibn Rashīq al-ʿAskarī315 reported to me [from] Abū Bishr al-Dūlābī316 from Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Shaybānī al-Nasāʾī317 from Qutayba ibn Saʿīd,318 [from] Mālik,319 from Hishām ibn ʿUrwa320 from his father321 that he said: “I asked Ibn ʿAbbās322 and I said to him: ‘Tell me about this moon and how big it is’. So he said: ‘I heard Muḥammad say that this moon was eighteen times as big as the entire world’.”323 Think about it, my brother – may God help you – this impossibility has no truth to it. They allege that the moon was eighteen times as long as the whole world. They allege that it fell between two [mountains] – upon Abū Qubays Mountain and the Red Mountain, and they are in Mecca. How can these two mountains encompass this great moon which is eighteen times as big as the whole world? If they reflect on this, then [this argument] would be convincing for them. One verse [of the Qurʾan] is contradicted by the hadith and logical analogy.

[144] He said in sura “The Cow”: “How can you not believe in God when you were dead and He brought you to life; then He will cause you to die, then He will bring you back to life.”324 These words say that God created all people from the children of Adam and that He caused them to die and He brought them back to life, and this is among its best words, there is no doubt about it.325 But a hadith emerged that contradicted this verse. It was what Sufyān al-Thawrī326 reported from Hishām ibn ʿUrwa327 from his father,328 from ʿĀʾisha that she said: I heard Muḥammad say: “Every one of the children of Adam, when he dies, two angels will come to him at the hour when people finish burying him and go away from him. The name of one of them is Munkar and the other one is Nakīr.329 They will seize the dead by the beard and if she was a woman, seize [her] by her bangs. They seat them while wearing the shroud. God will give his soul back to him so he will live just as he used to. The two of them will say to him: ‘Who is your Lord and who is your prophet and what is your religion?’ So if he says: ‘God is my Lord and Muḥammad is my prophet and Islam is my religion’, the two of them will open a window at his head which leads to Paradise. The two of them will say to him: ‘Smell the fragrance of the living Paradise and its breeze and enjoy its food and drink and pleasant things until the Day of Resurrection’. And if he said to the two of them: ‘I don’t recognize them or what you are saying and I don’t know’, then they will strike him, which will send that one down [the length of] seven earths. Then the two of them will bring him up and open [a window] at his head which leads to Hell. They will say to him: ‘You will remain in this state until the day – the Day of Resurrection’.”

[145] These are impossible words, and it contradicts the Qurʾan, because he said: “You were dead and He brought you to life; then he will cause you to die, then he will bring you back to life.”330 He only mentioned one death in the Qurʾan, nothing else. He said in this hadith that we reported that he lives after his death in order to be questioned by the two angels. Then he dies another death, then he lives on the Day of Resurrection. He said in sura “The Smoke”: “They will not taste death except for the first death.”331 He should have said: “Except the first two deaths.” This is a contradiction from his statement and an inconsistency.332

[146] Stranger than that is his statement that the two angels open a window at the head of the dead which leads to Paradise. They say to him: “Smell the fragrance of Paradise and its breeze and enjoy its food and drink and pleasant things until the Day of Resurrection.” According to reason and logic, how can he open a window on earth connected to Paradise when you don’t know Paradise’s location? You can’t find a place for it. Because he said to you in the Qurʾan in sura “The Family of ʿImrān”: “Paradise [is] as wide as the Heavens and earth.”333 So how can it be either on earth or in Heaven? If the seven Heavens334 are its width, then what about [its] length? How can a dead [man], who is a discarded corpse after his bones have decomposed and been burned,335 be able to eat and drink and smell and enjoy pleasant things? What does he smell when his two nasal passages become pus and his eyes are drooped and his joints are disconnected and he becomes clay? How can people eat and drink in their tombs? If that were the case, then they are not dead. If you say that the spirit eats in Paradise and drinks and enjoys things, then that would be better for your lies. How can you say that, when he said to you in sura “The Family of ʿImrān”: “Do not think of those who have been killed in the way of God are dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, rejoicing in what God has bestowed upon them of His favor.”336 So he taught you that the bodies of the martyrs will eat with their Lord and receive provision, and that your dead who are on earth will [not] eat and drink in their tombs.

[147] He made it lawful for you in the Qurʾan to wear whatever adornments you would like and eat delicious things. He said in sura “The Heights”: “Say: Who has forbidden God’s adornment which he has produced for his servants and the delicious things of provision?”337 He commanded you to fast a month each year. He permitted for you to eat during [Ramaḍān] from sunset to sunrise. A group of you in the school of al-Aʿmash338 say they think that a fasting person can eat until the imam finishes the morning prayer. If a man were to eat at the morning prayer and at sunset, then what is left for fasting? What does God gain in this worship? However, God commanded the people to fast in order to be rewarded after severe thirst and hunger, in order to perfect the reward and recompense for them. Your companion [Muḥammad] commanded you to have breakfast and dinner while fasting and he assured you about that. He encouraged you to have the evening meal even saying to you: “Eat the evening meal, even if it is a part of a date.”339

[148] Then he commanded you to have sex during fasting and he encouraged you to do that. He said in sura “The Cow”: “It has been permitted for you the night preceding fasting to go to your wives [for sex]. They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them. God knows that you used to deceive yourselves, so He accepted your repentance and forgave you.”340 Then Muḥammad said further: “have sex with them and seek that which God has written for you.”341 And he – Muḥammad – assures and says to make sure not to leave them in the month of Ramaḍān. Then he said to you that in Paradise you will have sex with wide-eyed virgins.342 He mentioned that in sura “Yāʾ Sīn” when he says: “The companions of Paradise, that Day, will be busy in their rejoicing.”343 Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī344 was asked and it was said to him: “What makes them busy that day?” He said: “Sexual intercourse.” It was reported from him further that he said: “The length of the clitoris of the virgins is a sizable distance. God lengthened the penis of every one of them on the Day of Resurrection so that its length would be so sizable that he is not able to hold it. Then God would employ seventy Christians and Jews to carry his penis.”345 If its length is sizable, then God should employ the people of his own religion to carry it, since they have more right to be employed than Christians and Jews. Such minds that would accept this are worldly minds. How ridiculous! In which book did he find this, and which prophet before him mentioned that to his community like him! He alleges that he is the best of the prophets so that his works are an example. Which prophet would permit that for his community like him? He alleges that he is the best of the prophets and their most favored.

[149] If we mentioned the works of earlier prophets and the accounts of their struggles in worship and what they required of themselves, including sorrows and hardship in this world, and its delight, then it would take me a long time. It was reported about John the son of Zechariah – and he is the best of the prophets and their own final one – that he did not marry any woman during his life nor did he eat bread and his food was only what came from the earth – not including grass – until he met God.346 He called him “The Child” in the commentary on the Qurʾan. [Muḥammad] did not take even one of those prophets as an example in his actions. Besides that, he commanded you to eat the good things of this world. He commanded [you to eat] breakfast and dinner while fasting and he commanded you to have sex during [Ramaḍān]. He urged you to have sex with your wives during it. Despite that, he considers this month more important than the rest of the months. For he said to you that in it is a night called the “Night of Power”: “It is greater than a thousand months, and the angels and the Spirit were revealed during it.”347 So he should have revered this month by abstaining from sex in it. He should have urged you to exert yourself in worship and he should not have urged you to eat and have sex. He did not revere the month under any circumstances, not in [eating] food nor in drink nor in having sex.  

[150] And he said to you that while you are in the tombs you will eat and in Heaven you will eat and that you will have sex in Paradise. Suppose that when you have sex, you get your wife pregnant and she would give birth. I wish I knew if you could have sex with those virgins in Paradise, but what about your wives who are with you in this world? If they attain Paradise who will have sex with them? But, by my life, the Qurʾan did not explain anything whatsoever about having sex with them in Paradise. It did not say to you that you would have sex with [your wives] and it did not mention that you would only have sex with virgins with dark eyes. If your wives were the ones in Paradise and they did not have someone to have sex with them, then a great pleasure would be taken away from them, since all of the pleasures would be for you in having sex. Because it was reported that he said: “Most endearing to me in your world are three [things]: women, fragrances, and [God] made prayer the apple of my eye.”348 So he listed women first, because for him that was the greatest pleasure. He listed fragrances second, and he placed prayer last among all of these, although for you, prayer is the pillar of the religion. He made it what someone would use to get closer to God. Then shouldn’t he place that above women and fragrances?

[151] And this argument, were I to finish it, would require a number of justifications which would take a long time to explain. Such minds that do not use this common sense are feeble minds. As for me, I would prefer not to mention anything about this ignorance. I don’t want whoever reads this book of mine among our Christian brothers to listen to that. Rather, I have clarified their blindness and their ignorance, and I have made that demonstrable by [the assistance of] God. One verse is contradicted by the hadith and by insight.

[152] He said in “They ask you” in sura “The Heights”: “They ask you about the Hour, when will it arrive? Say: ‘Its knowledge is only with my Lord, none will reveal its time except him’”349 – meaning the time it comes. He also said in sura “Luqmān”: “God has knowledge of the Hour.”350 Then it was reported about [Muḥammad] in the book of Abū Maʿmar351 that he said: “One hundred years from now not a soul will remain upon the surface of the earth.”352 Not one of his companions doubted that the resurrection would be in one hundred years. This is impossible and has no truth to it, because we have passed four hundred years and people increase more than ever.353 This is an inconsistency and a contradiction; one verse contradicted by another verse.

[153] He said in sura “The Light”: “And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they are poor, God will enrich them from his favor.”354 He commanded them not to abstain from marriage for fear of poverty. Whoever among them was poor should marry and seek a means of living. He asks God for God to enrich him from his favor. Then he said immediately after this verse – contradicting the first verse – “Let them who do not obtain the means of marriage, abstain from sex until God enriches them from his favor.”355 So he commanded them not to marry while poor. No one should go for it unless he is serious and has the means. How can this prohibition be reconciled with the first recommendation? This is an inconsistency and a contradiction; some verses contradict each other and logical analogy.

[154] [He said] in sura “The Cattle”: “Whoever comes [at the Hour] with a good work, then he will have ten times its like [to his credit].”356 Then he contradicted that in sura “Sheba” when he said: “For them there will be the double reward for what they did, and they will be safe in the upper chambers [of Paradise].”357 How is this remark like the first one? This is a contradiction and an inconsistency; some verses contradict another verse and logical analogy.

[155] He said in sura “The Cow”: “And Abraham instructed his sons and Jacob, [saying]: ‘My sons, God has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims’.”358 In addition, he said in this sura: “Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob, when he said to his sons, ‘What will you worship after me?’ They said: ‘We will worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac – one God. We are Muslims (to him)’.”359 He said in “The Family of ʿImrān”: “Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a Gentile Muslim. He was not one of the polytheists.”360 He said in sura “The Pilgrimage”: “[It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. He named you ‘Muslims’ before [in former Scriptures].”361 He said in sura “The Table”: “[Remember] when I revealed to the disciples: ‘Believe in me and in my messenger [Jesus]’. They said: ‘We have believed, so bear witness that we are Muslims’.”362 So he taught them that the disciples [of Jesus Christ] were Muslims. In the Qurʾan there are many examples like this so there is no point in repeating all of it. He taught them that all of the prophets and the angels and the messengers [and] whoever came before among the martyrs and righteous and our Lord Christ and the disciples, every one of them was a Muslim.363 Then he contradicted that and he made a liar of himself in his statement when he said in sura “The Cattle”: “Say: I have been commanded to be the first who became Muslim.”364 So he said in the first remark that whoever came before him preceded him into Islam. Yet he said in this place that he was the first to enter Islam. This is a contradiction and an inconsistency.

[156] It should be the case that if the prophets who came before him were Muslims, and then he came later with what they had brought, then he should have followed their methods and their ways. We don’t see him take even one thing as an example which they had done. Moses used to observe the Sabbath, and your companion did not observe it. The Torah forbids the eating of many types of cattle. Your prophet has commanded in the Qurʾan to eat all kinds of creatures and other things. He only forbade for you blood and carrion and pork flesh and whatever is slaughtered without [invoking] God. Didn’t you hear his words in sura “The Cattle”: “Say: I do not find within that which was revealed to me [anything] forbidden to one who would eat it unless it is carrion or blood or pork flesh – it is impure – or it is [slaughtered in] disobedience, without [invoking] God.”365 So this verse permits you to eat all things, except for what the Qurʾan forbids you, such as strangled animals, beaten animals, fallen animals, and animals that died fighting, and what lions eat.

[157] But this is different from what is in the Torah. If Moses came to the people of Israel with Islam, then your prophet should have used the actions of the Muslims who came before him as an example, and permit what they permitted and forbid what they forbade. We don’t see him acting like they did or anything of it. So now, he deviates from all of the prophets, and he brought laws different than theirs, and traditions that did not conform with their traditions. Don’t you hear his statement in sura “The Table”: “To each of you we prescribed a law and a method”?366

[158] So he has now made his statement a lie that all of the prophets [and] the people were Muslims. He claimed about Moses and his people in sura “Jonah” that they were Muslims. He said: “Moses said: ‘My people, if you have believed in God, then rely upon Him, if you would be Muslims’.”367 His statement suggested that Moses’ people were Muslims. Then he contradicted that and he claimed that they were Jews in sura “The Heights.”368 That was when he said: “And Moses chose from his people seventy men for Our appointment. And when the earthquake seized them, he said: ‘My Lord, if You had willed, You could have destroyed them before, as well as me. Would You destroy us for what the foolish among us have done? This is only Your trial by which You send astray whom You will and guide whom You will. You are our Protector, so forgive us and have mercy upon us; You are the best of forgivers. Decree for us in this world what is good and in the Hereafter; indeed, we have turned toward You’,”369 – this means “to become Jews.”370 This is the way that all of the commentators interpreted it: al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī,371 Muḥammad ibn Sīrīn,372 and Abū al-ʿĀliya al-Riyāḥī,373 and al-Badīʿ ibn al-Yusr,374 and Mujāhid,375 and ʿAṭāʾ ibn Abī Rabāḥ,376 and ʿAṭāʾ ibn al-Khurāsānī,377 and ʿAṭāʾ ibn Yasār.378 So he was inconsistent in his statement about the companions of Moses when he said in one place that they were Muslims, and he said in another place that they were Jews. He said in another place that he was the first to submit to Islam. This is an inconsistency; one verse is contradicted by the hadith and logical analogy.

[159] He said to them in the Qurʾan that God said to him: “Muḥammad, say: ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak, from the evil of that which he created, and from the evil of darkness when it settles, and from the evil of those who blow in knots’,”379 and they are the sorcerers.380 So he was commanded to seek refuge from sorcerers. Then you reported about him that the Jews did sorcery on him. They put a bewitchment on him at the well of Dhū Arwan, until he saw in a dream [the angels Michael and Gabriel] telling him that he was bewitched and they showed him where his bewitchment was located. So he sent ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib to that well in which the Jews put his bewitchment. So he took an image out of it that looked like Muḥammad pricked full of needles. Every time ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib would take out one of the deeply set needles, Muḥammad found the pain reduced. When ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib finished taking out the needles, Muḥammad stood up as if he had been freed from a deathly illness.381

[160] Then you reported about him that he died while bewitched, or it is said that he was poisoned by a Jewish woman, and that she poisoned him in a vein named the aorta. The poison reached his heart and he died.382 How can it happen as you say, that sorcery would work on God’s messenger? Sorcery is indeed an act of demons and he says in the Qurʾan: “Falsehood cannot approach it, from before it nor from behind it.”383 Adding to that is his statement that God put His hand between his shoulders, yet sorcery, which is the work of demons, would work on him! How can you allege he has God’s protection and His strength? Adding to that is your report that when he awoke or went to bed, he would have seventy kinds of angels with him protecting and guarding him.384 We cannot find all of this truthful; rather, we found the truth of its falsehood. God is more exalted than placing His hand upon something or guarding something or commanding the angels to preserve something, and sorcery, which is the work of demons, would work on it. This is an inconsistency and a contradiction.

292 Q 79:27–30.

293 Q 41:9–11.

294 Q 2:29.

295 Q 50:38.

296 The main point of the argument here is to claim that in some verses the judged will be able to speak and in other passages that they will not be able to speak on Judgment Day. The Latin translation provides several examples prior to the beginning of this section, quoting Q 77:35–36; 39:31, 23:65, and 37:27. Then it joins the Arabic text at this point.

297 Q 7:6.

298 Q 15:92–93.

299 Q 23:101.

300 Q 3:77.

301 There is a large section in the Latin translation (9.4–9.8) that is not in the Arabic manuscript. For this material, see Burman, Religious Polemic, 308–315. To summarize: 9.4: a criticism of fasting during Ramaḍān (Q 5:97); 9.5: a criticism of comparing God to the firmament of the sea (Q 31:31); 9.6: a criticism of the concept that there are hours and day and night in heaven (Q 19:62; 11:107); 9.7: a criticism of the concept that spiritual angels were to worship the physical (and thus inferior) Adam (Q 7:11, 7:37–38); 9.8: a criticism of Muslims for mistakenly believing that Christians worship Mary as part of the Trinity (Q 5:116) and worship their priests and monks as gods (Q 9:31). Given the fact that these passages are found in the Latin translation and also addressed by Riccoldo da Monte di Croce (d. 1320) in his work Contra legem Sarracenorum, these sections were undoubtedly part of the original Arabic text.

302 Q 19:71–72.

303 This hadith seems to echo the punishment threat in Q 9:80 that even if one asks for forgiveness seventy times it will not necessarily be given to them on the Day of Resurrection. While Ibn Rajāʾ seems to quote from a Shīʿī source he was reading, I have not located its origin. A similar Shīʿī hadith notes that even if a man has accomplished the work of seventy prophets, then his work still may not be sufficient to survive judgment because of the severity of what happens on the Day of Resurrection.

304 Q 21:101–102.

305 Iblīs is a name given to the Devil, and is a transliteration from Ethiopic via the Greek diabolos.

306 Q 2:34.

307 Q 18:50.

308 Q 16:90.

309 Q 17:16.

310 Q 7:28.

311 Q 54:1.

312 Abū Qubays is a mountain in Mecca located nearby the Kaʿba and was also said to have been the location for the origin of the Black Stone. The Red Mountain is located on the opposite side, according to Ibn Rajāʾ, who had visited Mecca on pilgrimage.

313 On the moon splitting hadith, see Juynboll, ECH, 483–484. See also al-Bukhārī, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 6:327–328 (Book 65, #4864–4868); and Muslim, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, 7:201–203 (Book 50, #7071–7079).

314 Q 54:1.

315 On al-Ḥasan ibn Rashīq al-ʿAskarī, see Sezgin, GAS, 201–202.

316 On Abū Bishr Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Ḥammād al-Dūlābī, see See Sezgin, GAS, 172; EI2, 8:516.

317 On Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Shaybānī al-Nasāʾī, see Sezgin, GAS, 167–169. 318 Qutayba ibn Saʿīd al-Shāmī (d. 854) is mentioned as a hadith teacher for al-Nasāʾī; Sezgin, GAS, 167; EI2, 7:691.

319 On Mālik ibn Anas, see Sezgin, GAS, 457–464.

320 Hishām ibn ʿUrwa ibn al-Zubayr (d. 763); Sezgin, GAS, 88–89.

321 ʿUrwa ibn al-Zubayr (d. 712) was Hishām’s father; Sezgin, GAS, 278–279.

322 ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-ʿAbbās (d. 686); EI2, 1:40.

323 Ibn Rajāʾ is certainly quoting a hadith from a written source, but I have not identified its origin.

324 Q 2:28.

325 This passage is an allusion to Psalm 104:29–30.

326 Sufyān al-Thawrī (d. 778); Sezgin, GAS, 518–519; EI2, 9:770.

327 Hishām ibn ʿUrwa ibn al-Zubayr (d. 763); Sezgin, GAS, 88–89.

328 ʿUrwa ibn al-Zubayr (d. 712); Sezgin, GAS, 278–279.

329 These two angels, known as the “Denied” and the “Denier” are tasked with questioning the souls of the departed after death. During this intermediate state between death and the final resurrection and judgment (barzakh), the angels question the dead and the believers are sent to the pleasures of heaven and the unbelievers receive the punishment of hell, as explained by Ibn Rajāʾ. These traditions are found in the hadith collections, such as al-Tirmidhī, Jāmiʿ at-Tirmidhī, 2:443–444 (Book 8, #1071). See also Juynboll, ECH, 459 and “Munkar wa-Nakīr,”EI2, 7:576–577.

330 Q 2:28.

331 Q 44:56.

332 The argument is somewhat different in Ibn Qutayba, Taʾwīl Mushkil al-Qurʾān, 22. In this passage, the critic asks how can he exclude people who died in this world from their stay in Heaven.

333 Q 3:133.

334 Medieval Christians and Muslims both believed in the existence of seven heavens, e.g., Q 41:12. Paul mentions being caught up to the third heaven in 2Corinthians 12:2–4.

335 The word is unclear in the Arabic text but “burned” appears in the Latin translation.

336 Q 3:169–170.

337 Q 7:32.

338 Sulayman ibn Mihrān al-Aʿmash (d. 765); ei2, 1:431.

339 On the origin of this hadith, (“So save yourself from the Fire even with half a date”), see al-Bukhārī, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 9:365 (Book 97, #7512); and Juynboll, ECH, 109, 498.

340 Q 2:187.

341 Q 2:187.

342 These wide-eyed virgins of Paradise are the “houris” referenced in Q 44:54, 52:20, 55:72, and 56:22.

343 Q 36:55.

344 On al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (d. 728), see Sezgin, GAS, 591–594; EI2 3:247–248.

345 This legend is not found in the canonical editions of the hadith but was most likely the product of an interpretation of Q 2:187 attributed to al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī. There is little reason to doubt that Ibn Rajāʾ is drawing from an Islamic source as other Christian apologists referenced this report as a carnal description of heaven.

346 The phrase means “until he died.”

347 Q 97:3–4.

348 The hadith is attributed to ʿĀʾisha as: “Most endearing to me in this world are women and perfume, but my solace lies in prayer.” For more on its appearances in Islamic sources, see Juynboll, ECH, 75.

349 Q 7:187.

350 Q 31:34.

351 On Abū ʿUbayda Maʿmar ibn al-Muthannā (d. 824), see EI2, 1:158.

352 For more on this hadith, see Juynboll, ECH, 28; and al-Tirmidhī, Jāmiʿ at-Tirmidhī, 4:299– 300 (Book 31, #2250–2251).

353 According to the Hijra calendar, 400 AH began in August 1009. This reference to four hundred years since the life of Muḥammad therefore suggests that Ibn Rajāʾ composed his work ca. 1009–1012 under the reign of the Fatimid caliph al-Ḥākim (d. 1021).

354 Q 24:32.

355 Q 24:32.

356 Q 6:160.

357 Q 34:37.

358 Q 2:132.

359 Q 2:133.

360 Q 3:67.

361 Q 22:78.

362 Q 5:111.

363 As a response to critiques, medieval Muslims interpreted the Qurʾan to indicate that all pre-Islamic biblical figures were Muslims or righteous Gentiles (ḥunafāʾ).

364 Q 6:14. 365 Q 6:145.

366 Q 5:48.

367 Q 10:84.

368 Q 7.

369 Q 7:155–156.

370 Ibn Rajāʾ contends that the Qurʾan recalls how Moses and the Israelites repented and asked God for forgiveness, and that in this context the Arabic words hudnā ilayka means that they turned to Judaism, and did not become Muslims, as suggested in other passages.

371 Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (d. 728); Sezgin, GAS, 591–594; EI2 3:247–248.

372 Muḥammad ibn Sīrīn (d. 728); Sezgin, gas, 633.

373 Abū al-ʿĀliya al-Riyāḥī (d. 708); Sezgin, GAS, 34; EI2, 1:104.

374 al-Badīʿ ibn al-Yusr (d. 712).

375 Abū al-Ḥajjāj Mujāhid ibn Jabr (d. 722) of Mecca was known for his use of Christian and Jewish sources for his commentary. See Sezgin, GAS, 29.

376 Abū Muḥammad ʿAṭāʾ ibn Abī Rabāḥ (d. ca. 732); Sezgin, GAS, 31; EI2, 1:730.

377 ʿAṭāʾ ibn Abī Muslim al-Khurāsānī (d. ca. 753/7); Sezgin, GAS, 33.

378 ʿAṭāʾ ibn Yasār al-Hilālī (d. 722); EI2, 4:369.

379 Q 113:1–4.

380 The interpretation of these people as sorcerers is confirmed in the commentary tradition such as in the analysis of Q 113:4 by al-Ṭabarī, Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī, 24:749–751.

381 This legend is found in a number of early Muslim commentaries on Q 113 and the hadith collections. See Juynboll, ECH, 198–200. According to Burman, Religious Polemic, 337: “The kernel of the story is that a Jew named Lubīd ibn al-Aʿṣām (or his daughters) once bewitched (saḥara) Muḥammad in a manner very similar to the one described here – including the use of needles and a well – and for this reason God revealed these two sūrahs, the reciting of which cured Muḥammad.”

382 For this account see al-Ṭabarī, The History of al-Ṭabarī, 8:124: “The Messenger of God said during the illness from which he died – the mother of Bishr b. al-Barāʾ had come in to visit him – ‘Umm Bishr, at this very moment I feel my aorta being severed because of the food I ate with your son at Khaybar’. The Muslims believed that in addition to the honor of prophethood that God had granted him the Messenger of God died a martyr.”

383 Q 41:42. Ibn Rajāʾ interprets this passage not in reference to scripture, as it appears, but to Muḥammad – falsehood cannot approach him from the front or back.

384 See Q 8:9: “When you appealed to your Lord for help, He answered you: ‘I will aid you with a thousand angels in a file’.” The canonical hadith and commentaries make the claim he was watched over by an angel in reference to Q 111. They also mention seventy thousand angels watching over the sick due to prayer. See Juynboll, ECH, 55.

Chapter 29475

 [220] On verses contradicting others and the hadith.

[221] He said to them in sura “The Cow”: “They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say: ‘In them is great sin, yet [some] benefits for the people’.”476 The word “gambling,” in their view, [refers to] “betting.” He said that alcohol is beneficial to people for diseases that afflict them, such as for treatments that they had no choice but to add wine to them. However, what is the point of gambling, that he gave you some license in it? How does gambling benefit bodies for medicine and treatments, such as alcohol’s benefit? This is stupidity and lack of discernment in one who would make gambling’s benefit equivalent to alcohol’s benefit.

[222] He said in sura “The Heights”: “Say: My Lord has indeed forbidden immoralities – what is apparent of them and what is concealed – and sin.”477 He taught them in his statement about alcohol and gambling that they are a sin and sin is forbidden. He said in sura “The Table”: “Rather, alcohol, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone altars, and divining arrows are defilement from Satan’s work, so avoid it.”478 So he taught them in what came prior in this sura that it is forbidden and he commanded them to avoid it.

[223] Then he said to them in sura “The Bees” what contradicts all of this. It is his statement: “And from the fruits of the palm trees and grapevines, you shall take an intoxicant and good provision.”479 So he praised alcohol to them in this sura and presented it as a good thing for them. He commanded them to make use of it because he said “you shall take” and this is a command. After he commanded them, then he said “an intoxicant and good provision.” But this contradicted what preceded about forbidding it for them. He said in sura “The Cattle” what proves to them that it is not forbidden, when he says: “Say: I do not find within that which was revealed to me [anything] forbidden to one who would eat it, unless it is carrion or blood or pork flesh – it is impure – or it is [slaughtered in] disobedience, without [invoking] God.”480 So he taught them that its taste was clearly permissible for the people, except for blood and carrion and pork flesh and whatever was sacrificed to something other than God [i.e., idol sacrifices]. [The term] “tasting,” in their view, includes eating and drinking. So he prohibited it for them in [some] places, and he permitted it for them in [other] places. This is a contradiction and a disagreement with that.

[224] You reported from ʿAbd Allāh ibn Masʿūd that he said: “I was with Muḥammad during some of his travels and the time of prayer came. He commanded me to bring him something to cleanse with. So I said: ‘Is alcohol [acceptable]?’ He replied: ‘Alcohol is good and water is pure’. So he used it to cleanse for prayer. Then I said to him: ‘What do you say about drinking it, God’s Messenger?’ He replied: ‘It is permitted and allowed; there is no problem with it, unless [drinking] leads you to mixing [with women] and reprehensible deeds’.”481

[225] You report from your prophet that he abluted and prayed with it. As for your ignorant ones, if one of them spills wine upon his clothing, it is not permitted for him to pray in it, until he would soak it with water.482 The most ignorant among them are not convinced by that demonstration or examining it in detail. They did not act according to the Qurʾan, nor in taking their prophet as an example in using [alcohol] to cleanse for prayer. Not all Muslims forbid alcohol. But Abū Ḥanīfa – and his name is al-Nuʿmān ibn Thābit483 – and he is the jurist of the Iraqi people, he did not forbid that as long as its drinker did not become drunk from it.484 As for drunkenness, it is forbidden according to him. This ruling is considered trustworthy and closer to hitting the mark than his opponents’ opinion.

[226] Following him about his ruling is Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan,485 and Abū Yūsuf al-Qādī,486 and Shurāḥbīl ibn Abī Yaman,487 and Sufyān al-Thawrī,488 and Sufyān ibn ʿUyayna,489 and Yaḥyā ibn Aktham al-Qāḍī,490 and Ḥammād ibn [Abī] Sulaymān,491 and al-Aʿmash,492 and Dāwūd ibn Abī Hind,493 and the rest of the Iraqi people, and whoever agrees with their rulings. It was reported from another source that ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb used to drink [alcohol] and he condoned whoever permitted its drinking using the verse which was mentioned in sura “The Bee”494 and the verse which is in sura “The Cattle.”495 The hadith and the previously mentioned [examples] were contradicted by what came after it, which was his statement: “Do not come to prayer when you are drunk until you know what you are saying.”496 This is a contradiction and an inconsistency, a verse is contradicted by logical analogy

475 This chapter is about alcohol and gambling in the Qurʾan and contends that Muslims apply inconsistent legal rulings regarding alcohol consumption. The fact that alcohol was being consumed by Muslims is assumed by Q 4:43 that forbids praying while drunk.

476 Q 2:219.

477 Q 7:33.

478 Q 5:90.

479 Q 16:67.

480 Q 6:145.

481 The source of this account, except for the final statement of permissibility for wine, is found in Ibn Mājah, Sunan Ibn Mâjah, 1:306–307 (Book 1, #384–385). There are other hadith accounts that wine can be mixed with water for ablutions prior to prayer. See for instance the examples in Abū Dāwūd, Sunan Abu Dawud, 1:71–72 (Book 1, Chapter 42 “Wuḍūʾ using al-Nabīdh,” #84, 86).

482 The rule that a Muslim should not pray in clothing that has been dirtied comes from a number of hadith accounts.

483 On Abū Ḥanīfa al-Nuʿmān ibn Thābit (d. 767), the founder of the Ḥanafī school, see Sezgin, GAS, 409–419; EI2, 1:123.

484 According to the Ḥanīfī school, alcohol derived from grapes or dates was forbidden. However, alcohol from other sources such as honey, barley, wheat, or millet would be acceptable since they are not khamr or nabīdh. Even wine (nabīdh) was permitted for medical necessity. Clearly this understanding was exercised at the time at which Ibn Rajāʾ was writing and continues to be a point of dispute even today among Muslims. See “Khamr,” EI2 4:994–996.

485 Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Shaybānī (d. 805); Sezgin, GAS, 421–433.

486 Abū Yūsuf al-Qādī (d. 798); Sezgin, GAS, 419–421.

487 Shurāḥbīl ibn Abī Yaman (d. 741); Sezgin, GAS, 279.

488 On Sufyān al-Thawrī, see Sezgin, GAS, 518–519; EI2, 9:770.

489 On Sufyān ibn ʿUyayna, see Sezgin, GAS, 96; EI2, 9:772.

490 On Yaḥyā ibn Aktham al-Qādī (d. 857), see Wafik Nasry,“Abū Qurrah, al-Maʾmūn and Yaḥyā ibn al-Aktham,” Parole de l’Orient 32 (2007): 285–290.

491 Ḥammād ibn Abī Sulaymān (d. 738); Sezgin, GAS, 404–405.

492 Sulaymān ibn Mihrān al-Asadī al-Aʿmash (d. 765); ei2, 1:431. 493 Dāwūd ibn Abī Hind (d. 754/5 or 756/7); EI2, 1:104. 494 Q 16:67.

495 Q 6:145.

496 Q 4:43.

[An Addition]

[251] “Verses contradicted by other verses” was found at the end of that [work].

[252] He said in sura “Mary” – and it [begins] “kāf, haʾ, yāʾ, ʿayn, ṣād” – “When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be’, and it is.”514 Then they came up with its opposite; they said: “God has set a seal upon their hearts.”515 In addition: “We have placed over their hearts coverings, lest they understand it.”516 Their claim is that they only worship him and between [this statement and] his setting a seal upon their hearts, there is a great inconsistency. In addition, “They say: God has taken a son. Exalted is He! Rather, to Him belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him.”517 Then they came up with what contradicted that, since they said they strayed from their way: “Perish the man; how unbelieving is he.”518 So where did the straying and the unbelief come from, if all of them were devoutly obedient to Him? Verses are contradicted by other verses.

[253] They said: “And the soul and He who proportioned it, and inspired it to its wickedness and its righteousness,” in sura “The Sun.”519 In addition: “Whoever God guides – he is the guided; and whoever He sends astray – it is those who are the losers.”520 In addition: “Whoever God sends astray – there is no guide for him. And He leaves them in their transgression, wandering blindly.”521 In addition: “He guides whoever He wills and He leads astray whoever He wills.”522 In addition: “And if We had willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the word from Me will come into effect, [that]I will surely fill Gehenna with jinn and people all together.”523 So this tells that He is the one who inspired them to wickedness and righteousness, and He is the one who leads them astray and He is the one who guides and that if He [only] wants, then He guides.

[254] Praise is due to Him, glory forever, Amen.

The Exposer’s Book in Truth and its testimony is finished and completed. Many thanks be to God, the possessor of might and power, forever and ever unto the ages of ages. Amen, Amen, Amen.

514 Q 19:35.

515 Q 2:7.

516 Q 18:57.

517 Q 2:116.

518 Q 80:17.

519 Q 91:7–8.

520 Q 7:178. 521 Q 7:186.

522 Q 35:8; however, this citation reverses the phrasing of Q 35:8.

523 Q 32:13.


Logical Consistency (no contradictions within the Qur’an).




The Sirah and Ahadith: The Foundation of the Quran

The Manifold Contradictions of the Quran

A Quran Blunder: The Days and Order of Creation

Allah, Adam, and the Angels

Allah’s Violation of His Own Teachings Pt. 1

Is Satan an angel or a jinn?

Does Allah command to do evil? 

Quran Inconsistency: Does Allah sanction and permit lust or not?

Who Was the First Muslim? 

Will people stay in Hell forever, or not?

Will all Muslims go to Hell?


To Intercede or Not To Intercede? – That is the Question! 

How the Islamic Doctrine of Intercession undermines Allah’s Omniscience

Abrogated Verses Of the Quran

Abrogation in the Koran

The Problem of Abrogation in the Quran

Abolishing what Satan proposes? — A Fresh Look at the Reason for Abrogation in the Quran

Muhammad and the Splitting of the Moon

A Coptic Convert Exposes Muhammad Pt. 1

Bulus Ibn Raja (nicknamed al-Wadih [“the Clarifier”]) was a Muslim convert to Christianity and became a Coptic monk. Ibn Raja, who born 950s and died after 1009 AD, wrote a scathing book exposing Muhammad and refuting Islam, titled Kitāb al-wāḍiḥ bi-l-ḥaqq (Arabic: كتاب الواضح بالحق), known in Latin as the Liber denudationis (lit. ’Book of Denuding’).

What makes Ibn Raja’s refutation so remarkable is that he employs the very same Quranic texts, ahadith and objections which Christian apologists employ till this very day. Ibn Raja’s polemic illustrate the old adage that there truly is nothing new under the sun.

In this post I will be excerpting the segment of Ibn Raja’s appeal to the Quran in defense of the preservation of the Torah and the Gospel. I will be citing from David Bertaina’s translation titled Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ The Fatimid Egyptian Convert Who Shaped Christian Views of Islam (Arabic Christianity: Texts and Studies, 4) (English and Arabic Edition), published by Brill in 2022, pp. 113-121. All emphasis will be mine.

Chapter 2

[16] The refutation against whoever says that the Torah and the Gospel have been altered.35

[17] Suppose someone says: “Moses brought news about him in the Torah, and Christ brought news about him in the Gospel, but you altered the Gospel and corrupted it, and likewise the Jews altered the Torah and changed it.”36 We answer them about that saying to them: “When do you claim the Torah and the Gospel were altered?”

[18] Now if one of them says: “The Torah was altered after Moses’ death and the Gospel after Christ’s ascension,” then this is the Qurʾan’s answer which annuls it clearly, because it claims about God that he said in the Qurʾan in sura “Jonah”: “If you are in doubt about what we have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you.”37 If what he says about altering the Torah and the Gospel is true – and they are lies – then he has brought an accusation against God for commanding [Muḥammad] to ask the liars. How can those intellectuals not comprehend this clear impossibility! For he claims that God informed him that the Torah had been altered after Moses and likewise the Gospel, and they are lies. Then after that he brought an accusation against God for commanding [Muḥammad] that if he was in doubt about what He revealed to him, [then] he should ask those who were reading the Scripture before him, and they are the Christians and the Jews. How can it be that, according to him, they are liars at the beginning of the conversation and they are telling the truth at the end of the conversation!

[19] How can one who proclaims prophethood express doubt in God with these false assertions which he claims, since he says: “I am the master of the children of Adam, among the prophets and martyrs and the righteous.”38 And were it not for him, “God would not have created the Heavens or the earth or anything between them.”39 What was added to his claims was that he ascended to seven Heavens, [and the distance] between each Heaven was a five-hundred year march.40 He saw some of the miracles in it, which I will mention in my book in another place, God willing. How can [Muḥammad], who was in this glorious state, and the angels and the messengers appeared to him, and he spoke to God directly, and [God] put his hand between his shoulders until [Muḥammad] felt its coolness in his chest41 – according to his impossible allegation – have had doubts about God? If he did not believe all of this, and his soul was not comforted until God commanded him to ask the liars to remove his doubts at that time, then this is weakness and ignorance. If these [Jews and Christians] were not liars but they were telling the truth, and it was for their sincerity that [God] commanded him to ask them so it would strengthen his weak soul at that time, then why did he associate them with lying and [claim] that they altered what they embrace from the Torah and the Gospel?

[20] There is a proof even better than this which demonstrates the confusion of his claims, where it says in sura “The Table”42 that the Jews appealed to him for a legal decision. That matter was before Abū Hurayra43 – whose name was ʿAbd Shams or it is said ʿAbd Nahm44 or it is said “Grasshopper” – whom Muḥammad appointed to judge between the people. So the Jews opposing each other came to him. He said: “I cannot judge between you until I ask Muḥammad,” so he went to him. Then he said to him: “The Jews have come as litigants and I will not judge between them without your permission.” He said to him: “God has revealed to me in sura “The Table” concerning the Jews, saying, ‘If they come to you, then judge between them or turn away from them. If you turn away from them, they will never harm you at all. If you judge between them, judge with equity, for God loves those who act with equity. How can they ask you for judgment when they have the Torah and God’s judgment is in it?’”45 Muḥammad had already testified to that, namely that the Torah had God’s judgment in his time and that it was not altered. So if you claim that it was altered after Moses’ death, then you have made God into a liar in his words. It already mentioned in Muḥammad’s time that [the Torah] contains God’s judgment as well. So now, your claim that the Torah and the Gospel are altered is invalidated.

[21] Another proof is where it says in surat “al-Ḥijr”: “It is we who revealed the reminder and we will indeed be its guardian.”46 For you, the Torah and the Gospel are the revealed reminder.47 If that has been altered, then it has nullified God’s protection for them. You made a liar of God in his statement, “We will indeed be its guardian.”48 If that [Scripture] was not altered, and you returned to the truth and would yield to it, then [you would acknowledge that] we did not find any mention of your companion in it nor that which can establish the proof of his prophethood or anything else; only what our Lord Christ says in the pure Gospel, where he says: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their actions.”49 The exalted and elevated one also said in the Gospel that on the Day of Resurrection, the false prophets will say to him: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name?” Then he will declare to them, “Truly I tell you, I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.”50 And he said – exalted be his name – in another place: “Do not follow the religion of the Ḥunafāʾ51 and do not enter the cities of the Samaritans.” He told us that the religion of the Ḥunafāʾ is like the Samaritans’ religion, and he told us to be wary of the religion of the Ḥunafāʾ just as he told us to be wary of the Samaritans’ and Jews’ religions.

[22] Adding to that, he told us that John the son of Zechariah was the seal of the prophets.52 There is no prophet after him, because the prophets are twenty-four in number, the first of them was Moses and the last of them was John the son of Zechariah. Some of these prophets talked to God directly, and some of them received [God’s message] through his pure angels, and some of them spoke through the Holy Spirit. They foretold the incarnation of our Lord Christ from the pure Virgin, and her pregnancy with him and her birth-giving and his life with the people, and what happened to him from his enemies the accursed Jews, from his crucifixion and his death and his piercing and his burial and his resurrection and his ascension. Every one of them foretold what God favored him with, which was perfectly complete, and they did not contradict one another. The blessed and exalted one accomplished these things one after another in order to fulfill all of the prophecies.

[23] An example of that is if a king wanted to march, his troops would go before him. So they would announce that the king is going to come after them. When they march all together, the king would come after them and confirm that their statement was true. In the same fashion, all the prophets prophesied about our Lord Christ. Then he came after them so he confirmed their prophecies. Then the prophecies ceased after him. No prophet will appear with a sign or a proof except for the false prophets about whom our Lord Christ informed us.

35 This verse and the theme of corruption (taḥrīf) became part of an extensive discussion in the hadith and fiqh literature on the permissibility of consulting the People of the Book regarding their sources, doctrines, and laws.

36 The Islamic claim that the Bible originally had references to Muḥammad which Jews and Christians subsequently altered in their texts is found in places such as Q 61:6 and Q 26:196–197. Muslims believed Muḥammad was referred to as the prophet in Deuteronomy 18:15, the camel rider in Isaiah 21:7, and the Advocate/Paraclete mentioned in John 14–16.

37 Q 10:94. Throughout the treatise, Ibn Rajāʾ uses the first line of a sura for its title.

38 This reference is based upon a hadith on the authority of Abū Hurayra on the virtues of Muḥammad: “I will be the leader of the sons of Adam on the Day of Resurrection.” See the Arabic text and English translation in Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj al-Qushayrī, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim: English Translation of Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, 7 vols., ed. Abū Ṭāhir Zubayr ʿAlī Zaʾī, Nasiruddin Khattab, Huda Khattab, and Abū Khalīl (Riyadh: Darussalam, 2007), 6:134 (Book 43, #5940). The hadith is also found in the collection (Arabic text and English translation) of Abū Dāwūd, English Translation of Sunan Abu Dawud, 5 vols., ed. Abū Ṭāhir Zubayr ʿAlī Zaʾī (Riyadh: Darussalam, 2008), 5:195 (Book 39 #4673).

39 Q 32:4.

40 The scribe notes that this incident is alluded to in al-Mirāj Q 17:1. This topic is analyzed in chapter 30 later.

41 He is referring to a hadith relating a dream Muḥammad had in which this event took place, according to Ibn ʿAbbās. See al-Tirmidhī, Jāmiʿ at-Tirmidhī, 5:540–541 (Book 44, #3233). See also the text and translation in Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal, English Translation of Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, 3 vols., ed. Nasiruddin Khattab and Huda Khattab (Riyadh: Darussalam, 2012), 3:238–239 (#3484).

42 Q 5.

43 On Abū Hurayra al-Dawsī (d. 678/681), see EI2, 1:129.

44 Both manuscripts give his nickname as ʿAbd al-Fahm, or “Servant of Understanding.”

45 Q 5:42–43.

46 Q 15:9.

47 The title of al-dhikr given to earlier scriptures such as the Torah and Gospel as a “recollection” or “remembrance” that the Qurʾan recalls in its verses is well known. See for instance Griffith, The Bible in Arabic, 54–96.

48 The Latin version also adds: “Therefore God always preserved the testimony of His scripture among His faithful before Muḥammad and will preserve it incorrupt after. Indeed how could the Christians and the Jews, who oppose each other in the extreme – both the former and the latter – everywhere have falsified their holy scripture in the same way (and these falsifiers before God stand in the hatred of Muḥammad), while dispersed throughout the world by the decree of the centuries? For either this happened secretly, and some codex would have remained intact, or it was publicly well-known, and these things would not have been concealed from the histories of the nations.” See Burman, Religious Polemic, 254–257.

49 Matthew 7:15.

50 Matthew 7:22–23.

51 Matthew 10:5. The Arabic word ḥunafāʾ has a double meaning here. It refers to pagan religions of the ancient gentiles, but also refers in coded terms to Muslims.

52 Note that Ibn Rajāʾ appropriates this Islamic title for Muḥammad (khātam al-anbiyāʾ) for use in his Christian theological argument.

Here are the passages which Ibn Raja cites to show how the Quran confirms the textual incorruptibility and authority of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures:

Listeners for the sake of falsehood! Greedy for illicit gain! If then they have recourse unto thee (Muhammad) judge between them or disclaim jurisdiction. If thou disclaimest jurisdiction, then they cannot harm thee at all. But if thou judgest, judge between them with equity. Lo! Allah loveth the equitable. How come they unto thee for judgment when they have the Torah, wherein Allah hath delivered judgment (for them)? Yet even after that they turn away. Such (folk) are not believers. Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light, by which the prophets who surrendered (unto Allah) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and the priests (judged) by such of Allah’s Scripture as they were bidden to observe, and thereunto were they witnesses. So fear not mankind, but fear Me. And barter not My revelations for a little gain. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are disbelievers. And We prescribed for them therein: The life for the life, and the eye for the eye, and the nose for the nose, and the ear for the ear, and the tooth for the tooth, and for wounds retaliation. But whoso forgoeth it (in the way of charity) it shall be expiation for him. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are wrong-doers.

And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, confirming that which was (revealed) before him in the Torah, and We bestowed on him the Gospel wherein is guidance and a light, confirming that which was (revealed) before it in the Torah – a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil). Let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah hath revealed therein. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are evil-livers.

And unto thee have We revealed the Scripture with the truth, confirming whatever Scripture was before it, and a watcher over it. So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires away from the truth which hath come unto thee. For each We have appointed a divine law and a traced-out way. Had Allah willed He could have made you one community. But that He may try you by that which He hath given you (He hath made you as ye are). So vie one with another in good works. Unto Allah ye will all return, and He will then inform you of that wherein ye differ. S. 5:43-48

And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those who read the Scripture (that was) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers. S. 10:94

Lo! We, even We, reveal the Reminder, and lo! We verily are its Guardian. S. 15:9

And here all the places where the Holy Bible is called the reminder (al-dhikr):

And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee other than men whom We inspired – Ask the followers of the Remembrance if ye know not! – S. 16:43

And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee other than men, whom We inspired. Ask the followers of the Reminder if ye know not? S. 21:7

And verily we have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder: My righteous slaves will inherit the earth: S. 21:105

And We verily gave Moses the guidance, and We caused the Children of Israel to inherit the Scripture, A guide and a reminder for men of understanding. S. 40:53-54

All quranic citations are taken from Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall’s version.

I have more from Ibn Rajal in the next part: A Coptic Convert Exposes Muhammad Pt. 2.


What the Qur’an says about the Bible (overview page)

The meaning and implications of Sura 10:94 and Sura 15:9

Muhammad the compromiser and doubter

Muhammad the Compromiser and Doubter 

Sura 10:94 and Muhammad’s doubts 

Does the Quran confirm the Bible and the Canonical Gospels?

The Quran’s Confirmation of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures

Does Taurat Refer Only to the Revelation Given to Moses?

The Muhammadan Fraud That Was Ahmed Deedat: Which Bible?




Refuting One Muhammadan’s Rabbit Trails





A Docile Beast Falsifies the Quran: How A Sheep Trumped Allah and His “Messenger”!

The Hadith of the Goat and Adult Suckling


According to Sunni Islam, the Quran is believed to be one of the attributes (sifaat) of Allah, being the speech of Allah (kalamullah). Sunnis reason from this fact, since the attributes of Allah are not created, the Quran is, therefore, uncreated.

On the other hand, there have been other Islamic groups (such as the Shia) that reject this assertion, arguing, instead, that the Quran is a part of creation. They argue that the Quran was brought into existence, and therefore has a beginning.   

The evidence of the Quran itself supports the latter position, since we find plentiful verses which speak of Allah making or creating the Muslim scripture.

Note, for instance, the following ayat:

We have made it (jaalnahu) a Qur’an in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand (and learn wisdom). S. 43:3 Y. Ali

Here’s how one lexicon defines the verb jaal:

Jiim-Ayn-Lam = He made a thing, he created/brought into being/existence. He made to be/become/constitute. He made to be in a altered state/condition. He pronounced a thing by a true judgement/decision/legal ordinance, his judgement. Described them as females, pronounced them to be females, He made known/plain, He exalted/ennobled/called/named (as in a nation) He inserted a thing into a thing (Ex: They put their fingers into their ears) He put into the heart/mind, He appointed/assigned/stipulated to give wages/pay/stipend. He set about/began/commenced/commenced/took to/betook himself to, doing such a thing; He persisted, a piece of rag with which a cooking pot is put down from the fire, short palm trees/shoots/offsets. (Project Roots List http://www.studyquran.co.uk/10_JIIM.htm; emphasis mine)

In fact, this specific Arabic term is used synonymously and/or interchangeably with the verb for create, khalaq, just as we see in the case of the next verse:  

Praise be God, Who created (khalaqa) the heavens and the earth, and made (wa’jaala) the darkness and the light. Yet those who reject Faith hold (others) as equal, with their Guardian-Lord. S. 6:1 Y. Ali  

Therefore, the Islamic text itself states plainly that it is something which Allah created/made. Nor is this the only place where it states this:

And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made (jaalnahu) the (Qur’an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily thou dost guide (men) to the Straight Way, – S. 42:52 Y. Ali

Elsewhere, the Quran speaks of Allah making it a clear revelation:

Alif Lam Ra (This is) a Book, whose verses are made decisive (ohkimat), then are they made plain (thumma fussilat), from the Wise, All-aware: S. 11:1 Shakir

So have We made (yassarnahu) the (Qur’an) easy in thine own tongue, that with it thou mayest give Glad Tidings to the righteous, and warnings to people given to contention. S. 19:97 Y. Ali

A Book of which the verses are made plain (fussilat), an Arabic Quran for a people who know: S. 41:3 Shakir

And if WE had made it (jaalnahu) a Qur’an in a foreign tongue, they, surely, would have said, `Why have not its verses been made clear (fussilat)? What! a foreign tongue and an Arab Prophet?’ Say, `It is a guidance and a healing for those who believe.’ But as to those who believe not, there is a deafness in their ears and to them it is blindness. They are, as it were, being called from a far-off place.  S. 41:44 Sher Ali

And We have indeed made (yassarna) the Qur’an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? S. 54:17 Y. Ali

The question that arises is, how can an uncreated word/revelation be made anything? For it to be made into something implies that it didn’t always exist in that condition, and, therefore, cannot be without a beginning.

To make matters worse, the Muslim scripture speaks of that which existed before it:

Thus do We relate to thee some stories of what happened before: for We have sent thee a Message from Our own Presence. S. 20:99 Y. Ali

We did indeed aforetime give the Book to Moses: be not then in doubt of its reaching (thee): and We made it (wa’jaalnahu) a guide to the Children of Israel. S. 32:23 Y. Ali

Note how the same verb jaal is employed for the composition/compilation of the revelation give to/through Moses.


The Unbelievers say of those who believe: “If (this Message) were a good thing, (such men) would not have gone to it first, before us!” And seeing that they guide not themselves thereby, they will say, “this is an (old,) falsehood!” And before this (qablihi), was the Book of Moses as a guide and a mercy: And this Book confirms (it) in the Arabic tongue; to admonish the unjust, and as Glad Tidings to those who do right. S. 46:11-12 Y. Ali

Again, there can be no “before” when speaking of an uncreated reality/entity. Thus, if the Quran were beginningless then there could be nothing that was before it, since it would atemporal, i.e., without any temporality/time.

These are just some of the many texts which show that, contrary to Sunni beliefs, the Muslim “revelation” is not an uncreated attribute of the Islamic deity.




The Quran As A Model For the Incarnation and Hypostatic Union Pt. 1

Revisiting The Issue of the Uncreated Quran Pt. 1





A Critique of Shabir Ally’s Debate Tactics Pt. 2aPt. 2b


In this post I will be quoting from a monumental work titled The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary (SQ), produced by a team of credentialed and bonafide Muslim scholars from various academic backgrounds. It was published by HarperOne published in 2015, and its editor-in-chief is renowned Muslim philosopher and Sufi scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr.

I cite this work in order to show what this team of Muslim scholars/theologians say in regards to the Gospel, which the Quran states was in the possession of the Christians of Muhammad’s day. Bold emphasis will be mine.

Q. 5:66

66 This is one of several verses in this sūrah indicating the importance of Jews and Christians following their own scriptures (see also vv. 44, 47, 68) and suggesting that these scriptures remain a source of spiritual nourishment. “Observing” the Torah and Gospel is understood by some commentators in a limited sense to mean merely upholding the covenant with God established in those scriptures in a general way, which would not preclude Jews and Christians from following the Prophet— indeed, according to some, it would require them to follow the Prophet Muhammad, whom the Quran indicates was inscribed in the Torah and Gospel (R; see 7:157; 61:6). It can also be understood as enjoining them to continue to uphold the rituals and laws prescribed in these scriptures (R) in keeping with the statement in v. 48 that God had prescribed a law and a way for every religious community. Yet, the verse also requires them to observe that which was sent down to them from their Lord. This is understood by many early commentators as referring to the Quran (Q, Ṭ), although some have thought it might be a reference to certain prophetic books, such as the book of Daniel, found in the Hebrew scriptures, but outside of the Torah narrowly defined (Q, R).

For the People of the Book to observe both their own Scriptures and the Quran means, according to some commentators, that Jews and Christians should follow those teachings in the Torah and the Gospel that were either endorsed by the Quran or at least not declared false in it (Ṭ). Had they done this, they would surely have received nourishment from above them and from beneath their feet

68 As in v. 66, this verse reiterates the importance of Jews and Christians observing both their own scriptures, the Torah and the Gospel, and that which has been sent down unto you from your Lord, which most commentators understand to mean the Quranic message brought by the Prophet (see 5:66; 5:66c). The idea that many of the People of the Book will be increased in rebellion and disbelief echoes v. 64, which indicates that that which has been sent down unto the Prophet will increase some of the People of the Book in “rebellion and disbelief” (see 5:64; 5:64c). Here, as elsewhere, the Prophet is told to grieve not for those who are unresponsive to the Divine message (cf. 5:26; 27:70). Some connect this verse to the injunction to the Prophet in the previous verse to convey that which has been sent down to him, indicating that this message to the People of the Book to follow their own scriptures as well as the Quran was what the Prophet had hesitated or feared to convey (R, Ṭ).

Another reputable Quranic translator, the late Abdullah Yusuf Ali, also pointed to the current New Testament, specifically John’s Gospel, as foretelling Muhammad’s coming:

In this verse is a prefiguring, to Moses, of the Arabian Messenger, the last and greatest of the messengers of Allah. Prophecies about him will be found in the Taurat and the Injil. In the reflex of the Taurat as now accepted by the Jews, Moses says: “The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me” (Deut. xviii. 15): the only Prophet who brought a Shari’at like that of Moses was Muhammad Al- Mustafa, and he came of the house of Ismail the brother of Isaac the father of Israel. In the reflex of the Gospel as now accepted by the Christians, Christ promised another Comforter (John xiv. 16): the Greek word Paraclete which the Christians interpret as referring to the Holy Spirit is by our Doctors taken to be Periclyte, which would be the Greek form of Ahmad. See Q. lxi. 6. (Footnote: 1127 https://www.alim.org/translation/yusuf-ali/7/)

Q. 7:157

The Prophet is also said here to be inscribed in the Torah and the Gospel, meaning for most commentators that the qualities that identify and describe him as a prophet are mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel (Ṭ). See 61:6, where Jesus says that he brings glad tidings of a Messenger to come after him whose name is Aḥmad — Aḥmad is one of the most often used names of the Prophet in the Islamic tradition (see 61:6c). According to a ḥadīth, the Prophet was described in the Torah with some of the same qualities attributed to him in the Quran, including that he is a giver of glad tidings and a warner, that he does not do evil to those who do evil to him, that he is kind and forgiving, that he is not rude or loud in the marketplace, and that he is a guardian for the unlettered (ummiyūn), here probably referring to the Arabs. The ḥadīth goes on to say that he will cause even those who are astray to utter, “There is no god but God,” and hence open eyes, ears, and hearts (Q, Ṭ). Some commentators mention particular statements in the Torah and Gospel that were interpreted by Muslims as references to the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, including prophecies about the descendants of Ishmael in Genesis 16– 17 and Jesus’ reference to a spiritual “comforter,” the “Paraclete” (Fāraqlīṭ, which was understood to mean Aḥmad), who would come after him and “will speak whatever he hears” (John 16:7–14; Ṭ s).

Q. 61:6

6 A function of every Divine messenger is to confirm the revelations that have come before; thus 6:92 says of the Quran, This is a blessed Book that We have sent down, confirming that which came before it (cf. 35:31; 46:30). That the prophets would confirm one another is said to be part of the primordial covenant that they made with God in 3:81 and 33:7. The prophets’ confirmation of other messengers is also understood to refer to those who would follow them in time, and several verses are interpreted as references to the mention of the Prophet Muhammad in the Old and New Testaments (see 7:157c). The name Aḥmad means “most praised”; it derives from the same root as Muhammad— ḥ-md — and has long been recognized by Muslims as one of the many honorific names given to the Prophet by God Himself. This is based upon a saying of the Prophet: “I have several names: I am Muhammad; I am Aḥmad; I am al-Māḥī (the Effacer) by means of whom God eliminates unbelief.” Many other aḥadīth simply refer to the Prophet as Aḥmad.

Some Muslims have likened Jesus’ reference to Aḥmad here in the Quran to the reference to the Paraclete (Gk. Paraklētos) or Advocate of whom Jesus speaks in the Gospel of John 14:15– 16: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever” (see also John 16:7– 14; Āl, R). Such an interpretation is, however, complicated by the next verse, 14:17, where the Advocate or Paraclete is said to be “the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you,” and by 14:26, where the Advocate is again equated with the Holy Spirit.


The scholars of the SQ realize that the only way to take seriously the Quran’s statements in respect to the existence of the Torah and the Gospel at Muhammad’s time is to presume that these terms refer to the Old and New Testaments respectively. At the very least, the Gospel mentioned cannot refer to anything other than the canonical Gospels, such the Gospel of John.

This, therefore, confirms that the author(s) and/or editor(s) of the Muslim scripture had the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in view, since these were the only sacred texts that the Jews and Christians had in their possessions during the reported lifetime of Muhammad.


Let the Study Quran Speak! Pt. 1, Pt. 1b, Pt. 2


What the Qur’an says about the Bible (overview page)

Does the Holy Bible Call Itself the Holy Bible?

Does the Holy Bible claim to be the inspired Word of God?

Does the Quran confirm the Bible and the Canonical Gospels?

The Quran’s Confirmation of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures

Does Taurat Refer Only to the Revelation Given to Moses?

The Greek Quran Confirms That Allah Revealed the Holy Bible

The Muhammadan Fraud That Was Ahmed Deedat: Which Bible?




Refuting One Muhammadan’s Rabbit Trails